use of com.evolveum.midpoint.test.Checker in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestSanity method test300LiveSyncInit.
// Synchronization tests
* Test initialization of synchronization. It will create a cycle task and
* check if the cycle executes No changes are synchronized yet.
public void test300LiveSyncInit() throws Exception {
final String TEST_NAME = "test300LiveSyncInit";
// Now it is the right time to add task definition to the repository
// We don't want it there any sooner, as it may interfere with the
// previous tests
// IMPORTANT! Assignment enforcement is POSITIVE now
// This is not redundant. It checks that the previous command set the policy correctly
final OperationResult result = new OperationResult(TestSanity.class.getName() + "." + TEST_NAME);
repoAddObjectFromFile(TASK_OPENDJ_SYNC_FILENAME, result);
// We need to wait for a sync interval, so the task scanner has a chance
// to pick up this
// task
waitFor("Waiting for task manager to pick up the task", new Checker() {
public boolean check() throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException {
Task task = taskManager.getTask(TASK_OPENDJ_SYNC_OID, result);
display("Task while waiting for task manager to pick up the task", task);
// wait until the task is picked up
return task.getLastRunFinishTimestamp() != null;
// if (TaskExclusivityStatus.CLAIMED == task.getExclusivityStatus()) {
// // wait until the first run is finished
// if (task.getLastRunFinishTimestamp() == null) {
// return false;
// }
// return true;
// }
// return false;
public void timeout() {
// No reaction, the test will fail right after return from this
}, 20000);
// Check task status
Task task = taskManager.getTask(TASK_OPENDJ_SYNC_OID, result);
display("getTask result", result);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("getTask has failed", result);
display("Task after pickup", task);
PrismObject<TaskType> o = repositoryService.getObject(TaskType.class, TASK_OPENDJ_SYNC_OID, null, result);
display("Task after pickup in the repository", o.asObjectable());
// .. it should be running
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(TaskExecutionStatus.RUNNABLE, task.getExecutionStatus());
// .. and claimed
// AssertJUnit.assertEquals(TaskExclusivityStatus.CLAIMED, task.getExclusivityStatus());
// .. and last run should not be zero
assertNotNull("No lastRunStartTimestamp", task.getLastRunStartTimestamp());
assertFalse("Zero lastRunStartTimestamp", task.getLastRunStartTimestamp().longValue() == 0);
assertNotNull("No lastRunFinishedTimestamp", task.getLastRunFinishTimestamp());
assertFalse("Zero lastRunFinishedTimestamp", task.getLastRunFinishTimestamp().longValue() == 0);
// Test for extension. This will also roughly test extension processor
// and schema processor
PrismContainer<?> taskExtension = task.getExtension();
display("Task extension", taskExtension);
PrismProperty<String> shipStateProp = taskExtension.findProperty(MY_SHIP_STATE);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Wrong 'shipState' property value", "capsized", shipStateProp.getValue().getValue());
PrismProperty<Integer> deadProp = taskExtension.findProperty(MY_DEAD);
PrismPropertyValue<Integer> deadPVal = deadProp.getValues().iterator().next();
AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Wrong 'dead' property class", Integer.class, deadPVal.getValue().getClass());
AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Wrong 'dead' property value", Integer.valueOf(42), deadPVal.getValue());
// The progress should be 0, as there were no changes yet
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(0, task.getProgress());
// Test for presence of a result. It should be there and it should
// indicate success
OperationResult taskResult = task.getResult();
final Object tokenAfter = findSyncToken(task);
display("Sync token after", tokenAfter.toString());
lastSyncToken = (Integer) tokenAfter;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.test.Checker in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestSanityLegacy method test420RecomputeUsers.
public void test420RecomputeUsers() throws Exception {
final String TEST_NAME = "test420RecomputeUsers";
final OperationResult result = new OperationResult(TestSanityLegacy.class.getName() + "." + TEST_NAME);
// Assign role to a user, but we do this using a repository instead of model.
// The role assignment will not be executed and this created an inconsistent state.
ObjectDeltaType changeAddRoleCaptain = unmarshallValueFromFile(REQUEST_USER_MODIFY_ADD_ROLE_CAPTAIN_1_FILENAME, ObjectDeltaType.class);
Collection<? extends ItemDelta> modifications = DeltaConvertor.toModifications(changeAddRoleCaptain.getItemDelta(), getUserDefinition());
repositoryService.modifyObject(UserType.class, changeAddRoleCaptain.getOid(), modifications, result);
// TODO: setup more "inconsistent" state
// Add reconciliation task. This will trigger reconciliation
importObjectFromFile(TASK_USER_RECOMPUTE_FILENAME, result);
// We need to wait for a sync interval, so the task scanner has a chance
// to pick up this
// task
waitFor("Waiting for task to finish", new Checker() {
public boolean check() throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException {
Task task = taskManager.getTask(TASK_USER_RECOMPUTE_OID, result);
// wait until the task is finished
if (TaskExecutionStatus.CLOSED == task.getExecutionStatus()) {
return true;
return false;
public void timeout() {
// No reaction, the test will fail right after return from this
}, 40000);
// wait a second until the task will be definitely saved
// Check task status
Task task = taskManager.getTask(TASK_USER_RECOMPUTE_OID, result);
display("getTask result", result);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("getTask has failed", result);
display("Task after finish", task);
PrismObject<TaskType> o = repositoryService.getObject(TaskType.class, TASK_USER_RECOMPUTE_OID, null, result);
display("Task after pickup in the repository", o.asObjectable());
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(TaskExecutionStatus.CLOSED, task.getExecutionStatus());
// .. and last run should not be zero
AssertJUnit.assertFalse(task.getLastRunStartTimestamp().longValue() == 0);
AssertJUnit.assertFalse(task.getLastRunFinishTimestamp().longValue() == 0);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(10, task.getProgress());
// Test for presence of a result. It should be there and it should
// indicate success
OperationResult taskResult = task.getResult();
display("Recompute task result", taskResult);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("Recompute task result", taskResult);
// STOP the task. We don't need it any more and we don't want to give it a chance to run more than once
taskManager.deleteTask(TASK_USER_RECOMPUTE_OID, result);
// CHECK RESULT: account created for user guybrush
// Check if user object was modified in the repo
OperationResult repoResult = new OperationResult("getObject");
PrismObject<UserType> object = repositoryService.getObject(UserType.class, USER_GUYBRUSH_OID, null, repoResult);
UserType repoUser = object.asObjectable();
displayJaxb("User (repository)", repoUser, new QName("user"));
List<ObjectReferenceType> accountRefs = repoUser.getLinkRef();
assertEquals("Wrong number of accountRefs after recompute for user " + repoUser.getName(), 1, accountRefs.size());
ObjectReferenceType accountRef = accountRefs.get(0);
accountShadowOidGuybrushOpendj = accountRef.getOid();
// Check if shadow was created in the repo
repoResult = new OperationResult("getObject");
PrismObject<ShadowType> repoShadow = repositoryService.getObject(ShadowType.class, accountShadowOidGuybrushOpendj, null, repoResult);
ShadowType repoShadowType = repoShadow.asObjectable();
TestUtil.assertSuccess("getObject has failed", repoResult);
displayJaxb("Shadow (repository)", repoShadowType, new QName("shadow"));
assertEquals(RESOURCE_OPENDJ_OID, repoShadowType.getResourceRef().getOid());
accountGuybrushOpendjEntryUuuid = checkRepoShadow(repoShadow);
// check if account was created in LDAP
Entry entry = openDJController.searchAndAssertByEntryUuid(accountGuybrushOpendjEntryUuuid);
display("LDAP account", entry);
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "uid", "guybrush");
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "givenName", "Guybrush");
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "sn", "Threepwood");
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "cn", "Guybrush Threepwood");
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "displayName", "Guybrush Threepwood");
// The "l" attribute is assigned indirectly through schemaHandling and
// config object
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "l", "Deep in the Caribbean");
// Set by the role
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "employeeType", "sailor");
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "title", "Honorable Captain");
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "carLicense", "C4PT41N");
OpenDJController.assertAttribute(entry, "businessCategory", "cruise");
String guybrushPassword = OpenDJController.getAttributeValue(entry, "userPassword");
assertNotNull("Pasword was not set on create", guybrushPassword);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.test.Checker in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class AbstractModelIntegrationTest method waitForTaskCloseOrSuspend.
protected void waitForTaskCloseOrSuspend(final String taskOid, final int timeout, long sleepTime) throws Exception {
final OperationResult waitResult = new OperationResult(AbstractIntegrationTest.class + ".waitForTaskCloseOrSuspend");
Checker checker = new Checker() {
public boolean check() throws CommonException {
Task task = taskManager.getTask(taskOid, waitResult);
display("Task execution status = " + task.getExecutionStatus());
return task.getExecutionStatus() == TaskExecutionStatus.CLOSED || task.getExecutionStatus() == TaskExecutionStatus.SUSPENDED;
public void timeout() {
Task task = null;
try {
task = taskManager.getTask(taskOid, waitResult);
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException | SchemaException e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception during task refresh: {}", e, e);
OperationResult result = null;
if (task != null) {
result = task.getResult();
LOGGER.debug("Result of timed-out task:\n{}", result.debugDump());
assert false : "Timeout (" + timeout + ") while waiting for " + taskOid + " to close or suspend. Last result " + result;
IntegrationTestTools.waitFor("Waiting for " + taskOid + " close/suspend", checker, timeout, sleepTime);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.test.Checker in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class AbstractWfTestPolicy method waitForTaskClose.
protected void waitForTaskClose(final Task task, final int timeout) throws Exception {
final OperationResult waitResult = new OperationResult(AbstractIntegrationTest.class + ".waitForTaskClose");
Checker checker = new Checker() {
public boolean check() throws CommonException {
OperationResult result = task.getResult();
if (verbose)
display("Check result", result);
return task.getExecutionStatus() == TaskExecutionStatus.CLOSED;
public void timeout() {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
display("Exception during task refresh", e);
OperationResult result = task.getResult();
display("Result of timed-out task", result);
assert false : "Timeout (" + timeout + ") while waiting for " + task + " to finish. Last result " + result;
IntegrationTestTools.waitFor("Waiting for " + task + " finish", checker, timeout, 1000);
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.test.Checker in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class TestSanityLegacy method test400ImportFromResource.
public void test400ImportFromResource() throws Exception {
final String TEST_NAME = "test400ImportFromResource";
OperationResult result = new OperationResult(TestSanityLegacy.class.getName() + "." + TEST_NAME);
// Make sure Mr. Gibbs has "l" attribute set to the same value as an outbound expression is setting
ChangeRecordEntry entry = openDJController.executeLdifChange(LDIF_GIBBS_MODIFY_FILE);
display("Entry from LDIF", entry);
// Let's add an entry with multiple uids.
Entry addEntry = openDJController.addEntryFromLdifFile(LDIF_HERMAN_FILENAME);
display("Entry from LDIF", addEntry);
TaskType taskType = modelWeb.importFromResource(RESOURCE_OPENDJ_OID, IMPORT_OBJECTCLASS);
displayJaxb("importFromResource result", taskType.getResult(), SchemaConstants.C_RESULT);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals("importFromResource has failed", OperationResultStatusType.IN_PROGRESS, taskType.getResult().getStatus());
// Convert the returned TaskType to a more usable Task
Task task = taskManager.createTaskInstance(taskType.asPrismObject(), result);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(TaskExecutionStatus.RUNNABLE, task.getExecutionStatus());
// AssertJUnit.assertEquals(TaskExclusivityStatus.CLAIMED, task.getExclusivityStatus());
display("Import task after launch", task);
PrismObject<TaskType> tObject = repositoryService.getObject(TaskType.class, task.getOid(), null, result);
TaskType taskAfter = tObject.asObjectable();
display("Import task in repo after launch", taskAfter);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("getObject has failed", result);
final String taskOid = task.getOid();
waitFor("Waiting for import to complete", new Checker() {
public boolean check() throws CommonException {
Holder<OperationResultType> resultHolder = new Holder<OperationResultType>();
Holder<ObjectType> objectHolder = new Holder<ObjectType>();
OperationResult opResult = new OperationResult("import check");
SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsType options = new SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsType();
try {
modelWeb.getObject(ObjectTypes.TASK.getTypeQName(), taskOid, options, objectHolder, resultHolder);
} catch (FaultMessage faultMessage) {
throw new SystemException(faultMessage);
// display("getObject result (wait loop)",resultHolder.value);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("getObject has failed", resultHolder.value);
Task task = taskManager.createTaskInstance((PrismObject<TaskType>) objectHolder.value.asPrismObject(), opResult);
System.out.println(new Date() + ": Import task status: " + task.getExecutionStatus() + ", progress: " + task.getProgress());
if (task.getExecutionStatus() == TaskExecutionStatus.CLOSED) {
// Task closed, wait finished
return true;
// IntegrationTestTools.display("Task result while waiting: ", task.getResult());
return false;
public void timeout() {
// No reaction, the test will fail right after return from this
}, 180000);
// wait a second until the task will be definitely saved
//### Check task state after the task is finished ###
Holder<ObjectType> objectHolder = new Holder<ObjectType>();
Holder<OperationResultType> resultHolder = new Holder<OperationResultType>();
SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsType options = new SelectorQualifiedGetOptionsType();
modelWeb.getObject(ObjectTypes.TASK.getTypeQName(), task.getOid(), options, objectHolder, resultHolder);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("getObject has failed", resultHolder.value);
task = taskManager.createTaskInstance((PrismObject<TaskType>) objectHolder.value.asPrismObject(), result);
display("Import task after finish (fetched from model)", task);
AssertJUnit.assertEquals(TaskExecutionStatus.CLOSED, task.getExecutionStatus());
assertNotNull("Null lastRunStartTimestamp in " + task, task.getLastRunStartTimestamp());
assertNotNull("Null lastRunFinishTimestamp in " + task, task.getLastRunFinishTimestamp());
long importDuration = task.getLastRunFinishTimestamp() - task.getLastRunStartTimestamp();
double usersPerSec = (task.getProgress() * 1000) / importDuration;
display("Imported " + task.getProgress() + " users in " + importDuration + " milliseconds (" + usersPerSec + " users/sec)");
OperationResult taskResult = task.getResult();
AssertJUnit.assertNotNull("Task has no result", taskResult);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("Import task result is not success", taskResult);
AssertJUnit.assertTrue("Task failed", taskResult.isSuccess());
AssertJUnit.assertTrue("No progress", task.getProgress() > 0);
//### Check if the import created users and shadows ###
// Listing of shadows is not supported by the provisioning. So we need
// to look directly into repository
List<PrismObject<ShadowType>> sobjects = repositoryService.searchObjects(ShadowType.class, null, null, result);
TestUtil.assertSuccess("listObjects has failed", result);
AssertJUnit.assertFalse("No shadows created", sobjects.isEmpty());
for (PrismObject<ShadowType> aObject : sobjects) {
ShadowType shadow = aObject.asObjectable();
display("Shadow object after import (repo)", shadow);
// This would be really strange ;-)
assertNotEmpty("No OID in shadow", shadow.getOid());
assertNotEmpty("No name in shadow", shadow.getName());
AssertJUnit.assertNotNull("No objectclass in shadow", shadow.getObjectClass());
AssertJUnit.assertNotNull("Null attributes in shadow", shadow.getAttributes());
assertAttributeNotNull("No UID in shadow", shadow, SchemaConstants.ICFS_UID);
Holder<ObjectListType> listHolder = new Holder<ObjectListType>();
modelWeb.searchObjects(ObjectTypes.USER.getTypeQName(), null, null, listHolder, resultHolder);
ObjectListType uobjects = listHolder.value;
TestUtil.assertSuccess("listObjects has failed", resultHolder.value);
AssertJUnit.assertFalse("No users created", uobjects.getObject().isEmpty());
// TODO: use another account, not guybrush
display("Users after import " + uobjects.getObject().size());
for (ObjectType oo : uobjects.getObject()) {
UserType user = (UserType) oo;
if (SystemObjectsType.USER_ADMINISTRATOR.value().equals(user.getOid())) {
//skip administrator check
display("User after import (repo)", user);
// This would be
assertNotEmpty("No OID in user", user.getOid());
// really
// strange ;-)
assertNotEmpty("No name in user", user.getName());
assertNotNull("No fullName in user", user.getFullName());
assertNotEmpty("No fullName in user", user.getFullName().getOrig());
assertNotEmpty("No familyName in user", user.getFamilyName().getOrig());
if (user.getName().getOrig().equals(USER_GUYBRUSH_USERNAME)) {
// skip the rest of checks for guybrush, he does not have LDAP account now
assertTrue("User " + user.getName() + " is disabled (" + user.getActivation().getAdministrativeStatus() + ")", user.getActivation() == null || user.getActivation().getAdministrativeStatus() == ActivationStatusType.ENABLED);
List<ObjectReferenceType> accountRefs = user.getLinkRef();
AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Wrong accountRef for user " + user.getName(), 1, accountRefs.size());
ObjectReferenceType accountRef = accountRefs.get(0);
boolean found = false;
for (PrismObject<ShadowType> aObject : sobjects) {
ShadowType acc = aObject.asObjectable();
if (accountRef.getOid().equals(acc.getOid())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {"accountRef does not point to existing account " + accountRef.getOid());
PrismObject<ShadowType> aObject = modelService.getObject(ShadowType.class, accountRef.getOid(), null, task, result);
ShadowType account = aObject.asObjectable();
display("Account after import ", account);
String attributeValueL = ShadowUtil.getMultiStringAttributeValueAsSingle(account, new QName(ResourceTypeUtil.getResourceNamespace(resourceTypeOpenDjrepo), "l"));
// assertEquals("Unexcpected value of l", "middle of nowhere", attributeValueL);
assertEquals("Unexcpected value of l", getUserLocality(user), attributeValueL);
// This also includes "idm" user imported from LDAP. Later we need to ignore that one.
assertEquals("Wrong number of users after import", 10, uobjects.getObject().size());