use of com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.api.AuditEventRecord in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ReconciliationTaskHandler method runInternal.
public TaskRunResult runInternal(Task coordinatorTask) {
ReconciliationTaskResult reconResult = new ReconciliationTaskResult();
boolean finishOperationsOnly = BooleanUtils.isTrue(coordinatorTask.getExtensionPropertyRealValue(SchemaConstants.MODEL_EXTENSION_FINISH_OPERATIONS_ONLY));
OperationResult opResult = new OperationResult(OperationConstants.RECONCILIATION);
TaskRunResult runResult = new TaskRunResult();
String resourceOid = coordinatorTask.getObjectOid();
opResult.addContext("resourceOid", resourceOid);
if (coordinatorTask.getChannel() == null) {
if (resourceOid == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource OID is missing in task extension");
recordProgress(coordinatorTask, 0, opResult);
// todo consider setting expectedTotal to null here
PrismObject<ResourceType> resource;
ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition objectclassDef;
try {
resource = provisioningService.getObject(ResourceType.class, resourceOid, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
RefinedResourceSchema refinedSchema = RefinedResourceSchemaImpl.getRefinedSchema(resource, LayerType.MODEL, prismContext);
objectclassDef = Utils.determineObjectClass(refinedSchema, coordinatorTask);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
// This is bad. The resource does not exist. Permanent problem.
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Resource does not exist, OID: " + resourceOid, ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (CommunicationException ex) {
// Error, but not critical. Just try later.
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Communication error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (SchemaException ex) {
// Not sure about this. But most likely it is a misconfigured resource or connector
// It may be worth to retry. Error is fatal, but may not be permanent.
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Error dealing with schema", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// Can be anything ... but we can't recover from that.
// It is most likely a programming error. Does not make much sense
// to retry.
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Internal Error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
// Not sure about this. But most likely it is a misconfigured resource or connector
// It may be worth to retry. Error is fatal, but may not be permanent.
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Configuration error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (SecurityViolationException ex) {
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Security violation", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (ExpressionEvaluationException ex) {
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Expression error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
if (objectclassDef == null) {
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Reconciliation without an object class specification is not supported", null, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, null, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
reconResult.setObjectclassDefinition(objectclassDef);"Start executing reconciliation of resource {}, reconciling object class {}, finish operations only: {}", resource, objectclassDef, finishOperationsOnly);
long reconStartTimestamp = clock.currentTimeMillis();
AuditEventRecord requestRecord = new AuditEventRecord(AuditEventType.RECONCILIATION, AuditEventStage.REQUEST);
auditService.audit(requestRecord, coordinatorTask);
try {
if (!scanForUnfinishedOperations(coordinatorTask, resourceOid, reconResult, opResult)) {
// appends also "last N failures" (TODO refactor)
processInterruption(runResult, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
// This is bad. The resource does not exist. Permanent problem.
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Resource does not exist, OID: " + resourceOid, ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
} catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException ex) {
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Object already exist", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
} catch (CommunicationException ex) {
// Error, but not critical. Just try later.
// appends also "last N failures" (TODO refactor)
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Communication error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (SchemaException ex) {
// Not sure about this. But most likely it is a misconfigured resource or connector
// It may be worth to retry. Error is fatal, but may not be permanent.
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Error dealing with schema", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// Can be anything ... but we can't recover from that.
// It is most likely a programming error. Does not make much sense
// to retry.
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Internal Error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
// Not sure about this. But most likely it is a misconfigured resource or connector
// It may be worth to retry. Error is fatal, but may not be permanent.
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Configuration error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (SecurityViolationException ex) {
processErrorPartial(runResult, "Security violation", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
long beforeResourceReconTimestamp = clock.currentTimeMillis();
long afterResourceReconTimestamp;
long afterShadowReconTimestamp;
try {
if (!finishOperationsOnly && !performResourceReconciliation(resource, objectclassDef, reconResult, coordinatorTask, opResult)) {
processInterruption(runResult, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
afterResourceReconTimestamp = clock.currentTimeMillis();
if (!finishOperationsOnly && !performShadowReconciliation(resource, objectclassDef, reconStartTimestamp, afterResourceReconTimestamp, reconResult, coordinatorTask, opResult)) {
processInterruption(runResult, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
afterShadowReconTimestamp = clock.currentTimeMillis();
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) {
// This is bad. The resource does not exist. Permanent problem.
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Resource does not exist, OID: " + resourceOid, ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (CommunicationException ex) {
// Error, but not critical. Just try later.
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Communication error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (SchemaException ex) {
// Not sure about this. But most likely it is a misconfigured resource or connector
// It may be worth to retry. Error is fatal, but may not be permanent.
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Error dealing with schema", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// Can be anything ... but we can't recover from that.
// It is most likely a programming error. Does not make much sense
// to retry.
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Internal Error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
// Not sure about this. But most likely it is a misconfigured resource or connector
// It may be worth to retry. Error is fatal, but may not be permanent.
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Configuration error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.TEMPORARY_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (SecurityViolationException ex) {
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Security violation", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
} catch (ExpressionEvaluationException ex) {
processErrorFinal(runResult, "Expression error", ex, TaskRunResultStatus.PERMANENT_ERROR, resource, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
// This "run" is finished. But the task goes on ...
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace(" stopping, result: {}", opResult.getStatus());
// LOGGER.trace(" stopping, result: {}", opResult.dump());
AuditEventRecord executionRecord = new AuditEventRecord(AuditEventType.RECONCILIATION, AuditEventStage.EXECUTION);
auditService.audit(executionRecord, coordinatorTask);
long reconEndTimestamp = clock.currentTimeMillis();
long etime = reconEndTimestamp - reconStartTimestamp;
long unOpsTime = beforeResourceReconTimestamp - reconStartTimestamp;
long resourceReconTime = afterResourceReconTimestamp - beforeResourceReconTimestamp;
long shadowReconTime = afterShadowReconTimestamp - afterResourceReconTimestamp;"Done executing reconciliation of resource {}, object class {}, Etime: {} ms (un-ops: {}, resource: {}, shadow: {})", new Object[] { resource, objectclassDef, etime, unOpsTime, resourceReconTime, shadowReconTime });
if (reconciliationTaskResultListener != null) {
TaskHandlerUtil.appendLastFailuresInformation(OperationConstants.RECONCILIATION, coordinatorTask, opResult);
return runResult;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.api.AuditEventRecord in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ReconciliationTaskHandler method processErrorFinal.
private void processErrorFinal(TaskRunResult runResult, String errorDesc, Exception ex, TaskRunResultStatus runResultStatus, PrismObject<ResourceType> resource, Task task, OperationResult opResult) {
String message = errorDesc + ": " + ex.getMessage();
LOGGER.error("Reconciliation: {}", new Object[] { message, ex });
opResult.recordFatalError(message, ex);
// TODO implement more seriously
TaskHandlerUtil.appendLastFailuresInformation(OperationConstants.RECONCILIATION, task, opResult);
AuditEventRecord executionRecord = new AuditEventRecord(AuditEventType.RECONCILIATION, AuditEventStage.EXECUTION);
auditService.audit(executionRecord, task);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.api.AuditEventRecord in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class Clockwork method auditEvent.
private <F extends ObjectType> void auditEvent(LensContext<F> context, AuditEventStage stage, XMLGregorianCalendar timestamp, boolean alwaysAudit, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException {
PrismObject<? extends ObjectType> primaryObject;
ObjectDelta<? extends ObjectType> primaryDelta;
if (context.getFocusContext() != null) {
primaryObject = context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld();
if (primaryObject == null) {
primaryObject = context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew();
primaryDelta = context.getFocusContext().getDelta();
} else {
Collection<LensProjectionContext> projectionContexts = context.getProjectionContexts();
if (projectionContexts == null || projectionContexts.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No focus and no projections in " + context);
if (projectionContexts.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No focus and more than one projection in " + context);
LensProjectionContext projection = projectionContexts.iterator().next();
primaryObject = projection.getObjectOld();
if (primaryObject == null) {
primaryObject = projection.getObjectNew();
primaryDelta = projection.getDelta();
AuditEventType eventType;
if (primaryDelta == null) {
eventType = AuditEventType.SYNCHRONIZATION;
} else if (primaryDelta.isAdd()) {
eventType = AuditEventType.ADD_OBJECT;
} else if (primaryDelta.isModify()) {
eventType = AuditEventType.MODIFY_OBJECT;
} else if (primaryDelta.isDelete()) {
eventType = AuditEventType.DELETE_OBJECT;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown state of delta " + primaryDelta);
AuditEventRecord auditRecord = new AuditEventRecord(eventType, stage);
if (primaryObject != null) {
// } else {
// throw new IllegalStateException("No primary object in:\n"+context.dump());
if (stage == AuditEventStage.REQUEST) {
Collection<ObjectDeltaOperation<? extends ObjectType>> clonedDeltas = ObjectDeltaOperation.cloneDeltaCollection(context.getPrimaryChanges());
checkNamesArePresent(clonedDeltas, primaryObject);
if (auditRecord.getTarget() == null) {
} else if (stage == AuditEventStage.EXECUTION) {
Collection<ObjectDeltaOperation<? extends ObjectType>> unauditedExecutedDeltas = context.getUnauditedExecutedDeltas();
if (!alwaysAudit && (unauditedExecutedDeltas == null || unauditedExecutedDeltas.isEmpty())) {
// No deltas, nothing to audit in this wave
Collection<ObjectDeltaOperation<? extends ObjectType>> clonedDeltas = ObjectDeltaOperation.cloneCollection(unauditedExecutedDeltas);
checkNamesArePresent(clonedDeltas, primaryObject);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown audit stage " + stage);
if (timestamp != null) {
addRecordMessage(auditRecord, result);
auditService.audit(auditRecord, task);
if (stage == AuditEventStage.EXECUTION) {
// We need to clean up so these deltas will not be audited again in next wave
} else if (stage == AuditEventStage.REQUEST) {
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown audit stage " + stage);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.api.AuditEventRecord in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class SecurityHelper method auditLogin.
private void auditLogin(@Nullable String username, @Nullable UserType user, @NotNull ConnectionEnvironment connEnv, @NotNull OperationResultStatus status, @Nullable String message) {
Task task = taskManager.createTaskInstance();
LOGGER.debug("Login {} username={}, channel={}: {}", status == OperationResultStatus.SUCCESS ? "success" : "failure", username, connEnv.getChannel(), message);
AuditEventRecord record = new AuditEventRecord(AuditEventType.CREATE_SESSION, AuditEventStage.REQUEST);
if (user != null) {
storeConnectionEnvironment(record, connEnv);
auditService.audit(record, task);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.api.AuditEventRecord in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class AuditController method rollBackTime.
private <O extends ObjectType> PrismObject<O> rollBackTime(PrismObject<O> object, List<AuditEventRecord> changeTrail) throws SchemaException {
for (AuditEventRecord event : changeTrail) {
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Applying event {} ({})", event.getEventIdentifier(), XmlTypeConverter.createXMLGregorianCalendar(event.getTimestamp()));
Collection<ObjectDeltaOperation<? extends ObjectType>> deltaOperations = event.getDeltas();
if (deltaOperations != null) {
for (ObjectDeltaOperation<? extends ObjectType> deltaOperation : deltaOperations) {
ObjectDelta<O> objectDelta = (ObjectDelta<O>) deltaOperation.getObjectDelta();
if (!isApplicable(deltaOperation, object, event)) {
if (objectDelta.isDelete()) {
throw new SchemaException("Delete delta found in the audit trail. Object history cannot be reconstructed.");
if (objectDelta.isAdd()) {
throw new SchemaException("Add delta found in the audit trail. Object history cannot be reconstructed.");
ObjectDelta<O> reverseDelta = objectDelta.createReverseDelta();
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Applying delta (reverse):\n{}", reverseDelta.debugDump(1));
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("Object after application of event {} ({}):\n{}", event.getEventIdentifier(), XmlTypeConverter.createXMLGregorianCalendar(event.getTimestamp()), object.debugDump(1));
return object;