use of com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.PenData in project xDrip by NightscoutFoundation.
the class ProcessPenData method process.
public static synchronized void process() {
// get data sets
final List<List<PenData>> classifyResults = PrimeDetection.classify();
final List<PenData> doses = classifyResults.get(1);
final List<PenData> rewinds = classifyResults.get(2);
final List<Treatments> treatments = Treatments.latestForGraph(50000, JoH.tsl() - Constants.WEEK_IN_MS, JoH.tsl());
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Existing treatments size: " + treatments.size());
boolean newData = false;
if (doses.size() > 0 || rewinds.size() > 0) {
for (final PenData pd : rewinds) {
if (!Treatments.matchUUID(treatments, pd.uuid)) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "New rewind: " + pd.brief());
// create rewind treatment entry thing
// TODO format string
Treatments.create_note("Pen cartridge change: rewound: " + pd.units + "U on " + pd.penName(), pd.timestamp, 0, pd.uuid);
newData = true;
for (final PenData pd : doses) {
if (!Treatments.matchUUID(treatments, pd.uuid)) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "New Dose: " + pd.brief());
Treatments.create(0, pd.units, pd.timestamp, pd.uuid);
newData = true;
if (newData) {
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "No results to process");
// TODO show temporal prime a button
// TODO adjust bitfields etc on pen data to indicate processed?
use of com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.PenData in project xDrip by NightscoutFoundation.
the class PrimeDetection method classify.
public static synchronized List<List<PenData>> classify() {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Classify called");
final long now = JoH.tsl();
final List<PenData> list = PenData.getAllRecordsBetween(now - Constants.DAY_IN_MS * 3, now);
final List<PenData> primes = new ArrayList<>(list.size());
final List<PenData> doses = new ArrayList<>(list.size());
final List<PenData> rewinds = new ArrayList<>();
String penType = "n/a";
String penMac = "n/a";
boolean detect_primes = false;
double prime_units = INVALID_PRIME;
long prime_gap_ms = -1;
boolean orphan_prime_is_prime = true;
PenData primeCandidate = null;
for (final PenData pd : list) {
if (!penType.equalsIgnoreCase(pd.type)) {
switch(pd.type) {
case ID_INPEN:
detect_primes = Pref.getBooleanDefaultFalse("inpen_detect_priming");
prime_units = Pref.getStringToDouble("inpen_prime_units", INVALID_PRIME);
prime_gap_ms = (long) (Pref.getStringToDouble("inpen_prime_minutes", -1) * Constants.MINUTE_IN_MS);
orphan_prime_is_prime = Pref.getBoolean("inpen_orphan_primes_ignored", true);
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Unknown pen type: " + pd.type);
prime_units = INVALID_PRIME;
// do we need to do this?
prime_gap_ms = -1;
orphan_prime_is_prime = true;
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Starting processing of pen type: " + pd.type + " with prime units of: " + prime_units);
penType = pd.type;
if (!penMac.equalsIgnoreCase(pd.mac)) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Starting processing of pen mac: " + pd.mac);
penMac = pd.mac;
primeCandidate = null;
if (pd.units < 0) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Pen rewind: " + pd.brief());
if (primeCandidate != null) {
final long timeDifference = pd.timestamp - primeCandidate.timestamp;
if (timeDifference > 0 && timeDifference <= prime_gap_ms) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "primeCandidate is suitable prime: " + JoH.niceTimeScalar(timeDifference));
primeCandidate = null;
// store current value as cannot also be prime
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Regular dose following prime: " + pd.brief());
} else {
if (orphan_prime_is_prime) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Orphan prime candidate treated as prime: " + primeCandidate.brief());
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Orphan prime candidate treated as dose: " + primeCandidate.brief());
primeCandidate = null;
if (detect_primes && roundDouble(pd.units, ACCURACY_PLACES) == roundDouble(prime_units, ACCURACY_PLACES)) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Possible Prime dose: " + pd.brief());
primeCandidate = pd;
} else {
if (D)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Regular dose: " + pd.brief());
// final one if last state was to mark a prime candidate
if (primeCandidate != null) {
if (JoH.msSince(primeCandidate.timestamp) > prime_gap_ms) {
if (orphan_prime_is_prime) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Trailing Orphan prime candidate treated as prime: " + primeCandidate.brief());
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Trailing Orphan prime candidate treated as dose: " + primeCandidate.brief());
} else {
// treat as temporal
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Temporal prime candidate: " + primeCandidate.brief());
final List<List<PenData>> results = new ArrayList<>();
return results;
use of com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.PenData in project xDrip-plus by jamorham.
the class PrimeDetection method classify.
public static synchronized List<List<PenData>> classify() {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Classify called");
final long now = JoH.tsl();
final List<PenData> list = PenData.getAllRecordsBetween(now - Constants.DAY_IN_MS * 3, now);
final List<PenData> primes = new ArrayList<>(list.size());
final List<PenData> doses = new ArrayList<>(list.size());
final List<PenData> rewinds = new ArrayList<>();
String penType = "n/a";
String penMac = "n/a";
boolean detect_primes = false;
double prime_units = INVALID_PRIME;
long prime_gap_ms = -1;
boolean orphan_prime_is_prime = true;
PenData primeCandidate = null;
for (final PenData pd : list) {
if (!penType.equalsIgnoreCase(pd.type)) {
switch(pd.type) {
case ID_INPEN:
detect_primes = Pref.getBooleanDefaultFalse("inpen_detect_priming");
prime_units = Pref.getStringToDouble("inpen_prime_units", INVALID_PRIME);
prime_gap_ms = (long) (Pref.getStringToDouble("inpen_prime_minutes", -1) * Constants.MINUTE_IN_MS);
orphan_prime_is_prime = Pref.getBoolean("inpen_orphan_primes_ignored", true);
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Unknown pen type: " + pd.type);
prime_units = INVALID_PRIME;
// do we need to do this?
prime_gap_ms = -1;
orphan_prime_is_prime = true;
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Starting processing of pen type: " + pd.type + " with prime units of: " + prime_units);
penType = pd.type;
if (!penMac.equalsIgnoreCase(pd.mac)) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Starting processing of pen mac: " + pd.mac);
penMac = pd.mac;
primeCandidate = null;
if (pd.units < 0) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Pen rewind: " + pd.brief());
if (primeCandidate != null) {
final long timeDifference = pd.timestamp - primeCandidate.timestamp;
if (timeDifference > 0 && timeDifference <= prime_gap_ms) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "primeCandidate is suitable prime: " + JoH.niceTimeScalar(timeDifference));
primeCandidate = null;
// store current value as cannot also be prime
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Regular dose following prime: " + pd.brief());
} else {
if (orphan_prime_is_prime) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Orphan prime candidate treated as prime: " + primeCandidate.brief());
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Orphan prime candidate treated as dose: " + primeCandidate.brief());
primeCandidate = null;
if (detect_primes && roundDouble(pd.units, ACCURACY_PLACES) == roundDouble(prime_units, ACCURACY_PLACES)) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Possible Prime dose: " + pd.brief());
primeCandidate = pd;
} else {
if (D)
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Regular dose: " + pd.brief());
// final one if last state was to mark a prime candidate
if (primeCandidate != null) {
if (JoH.msSince(primeCandidate.timestamp) > prime_gap_ms) {
if (orphan_prime_is_prime) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Trailing Orphan prime candidate treated as prime: " + primeCandidate.brief());
} else {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Trailing Orphan prime candidate treated as dose: " + primeCandidate.brief());
} else {
// treat as temporal
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Temporal prime candidate: " + primeCandidate.brief());
final List<List<PenData>> results = new ArrayList<>();
return results;
use of com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.PenData in project xDrip-plus by jamorham.
the class InPenService method processRecordsQueue.
private synchronized void processRecordsQueue() {
boolean newRecord = false;
while (!records.isEmpty()) {
final byte[] record = records.poll();
if (record != null) {
final RecordRx recordRx = new RecordRx(currentPenTime).fromBytes(record);
if (recordRx != null) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "RECORD RECORD: " + recordRx.toS());
final PenData penData = PenData.create(I.address, ID_INPEN, recordRx.index, recordRx.units, recordRx.getRealTimeStamp(), recordRx.temperature, record);
if (penData == null) {, "Error creating PenData record from " + HexDump.dumpHexString(record));
} else {
penData.battery = recordRx.battery;
penData.flags = recordRx.flags;
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Saving Record index: " + penData.index);;
newRecord = true;
gotIndex = (int) penData.index;
gotAll = lastIndex == gotIndex;
if (InPen.soundsEnabled() && JoH.ratelimit("pen_data_in", 1)) {
lastPenData = penData;
} else {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Error creating record from: " + HexDump.dumpHexString(record));
if (newRecord) {
Inevitable.task("process-inpen-data", 1000, ProcessPenData::process);
use of com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.PenData in project xDrip by NightscoutFoundation.
the class InPenService method processRecordsQueue.
private synchronized void processRecordsQueue() {
boolean newRecord = false;
while (!records.isEmpty()) {
final byte[] record = records.poll();
if (record != null) {
final RecordRx recordRx = new RecordRx(currentPenTime).fromBytes(record);
if (recordRx != null) {
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "RECORD RECORD: " + recordRx.toS());
final PenData penData = PenData.create(I.address, ID_INPEN, recordRx.index, recordRx.units, recordRx.getRealTimeStamp(), recordRx.temperature, record);
if (penData == null) {, "Error creating PenData record from " + HexDump.dumpHexString(record));
} else {
penData.battery = recordRx.battery;
penData.flags = recordRx.flags;
UserError.Log.d(TAG, "Saving Record index: " + penData.index);;
newRecord = true;
gotIndex = (int) penData.index;
gotAll = lastIndex == gotIndex;
if (InPen.soundsEnabled() && JoH.ratelimit("pen_data_in", 1)) {
lastPenData = penData;
} else {
UserError.Log.e(TAG, "Error creating record from: " + HexDump.dumpHexString(record));
if (newRecord) {
Inevitable.task("process-inpen-data", 1000, ProcessPenData::process);