use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.task.ActivityPath in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestValidityRecomputeTaskPartitionedMultipleTasks method assertLastScanTimestamp.
protected void assertLastScanTimestamp(XMLGregorianCalendar startCal, XMLGregorianCalendar endCal) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException {
OperationResult result = getTestOperationResult();
Task master = taskManager.getTaskPlain(TASK_VALIDITY_SCANNER_OID, result);
for (Task subtask : master.listSubtasks(result)) {
ActivityPath localRootPath = ActivityStateUtil.getLocalRootPath(subtask.getActivitiesStateOrClone());
assertTask(subtask.getOid(), "").activityState(localRootPath).display().itemProcessingStatistics().display().end().end().assertLastScanTimestamp(localRootPath, startCal, endCal);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.task.ActivityPath in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestWorkerTasks method test150ChangeClusterNode.
* Checks if worker tasks are correctly treated when cluster node is changed (brought down + another node starts).
* Scenario:
* 1. Cluster has DefaultNode + NodeA. Then two worker tasks are created and started on each node.
* 2. NodeA is removed from cluster and NodeB is added.
* 3. Workers reconciliation is started, suspending tasks on NodeA and starting two worker tasks to NodeB.
public void test150ChangeClusterNode() throws Exception {
Task task = getTestTask();
OperationResult result = task.getResult();
assumeExtraClusterNodes(List.of("NodeA"), result);
when("starting worker tasks");
Task root = taskAdd(TASK_150_WORKERS_MOVE, result);
try {
waitForChildrenBeRunning(root, 4, result);
then("starting worker tasks");
String w1correct = "Worker DefaultNode:1 for root activity in task-150";
String w2correct = "Worker DefaultNode:2 for root activity in task-150";
String w3nodeA = "Worker NodeA:1 for root activity in task-150";
String w4nodeA = "Worker NodeA:2 for root activity in task-150";
String w3nodeB = "Worker NodeB:1 for root activity in task-150";
String w4nodeB = "Worker NodeB:2 for root activity in task-150";
assertFourWorkers(root, "after starting workers", w1correct, w2correct, w3nodeA, w4nodeA, true, false, true, false, DN, DN, NA, NA, 4, result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reconfigure cluster
when("reconfigure cluster");
assumeExtraClusterNodes(List.of("NodeB"), result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reconcile workers
when("reconcile workers");
Map<ActivityPath, WorkersReconciliationResultType> resultMap = activityManager.reconcileWorkers(root.getOid(), result);
then("reconcile workers");
waitForChildrenBeRunning(root, 4, result);
then("children are running");
var asserter = assertFourWorkers(root, "after reconciliation", w1correct, w2correct, w3nodeB, w4nodeB, true, false, true, false, DN, DN, NB, NB, 6, result);
then("four workers present, two suspended");
assertTwoWorkersSuspended(asserter, w3nodeA, w4nodeA, true, false, NA, NA);
assertReconResult("after reconciliation", resultMap, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0);
} finally {
taskManager.suspendTaskTree(root.getOid(), TaskManager.WAIT_INDEFINITELY, result);
taskManager.deleteTaskTree(root.getOid(), result);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.task.ActivityPath in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestWorkerTasks method test160AddAndDeleteWorkerTasks.
* Checks if worker tasks are correctly created, suspended, and re-started by the reconciliation.
* Scenario:
* 1. Cluster has DefaultNode. Then two worker tasks are created and started on that node.
* 2. NodeA is added.
* 3. Workers reconciliation is started, adding two worker tasks for NodeA.
* 4. NodeA is removed.
* 5. Workers reconciliation is started, suspending two worker tasks for NodeA.
* 6. NodeA is re-added.
* 7. Workers reconciliation is started, starting two worker tasks for NodeA again.
public void test160AddAndDeleteWorkerTasks() throws Exception {
Task task = getTestTask();
OperationResult result = task.getResult();
when("starting worker tasks");
Task root = taskAdd(TASK_160_WORKERS_ADD_DELETE, result);
try {
waitForChildrenBeRunning(root, 2, result);
then("starting worker tasks");
String w1default = "Worker DefaultNode:1 for root activity in task-160";
String w2default = "Worker DefaultNode:2 for root activity in task-160";
assertTwoWorkers(root, "after starting workers", w1default, w2default, true, false, DN, DN, 2, result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add node A
when("add node A");
assumeExtraClusterNodes(List.of("NodeA"), result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reconcile workers
when("reconcile workers");
Map<ActivityPath, WorkersReconciliationResultType> resultMap1 = activityManager.reconcileWorkers(root.getOid(), result);
then("reconcile workers");
waitForChildrenBeRunning(root, 4, result);
String w3nodeA = "Worker NodeA:1 for root activity in task-160";
String w4nodeA = "Worker NodeA:2 for root activity in task-160";
assertFourWorkers(root, "after reconciliation", w1default, w2default, w3nodeA, w4nodeA, true, false, true, false, DN, DN, NA, NA, 4, result);
assertReconResult("after reconciliation 1", resultMap1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete node A
when("delete node A");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reconcile workers 2
when("reconcile workers 2");
Map<ActivityPath, WorkersReconciliationResultType> resultMap2 = activityManager.reconcileWorkers(root.getOid(), result);
then("reconcile workers 2");
var asserter = assertTwoWorkers(root, "after reconciliation 2", w1default, w2default, true, false, DN, DN, 4, result);
assertTwoWorkersSuspended(asserter, w3nodeA, w4nodeA, true, false, NA, NA);
assertReconResult("after reconciliation 2", resultMap2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- re-add node A
when("re-add node A");
assumeExtraClusterNodes(List.of("NodeA"), result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reconcile workers 3
when("reconcile workers 3");
Map<ActivityPath, WorkersReconciliationResultType> resultMap3 = activityManager.reconcileWorkers(root.getOid(), result);
then("reconcile workers 3");
waitForChildrenBeRunning(root, 4, result);
assertFourWorkers(root, "after reconciliation", w1default, w2default, w3nodeA, w4nodeA, true, false, true, false, DN, DN, NA, NA, 4, result);
assertReconResult("after reconciliation 3", resultMap3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2);
} finally {
taskManager.suspendTaskTree(root.getOid(), TaskManager.WAIT_INDEFINITELY, result);
taskManager.deleteTaskTree(root.getOid(), result);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.task.ActivityPath in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class DelegatingActivityRun method createSuspendedChildTask.
private Task createSuspendedChildTask(OperationResult result) throws ActivityRunException {
try {
RunningTask parent = getRunningTask();
TaskType childToCreate = new TaskType(getPrismContext());
// group?
ActivityPath localRoot = getActivityPath();
LOGGER.debug("Creating activity subtask {} with local root {}", childToCreate.getName(), localRoot);
String childOid = getBeans().taskManager.addTask(childToCreate.asPrismObject(), result);
LOGGER.debug("Created activity subtask {}: {}", childToCreate.getName(), childOid);
// TODO eliminate this extra read some day
return getBeans().taskManager.getTaskPlain(childOid, result);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActivityRunException("Couldn't create activity child task", FATAL_ERROR, PERMANENT_ERROR, e);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.task.ActivityPath in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ActivityState method getActivityStateDownwards.
private static ActivityState getActivityStateDownwards(@NotNull ActivityPath activityPath, @NotNull Task task, @NotNull QName workStateTypeName, int level, @NotNull CommonTaskBeans beans, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException {
TaskActivityStateType taskActivityState = getTaskActivityStateRequired(task);
if (level >= MAX_TREE_DEPTH) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Maximum tree depth reached while looking for activity state in " + task);
ActivityPath localRootPath = ActivityStateUtil.getLocalRootPath(taskActivityState);
stateCheck(activityPath.startsWith(localRootPath), "Activity (%s) is not within the local tree (%s)", activityPath, localRootPath);
ActivityStateType currentWorkState = taskActivityState.getActivity();
ItemPath currentWorkStatePath = ItemPath.create(TaskType.F_ACTIVITY_STATE, TaskActivityStateType.F_ACTIVITY);
List<String> localIdentifiers = activityPath.getIdentifiers().subList(localRootPath.size(), activityPath.size());
for (String identifier : localIdentifiers) {
stateCheck(currentWorkState != null, "Current work state is not present; path = %s", currentWorkStatePath);
currentWorkState = ActivityStateUtil.findChildActivityStateRequired(currentWorkState, identifier);
stateCheck(currentWorkState.getId() != null, "Activity work state without ID: %s", currentWorkState);
currentWorkStatePath = currentWorkStatePath.append(ActivityStateType.F_ACTIVITY, currentWorkState.getId());
if (currentWorkState.getWorkState() instanceof DelegationWorkStateType) {
ObjectReferenceType childRef = ((DelegationWorkStateType) currentWorkState.getWorkState()).getTaskRef();
Task child = beans.taskManager.getTaskPlain(childRef.getOid(), result);
return getActivityStateDownwards(activityPath, child, workStateTypeName, level + 1, beans, result);
LOGGER.trace(" -> resulting work state path: {}", currentWorkStatePath);
return new OtherActivityState(task, taskActivityState, activityPath, workStateTypeName, beans);