use of com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.common.expression.SourceTriple in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class AbstractValueTransformationExpressionEvaluator method evaluateRelativeExpression.
private PrismValueDeltaSetTriple<V> evaluateRelativeExpression(final List<SourceTriple<?, ?>> sourceTriples, final ExpressionVariables variables, final boolean skipEvaluationMinus, final boolean skipEvaluationPlus, final Boolean includeNulls, final ExpressionEvaluationContext evaluationContext, final String contextDescription, final Task task, final OperationResult result) throws ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException {
List<Collection<? extends PrismValue>> valueCollections = new ArrayList<>(sourceTriples.size());
for (SourceTriple<?, ?> sourceTriple : sourceTriples) {
Collection<? extends PrismValue> values = sourceTriple.union();
if (values.isEmpty()) {
// No values for this source. Add null instead. It will make sure that the expression will
// be evaluate at least once.
final PrismValueDeltaSetTriple<V> outputTriple = new PrismValueDeltaSetTriple<>();
Processor<Collection<? extends PrismValue>> processor = pvalues -> {
if (includeNulls != null && !includeNulls && MiscUtil.isAllNull(pvalues)) {
Map<QName, Object> sourceVariables = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<SourceTriple<PrismValue, ?>> sourceTriplesIterator = (Iterator) sourceTriples.iterator();
boolean hasMinus = false;
boolean hasZero = false;
boolean hasPlus = false;
for (PrismValue pval : pvalues) {
SourceTriple<PrismValue, ?> sourceTriple =;
QName name = sourceTriple.getName();
sourceVariables.put(name, getRealContent(pval, sourceTriple.getResidualPath()));
if (sourceTriple.presentInPlusSet(pval)) {
hasPlus = true;
} else if (sourceTriple.presentInZeroSet(pval)) {
hasZero = true;
} else if (sourceTriple.presentInMinusSet(pval)) {
hasMinus = true;
if (!hasPlus && !hasMinus && !hasZero && !MiscUtil.isAllNull(pvalues)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error! The impossible has happened! pvalues=" + pvalues + "; source triples: " + sourceTriples + "; in " + contextDescription);
if (hasPlus && hasMinus) {
if (hasPlus && skipEvaluationPlus) {
} else if (hasMinus && skipEvaluationMinus) {
ExpressionVariables scriptVariables = new ExpressionVariables();
PlusMinusZero valueDestination = null;
boolean useNew = false;
if (hasPlus) {
valueDestination = PlusMinusZero.PLUS;
useNew = true;
} else if (hasMinus) {
valueDestination = PlusMinusZero.MINUS;
} else {
valueDestination = PlusMinusZero.ZERO;
useNew = true;
List<V> scriptResults;
try {
scriptResults = transformSingleValue(scriptVariables, valueDestination, useNew, evaluationContext, contextDescription, task, result);
} catch (ExpressionEvaluationException e) {
throw new TunnelException(new ExpressionEvaluationException(e.getMessage() + "(" + dumpSourceValues(sourceVariables) + ") in " + contextDescription, e));
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
throw new TunnelException(new ObjectNotFoundException(e.getMessage() + "(" + dumpSourceValues(sourceVariables) + ") in " + contextDescription, e));
} catch (SchemaException e) {
throw new TunnelException(new SchemaException(e.getMessage() + "(" + dumpSourceValues(sourceVariables) + ") in " + contextDescription, e));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new TunnelException(new RuntimeException(e.getMessage() + "(" + dumpSourceValues(sourceVariables) + ") in " + contextDescription, e));
outputTriple.addAllToSet(valueDestination, scriptResults);
try {
MiscUtil.carthesian((Collection) valueCollections, (Processor) processor);
} catch (TunnelException e) {
Throwable originalException = e.getCause();
if (originalException instanceof ExpressionEvaluationException) {
throw (ExpressionEvaluationException) originalException;
} else if (originalException instanceof ObjectNotFoundException) {
throw (ObjectNotFoundException) originalException;
} else if (originalException instanceof SchemaException) {
throw (SchemaException) originalException;
} else if (originalException instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) originalException;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected exception: " + e + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
return outputTriple;