use of com.emc.storageos.volumecontroller.impl.smis.job.SmisCreateCGCloneJob in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class VmaxCloneOperations method createGroupClone.
* Should implement create of a clone from a source volume that is part of a
* consistency group.
* Implementation note: In this method we will kick of the asynchronous creation
* of the target devices required for the CG clones. Upon the successful
* device creation, the post operations will take place, which will include the
* creation of the target group and the group clone operation.
* @param storage [required] - StorageSystem object representing the array
* @param cloneList [required] - clone URI list
* @param createInactive whether the clone needs to to be created with sync_active=true/false
* @param taskCompleter - TaskCompleter object used for the updating operation status.
* @throws DeviceControllerException
public void createGroupClone(StorageSystem storage, List<URI> cloneList, Boolean createInactive, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) {"START create group clone operation");
// Target group CIM Path
CIMObjectPath targetGroupPath = null;
// List of target device ids
List<String> targetDeviceIds = null;
// The source consistency group name
String sourceGroupName = null;
try {
final Volume first = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, cloneList.get(0));
Volume sourceVolume = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, first.getAssociatedSourceVolume());
sourceGroupName = ConsistencyGroupUtils.getSourceConsistencyGroupName(sourceVolume, _dbClient);
URI tenant = sourceVolume.getTenant().getURI();
TenantOrg tenantOrg = _dbClient.queryObject(TenantOrg.class, tenant);
String targetGroupLabel = generateLabel(tenantOrg, sourceVolume);
// CTRL-5640: ReplicationGroup may not be accessible after provider fail-over.
ReplicationUtils.checkReplicationGroupAccessibleOrFail(storage, sourceVolume, _dbClient, _helper, _cimPath);
final Map<String, List<Volume>> clonesBySizeMap = new HashMap<String, List<Volume>>();
List<Volume> clones = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, cloneList);
// created separately before 'CreateGroupReplica' call.
if (storage.checkIfVmax3() || !storage.getUsingSmis80()) {
targetDeviceIds = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Volume clone : clones) {
final URI poolId = clone.getPool();
Volume source = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, clone.getAssociatedSourceVolume());
// Create target devices
final List<String> newDeviceIds = ReplicationUtils.createTargetDevices(storage, sourceGroupName, clone.getLabel(), createInactive, 1, poolId, clone.getCapacity(), source.getThinlyProvisioned(), source, taskCompleter, _dbClient, _helper, _cimPath);
// Create target device group
targetGroupPath = ReplicationUtils.createTargetDeviceGroup(storage, sourceGroupName, targetDeviceIds, taskCompleter, _dbClient, _helper, _cimPath, SYNC_TYPE.CLONE);
// Create CG clone
CIMObjectPath job = VmaxGroupOperationsUtils.internalCreateGroupReplica(storage, sourceGroupName, targetGroupLabel, targetGroupPath, createInactive, taskCompleter, SYNC_TYPE.CLONE, _dbClient, _helper, _cimPath);
if (job != null) {
ControllerServiceImpl.enqueueJob(new QueueJob(new SmisCreateCGCloneJob(job, storage.getId(), !createInactive, taskCompleter)));
} catch (Exception e) {
final String errMsg = format("An exception occurred when trying to create clones for consistency group {0} on storage system {1}", sourceGroupName, storage.getId());
_log.error(errMsg, e);
// Roll back changes
ReplicationUtils.rollbackCreateReplica(storage, targetGroupPath, targetDeviceIds, taskCompleter, _dbClient, _helper, _cimPath);
List<Volume> clones = _dbClient.queryObject(Volume.class, cloneList);
for (Volume clone : clones) {
ServiceError error = DeviceControllerErrors.smis.methodFailed("createGroupClones", e.getMessage());
taskCompleter.error(_dbClient, error);