use of com.eros.framework.model.Md5MapperModel in project WeexErosFramework by bmfe.
the class VersionManager method initMapper.
public void initMapper(Context context) {
File file = new File(FileManager.getBundleDir(context), "bundle/md5.json");
if (file.exists()) {
String json = FileManager.loadJs(file.getAbsolutePath());
Md5MapperModel mapper = ManagerFactory.getManagerService(ParseManager.class).parseObject(json, Md5MapperModel.class);
use of com.eros.framework.model.Md5MapperModel in project WeexErosFramework by bmfe.
the class VersionChecker method checkZipValidate.
* MD5 效验
private boolean checkZipValidate(File file) {
if (file.exists()) {
byte[] json = FileManager.extractZip(file, "md5.json");
if (json == null)
return false;
try {
Md5MapperModel mapper = ManagerFactory.getManagerService(ParseManager.class).parseObject(new String(json, "UTF-8"), Md5MapperModel.class);
// 校验文件正确性
List<Md5MapperModel.Item> lists = mapper.getFilesMd5();
// 按照md5值从小到大排列
// 所有md5想加得到总的md5
String total = "";
for (Md5MapperModel.Item item : lists) {
total = total + item.getMd5();
String finalMd5 = Md5Util.getMd5code(total);
// 比较md5是否正确
newVersion = new JsVersionInfoBean(mapper.getJsVersion(), mapper.getAndroid(), mapper.getTimestamp());
return mapper.getJsVersion().equals(finalMd5);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return false;