use of com.emc.storageos.xtremio.restapi.model.response.XtremIOInitiatorGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XtremIOV1Client method getInitiatorGroup.
public XtremIOInitiatorGroup getInitiatorGroup(String initiatorGroupName, String clusterName) throws Exception {
try {
String uriStr = XtremIOConstants.XTREMIO_INITIATOR_GROUPS_STR.concat(XtremIOConstants.getInputNameString(initiatorGroupName));
ClientResponse response = get(URI.create(uriStr));
XtremIOInitiatorGroups igGroups = getResponseObject(XtremIOInitiatorGroups.class, response);
XtremIOInitiatorGroup igGroup = igGroups.getContent();;
return igGroup;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (null != e.getMessage() && !e.getMessage().contains(XtremIOConstants.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND)) {
throw e;
} else {
log.warn("Initiator group {} not found on cluster {}", initiatorGroupName, clusterName);
}"Initiator Group not registered on Array with name : {}", initiatorGroupName);
return null;
use of com.emc.storageos.xtremio.restapi.model.response.XtremIOInitiatorGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XtremIOArrayAffinityDiscoverer method getMaskTypeForHost.
* Identifies the mask type (Host/Cluster) for the given host's IGs.
* @param xtremIOClient - xtremio client
* @param xioClusterName - xio cluster name
* @param groupInitiatorsByIG - IG name to initiators map
* @param igNameToHostsMap - IG name to hosts map
* @param hostIGNames - host to IG names map
* @param volumeNames - volume names for the host
* @return the mask type for host
* @throws Exception
private String getMaskTypeForHost(XtremIOClient xtremIOClient, String xioClusterName, ArrayListMultimap<String, Initiator> groupInitiatorsByIG, Map<String, Set<String>> igNameToHostsMap, Set<String> hostIGNames, Set<String> volumeNames) throws Exception {
log.debug("Finding out mask type for the host");
* 1. If any of the host's IG has initiators other than host's initiators, then cluster type. Otherwise, exclusive type.
* 2. Further check: Get Lun mappings from host's volumes, get IG names from each Lun mapping,
* - if volumes are shared with more than the host's IGs, it means it is a shared volume.
String maskType =;
for (String igName : hostIGNames) {
XtremIOInitiatorGroup xioIG = xtremIOClient.getInitiatorGroup(igName, xioClusterName);
if (Integer.parseInt(xioIG.getNumberOfInitiators()) > groupInitiatorsByIG.get(igName).size() || (igNameToHostsMap != null && igNameToHostsMap.get(igName) != null && igNameToHostsMap.get(igName).size() > 1)) {
maskType =;"This Host has volume(s) shared with multiple hosts");
if (! {
Set<String> volumeIGNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (String volumeName : volumeNames) {
XtremIOVolume xioVolume = xtremIOClient.getVolumeDetails(volumeName, xioClusterName);
for (List<Object> lunMapEntries : xioVolume.getLunMaps()) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> igDetails = (List<Object>) lunMapEntries.get(0);
if (null == igDetails.get(1)) {
log.warn("IG Name is null in returned lun map response for volume {}", volumeName);
String volumeIGName = (String) igDetails.get(1);
}"Host IG names: {}, Volumes IG names: {}", hostIGNames, volumeIGNames);
if (!volumeIGNames.isEmpty()) {
maskType =;"This Host has volume(s) shared with multiple hosts");
return maskType;
use of com.emc.storageos.xtremio.restapi.model.response.XtremIOInitiatorGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XtremIOExportOperations method addInitiatorToInitiatorGroup.
private void addInitiatorToInitiatorGroup(XtremIOClient client, String xioClusterName, String clusterName, String hostName, List<Initiator> initiatorsToBeCreated, Set<String> igNames, ExportMask exportMask, StorageSystem storage, TaskCompleter taskCompleter) throws Exception {
XtremIOInitiatorGroup igGroup = null;
// create initiator group folder and initiator group
String igFolderName = getInitiatorGroupFolderName(clusterName, hostName, storage);
if (null == client.getTagDetails(igFolderName,, xioClusterName)) {"Creating IG Folder with name {}", igFolderName);
client.createTag(igFolderName, null,, xioClusterName);
DataSource dataSource = dataSourceFactory.createXtremIOInitiatorGroupNameDataSource(hostName, storage);
String igName = customConfigHandler.getComputedCustomConfigValue(CustomConfigConstants.XTREMIO_INITIATOR_GROUP_NAME, storage.getSystemType(), dataSource);
igGroup = client.getInitiatorGroup(igName, xioClusterName);
if (null == igGroup) {
// create a new IG"Creating Initiator Group with name {}", igName);
client.createInitiatorGroup(igName, igFolderName, xioClusterName);
ExportOperationContext.insertContextOperation(taskCompleter, XtremIOExportOperationContext.OPERATION_CREATE_INITIATOR_GROUP, igName);
igGroup = client.getInitiatorGroup(igName, xioClusterName);
if (null == igGroup) {"Neither IG is already present nor able to create on Array {}", hostName);
} else {"Created Initiator Group {} with # initiators {}", igGroup.getName(), igGroup.getNumberOfInitiators());
} else {
igNames.add(igGroup.getName());"Found Initiator Group {} with # initiators {}", igGroup.getName(), igGroup.getNumberOfInitiators());
// add all the left out initiators to this folder
for (Initiator remainingInitiator : initiatorsToBeCreated) {"Initiator {} Label {} ", remainingInitiator.getInitiatorPort(), remainingInitiator.getLabel());
String initiatorName = ((null == remainingInitiator.getLabel() || remainingInitiator.getLabel().isEmpty()) ? remainingInitiator.getInitiatorPort() : remainingInitiator.getLabel());
List<Initiator> createdInitiators = new ArrayList<Initiator>();"Initiator {} ", initiatorName);
try {
String os = null;
if (client.isVersion2() && !NullColumnValueGetter.isNullURI(remainingInitiator.getHost())) {
Host host = dbClient.queryObject(Host.class, remainingInitiator.getHost());
os = XtremIOProvUtils.getInitiatorHostOS(host);
// create initiator
client.createInitiator(initiatorName, igGroup.getName(), remainingInitiator.getInitiatorPort(), os, xioClusterName);
remainingInitiator.mapInitiatorName(storage.getSerialNumber(), initiatorName);
} catch (Exception e) {
// assume initiator already part of another group look for
// port_address_not_unique
// CTRL-5956 - Few Initiators cannot be registered on XtremIO Array, throw exception even if one
// initiator registration
// fails.
_log.warn("Initiator {} already available or not able to register the same on Array. Rediscover the Array and try again.", remainingInitiator.getInitiatorPort());
throw e;
} finally {
ExportOperationContext.insertContextOperation(taskCompleter, XtremIOExportOperationContext.OPERATION_ADD_INITIATORS_TO_INITIATOR_GROUP, createdInitiators);
use of com.emc.storageos.xtremio.restapi.model.response.XtremIOInitiatorGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XtremIOProvUtils method getInitiatorGroupLunMaps.
* Gets the lun maps for the initiator group.
* @param igName the ig name
* @param clusterName the cluster name
* @param client the xtremio client
* @return the initiator group lun maps
* @throws Exception
public static List<XtremIOObjectInfo> getInitiatorGroupLunMaps(String igName, String clusterName, XtremIOClient client) throws Exception {
List<XtremIOObjectInfo> igLunMaps = new ArrayList<XtremIOObjectInfo>();
if (client.isVersion2()) {
igLunMaps = client.getLunMapsForInitiatorGroup(igName, clusterName);
} else {
XtremIOInitiatorGroup ig = client.getInitiatorGroup(igName, clusterName);
if (ig == null) {
return igLunMaps;
List<XtremIOObjectInfo> lunMaps = client.getLunMaps(clusterName);
String igIndex = ig.getIndex();
for (XtremIOObjectInfo lunMap : lunMaps) {
String[] lunInfo = lunMap.getName().split(XtremIOConstants.UNDERSCORE);
if (igIndex.equals(lunInfo[1])) {
return igLunMaps;
use of com.emc.storageos.xtremio.restapi.model.response.XtremIOInitiatorGroup in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class XtremIOExportOperations method deleteInitiatorGroup.
private void deleteInitiatorGroup(ArrayListMultimap<String, Initiator> groupInitiatorsByIG, XtremIOClient client, String xioClusterName) throws Exception {
for (Entry<String, Collection<Initiator>> entry : groupInitiatorsByIG.asMap().entrySet()) {
String igName = entry.getKey();
try {
// find # initiators for this IG
XtremIOInitiatorGroup ig = client.getInitiatorGroup(igName, xioClusterName);
if (ig != null) {
int numberOfVolumes = Integer.parseInt(ig.getNumberOfVolumes());"Initiator Group {} left with Volume size {}", igName, numberOfVolumes);
if (numberOfVolumes == 0) {
// delete Initiator Group
client.deleteInitiatorGroup(igName, xioClusterName);
// remove export mask from export groip
} else {"Skipping IG Group {} deletion", igName);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (null != e.getMessage() && !e.getMessage().contains(XtremIOConstants.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND)) {
_log.warn("Deleting Initatiator Group {} failed with exception {}", igName, e.getMessage());
throw e;
} else {
_log.warn("Initatiator Group {} not found. Might be already deleted.", igName);