use of com.emc.storageos.xiv.api.XIVRestClient.HOST_STATUS in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XIVRestOperationsHelper method isClusteredHostOnArray.
* Validates if the given Host name is identified as Clustered host with respect to XIV
* @param storage
* XIV storage system
* @param hostName
* Host name to ve validated
* @return true if the host is part of Cluster. Else false.
private boolean isClusteredHostOnArray(StorageSystem storage, String hostName) {
boolean isClusteredHost = false;
XIVRestClient restExportOpr = getRestClient(storage);
if (null != restExportOpr && null != hostName) {
HOST_STATUS hostStatus = null;
try {
hostStatus = restExportOpr.getHostStatus(storage.getSmisProviderIP(), hostName);
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Unable to validate host {} information on array : {} ", hostName, storage.getLabel(), e);
if (null != hostStatus) {
if (HOST_STATUS.HOST_NOT_PRESENT.equals(hostStatus)) {"Host {} not present on Array {}. Creating a new instance!", hostName, storage.getLabel());
isClusteredHost = true;
} else if (HOST_STATUS.CLUSTER_HOST.equals(hostStatus)) {"Identified Host {} as a Clustered Host on Array {}.", hostName, storage.getLabel());
isClusteredHost = true;
} else if (HOST_STATUS.STANDALONE_HOST.equals(hostStatus)) {"Host {} identified as a Standalone host on Array {}. Using SMIS for provisioning!", hostName, storage.getLabel());
isClusteredHost = false;
return isClusteredHost;