use of com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query.hqm.RootHibernateQuery in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class OrgRestriction method interpret.
public Condition interpret() throws QueryException {
RootHibernateQuery hibernateQuery = getContext().getHibernateQuery();
if (filter.isRoot()) {
// oid in (select descendantOid from ROrgClosure group by descendantOid having count(descendantOid) = 1)
return hibernateQuery.createIn(getBaseHqlEntity().getHqlPath() + ".oid", "select descendantOid from ROrgClosure group by descendantOid having count(descendantOid) = 1");
if (filter.getOrgRef() == null) {
throw new QueryException("No organization reference defined in the search query.");
if (filter.getOrgRef().getOid() == null) {
throw new QueryException("No oid specified in organization reference " + filter.getOrgRef().debugDump());
String orgOidParamName = hibernateQuery.addParameter("orgOid", filter.getOrgRef().getOid());
String relationParamName = "";
QName relation = filter.getOrgRef().getRelation();
if (doesRelationRestrictionExist(relation)) {
relationParamName = hibernateQuery.addParameter("relation", ReferenceRestriction.getRelationsToTest(relation, context));
// oid in ...
String oidQueryText;
switch(filter.getScope()) {
oidQueryText = // TODO distinct(ref.ownerOid) ? (was in original QueryInterpreter)
"select ref.ownerOid " + "from RObjectReference ref " + "where " + "ref.referenceType = " + RReferenceType.OBJECT_PARENT_ORG.ordinal() + (doesRelationRestrictionExist(relation) ? " and ref.relation in (:" + relationParamName + ")" : "") + " and ref.targetOid = :" + orgOidParamName;
oidQueryText = "select c.ancestorOid " + "from ROrgClosure c " + "where " + "c.ancestorOid != :" + orgOidParamName + " and " + "c.descendantOid = :" + orgOidParamName;
oidQueryText = "select ref.ownerOid " + "from RObjectReference ref " + "where " + "ref.referenceType = " + RReferenceType.OBJECT_PARENT_ORG.ordinal() + (doesRelationRestrictionExist(relation) ? " and ref.relation in (:" + relationParamName + ")" : "") + " and ref.targetOid in (" + "select descendantOid from ROrgClosure where ancestorOid = :" + orgOidParamName + ")";
return hibernateQuery.createIn(getBaseHqlEntity().getHqlPath() + ".oid", oidQueryText);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query.hqm.RootHibernateQuery in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TypeRestriction method interpret.
public Condition interpret() throws QueryException {
InterpretationContext context = getContext();
RootHibernateQuery hibernateQuery = context.getHibernateQuery();
String property = getBaseHqlEntity().getHqlPath() + "." + RObject.F_OBJECT_TYPE_CLASS;
Collection<RObjectType> values = getValues(filter.getType());
Condition basedOnType;
if (values.size() > 1) {
basedOnType = hibernateQuery.createIn(property, values);
} else {
basedOnType = hibernateQuery.createEq(property, values.iterator().next());
if (filter.getFilter() == null) {
return basedOnType;
QueryInterpreter interpreter = context.getInterpreter();
Condition basedOnFilter = interpreter.interpretFilter(context, filter.getFilter(), this);
return hibernateQuery.createAnd(basedOnType, basedOnFilter);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query.hqm.RootHibernateQuery in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class QueryInterpreter method interpret.
public RootHibernateQuery interpret(ObjectQuery query, @NotNull Class<? extends Containerable> type, Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options, @NotNull PrismContext prismContext, @NotNull RelationRegistry relationRegistry, boolean countingObjects, @NotNull Session session) throws QueryException {
boolean distinctRequested = GetOperationOptions.isDistinct(SelectorOptions.findRootOptions(options));
LOGGER.trace("Interpreting query for type '{}' (counting={}, distinctRequested={}), query:\n{}", type, countingObjects, distinctRequested, query);
InterpretationContext context = new InterpretationContext(this, type, prismContext, relationRegistry, extItemDictionary, session);
interpretQueryFilter(context, query);
String rootAlias = context.getHibernateQuery().getPrimaryEntityAlias();
ResultStyle resultStyle = getResultStyle(context);
if (countingObjects) {
interpretPagingAndSorting(context, query, true);
RootHibernateQuery hibernateQuery = context.getHibernateQuery();
boolean distinct = distinctRequested && !hibernateQuery.isDistinctNotNecessary();
hibernateQuery.addProjectionElement(new CountProjectionElement(resultStyle.getCountString(rootAlias), distinct));
return hibernateQuery;
Some databases don't support DISTINCT on BLOBs. In these cases we have to create query like:
u.oid, u.fullObject, u.stringsCount, ..., u.booleansCount
RUser u
u.oid in (select distinct u.oid from RUser u where ...)
boolean distinctBlobCapable = !repoConfiguration.isUsingOracle() && !repoConfiguration.isUsingSQLServer();
RootHibernateQuery hibernateQuery = context.getHibernateQuery();
boolean distinct = distinctRequested && !hibernateQuery.isDistinctNotNecessary();
if (distinct && !distinctBlobCapable) {
String subqueryText = "\n" + hibernateQuery.getAsHqlText(2, true);
InterpretationContext wrapperContext = new InterpretationContext(this, type, prismContext, relationRegistry, extItemDictionary, session);
try {
interpretPagingAndSorting(wrapperContext, query, false);
} catch (QueryException e) {
// This fixes cases like MID-6561 and brings in needed joins and wheres
// to the outer query, but we don't want to burden all queries with it.
LOGGER.debug("Potentially recoverable '{}'.\n" + "Trying once more after wrapper context interprets the query.", e.toString());
interpretQueryFilter(wrapperContext, query);
interpretPagingAndSorting(wrapperContext, query, false);
RootHibernateQuery wrapperQuery = wrapperContext.getHibernateQuery();
if (repoConfiguration.isUsingSQLServer() && resultStyle.getIdentifiers("").size() > 1) {
// using 'where exists' clause
// FIXME refactor this ugly code
// to distinguish from the same alias in inner query
String wrappedRootAlias = "_" + wrapperQuery.getPrimaryEntityAlias();
StringBuilder linkingCondition = new StringBuilder();
for (String id : resultStyle.getIdentifiers(wrappedRootAlias)) {
linkingCondition.append(" and ").append(id).append(" = ").append(id.substring(1));
wrapperQuery.getConditions().add(wrapperQuery.createExists(subqueryText, linkingCondition.toString()));
} else {
// using 'in' clause (multi-column only for Oracle)
String wrappedRootAlias = wrapperQuery.getPrimaryEntityAlias();
List<String> inVariablesList = resultStyle.getIdentifiers(wrapperQuery.getPrimaryEntityAlias());
String inVariablesString = inVariablesList.size() != 1 ? "(" + StringUtils.join(inVariablesList, ", ") + ")" : inVariablesList.get(0);
wrapperQuery.getConditions().add(wrapperQuery.createIn(inVariablesString, subqueryText));
return wrapperQuery;
} else {
interpretPagingAndSorting(context, query, false);
if (distinct) {
// SQL requires this
return hibernateQuery;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query.hqm.RootHibernateQuery in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class QueryInterpreter method interpretPagingAndSorting.
private void interpretPagingAndSorting(InterpretationContext context, ObjectQuery query, boolean countingObjects) throws QueryException {
RootHibernateQuery hibernateQuery = context.getHibernateQuery();
String rootAlias = hibernateQuery.getPrimaryEntityAlias();
// noinspection StringEquality
if (query != null && query.getPaging() != null && query.getPaging().hasCookie() && query.getPaging().getCookie() != ObjectRetriever.NULL_OID_MARKER) {
ObjectPaging paging = query.getPaging();
Condition c = hibernateQuery.createSimpleComparisonCondition(rootAlias + ".oid", paging.getCookie(), ">");
if (!countingObjects && query != null && query.getPaging() != null) {
if (query.getPaging().hasCookie()) {
// very special case - ascending ordering by OID (nothing more)
updatePagingAndSortingByOid(hibernateQuery, query.getPaging());
} else {
updatePagingAndSorting(context, query.getPaging());
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.query.hqm.RootHibernateQuery in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class QueryInterpreter method addOrdering.
private void addOrdering(InterpretationContext context, ObjectOrdering ordering) throws QueryException {
ItemPath orderByPath = ordering.getOrderBy();
// TODO if we'd like to have order-by extension properties, we'd need to provide itemDefinition for them
ProperDataSearchResult<?> result = context.getItemPathResolver().findProperDataDefinition(context.getRootEntityDefinition(), orderByPath, null, JpaDataNodeDefinition.class, context.getPrismContext());
if (result == null) {
LOGGER.error("Unknown path '" + orderByPath + "', couldn't find definition for it, " + "list will not be ordered by it.");
JpaDataNodeDefinition targetDefinition = result.getLinkDefinition().getTargetDefinition();
if (targetDefinition instanceof JpaAnyContainerDefinition) {
throw new QueryException("Sorting based on extension item or attribute is not supported yet: " + orderByPath);
} else if (targetDefinition instanceof JpaReferenceDefinition) {
throw new QueryException("Sorting based on reference is not supported: " + orderByPath);
} else if (result.getLinkDefinition().isMultivalued()) {
throw new QueryException("Sorting based on multi-valued item is not supported: " + orderByPath);
} else if (targetDefinition instanceof JpaEntityDefinition) {
throw new QueryException("Sorting based on entity is not supported: " + orderByPath);
} else if (!(targetDefinition instanceof JpaPropertyDefinition)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown item definition type: " + result.getClass());
JpaEntityDefinition baseEntityDefinition = result.getEntityDefinition();
JpaPropertyDefinition orderByDefinition = (JpaPropertyDefinition) targetDefinition;
String hqlPropertyPath = context.getItemPathResolver().resolveItemPath(orderByPath, null, context.getPrimaryEntityAlias(), baseEntityDefinition, true).getHqlPath();
if (RPolyString.class.equals(orderByDefinition.getJpaClass())) {
hqlPropertyPath += ".orig";
RootHibernateQuery hibernateQuery = context.getHibernateQuery();
if (ordering.getDirection() != null) {
switch(ordering.getDirection()) {
hibernateQuery.addOrdering(hqlPropertyPath, OrderDirection.ASCENDING);
hibernateQuery.addOrdering(hqlPropertyPath, OrderDirection.DESCENDING);
} else {
hibernateQuery.addOrdering(hqlPropertyPath, OrderDirection.ASCENDING);