use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.AuthorizationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class WebModelServiceUtils method loadObject.
public static <T extends ObjectType> PrismObject<T> loadObject(Class<T> type, String oid, Collection<SelectorOptions<GetOperationOptions>> options, boolean allowNotFound, PageBase page, Task task, OperationResult result) {
LOGGER.debug("Loading {} with oid {}, options {}", type.getSimpleName(), oid, options);
OperationResult subResult;
if (result != null) {
subResult = result.createMinorSubresult(OPERATION_LOAD_OBJECT);
} else {
subResult = new OperationResult(OPERATION_LOAD_OBJECT);
PrismObject<T> object = null;
try {
if (options == null) {
options = SelectorOptions.createCollection(GetOperationOptions.createResolveNames());
} else {
GetOperationOptions getOpts = SelectorOptions.findRootOptions(options);
if (getOpts == null) {
options.add(new SelectorOptions<>(GetOperationOptions.createResolveNames()));
} else {
object = page.getModelService().getObject(type, oid, options, task, subResult);
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
// Not authorized to access the object. This is probably caused by a reference that
// point to an object that the current user cannot read. This is no big deal.
// Just do not display that object.
LOGGER.debug("User {} is not authorized to read {} {}", task.getOwner() != null ? task.getOwner().getName() : null, type.getSimpleName(), oid);
return null;
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
if (allowNotFound) {
// Object does not exist. It was deleted in the meanwhile, or not created yet. This could happen quite often.
LOGGER.debug("{} {} does not exist", type.getSimpleName(), oid, e);
return null;
} else {
subResult.recordFatalError("WebModelUtils.couldntLoadObject", e);
LoggingUtils.logUnexpectedException(LOGGER, "Couldn't load object", e);
} catch (Exception ex) {
subResult.recordFatalError("WebModelUtils.couldntLoadObject", ex);
LoggingUtils.logUnexpectedException(LOGGER, "Couldn't load object", ex);
} finally {
// TODO reconsider this part: until recently, the condition was always 'false'
if (WebComponentUtil.showResultInPage(subResult)) {
LOGGER.debug("Loaded {} with result {}", object, subResult);
return object;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.AuthorizationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class SecurityEnforcerImpl method failAuthorization.
public <O extends ObjectType, T extends ObjectType> void failAuthorization(String operationUrl, AuthorizationPhaseType phase, PrismObject<O> object, ObjectDelta<O> delta, PrismObject<T> target, OperationResult result) throws SecurityViolationException {
MidPointPrincipal principal = getPrincipal();
String username = getQuotedUsername(principal);
String message;
if (target == null && object == null) {
message = "User '" + username + "' not authorized for operation " + operationUrl;
} else if (target == null) {
message = "User '" + username + "' not authorized for operation " + operationUrl + " on " + object;
} else {
message = "User '" + username + "' not authorized for operation " + operationUrl + " on " + object + " with target " + target;
LOGGER.error("{}", message);
AuthorizationException e = new AuthorizationException(message);
result.recordFatalError(e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.AuthorizationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class PageAdminObjectDetails method loadParentOrgs.
private void loadParentOrgs(ObjectWrapper<O> wrapper, Task task, OperationResult result) {
OperationResult subResult = result.createMinorSubresult(OPERATION_LOAD_PARENT_ORGS);
PrismObject<O> focus = wrapper.getObject();
// to better handle (ignore) errors.
for (ObjectReferenceType parentOrgRef : focus.asObjectable().getParentOrgRef()) {
PrismObject<OrgType> parentOrg = null;
try {
parentOrg = getModelService().getObject(OrgType.class, parentOrgRef.getOid(), null, task, subResult);
LOGGER.trace("Loaded parent org with result {}", new Object[] { subResult.getLastSubresult() });
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
// This can happen if the user has permission to read parentOrgRef but it does not have
// the permission to read target org
// It is OK to just ignore it.
LOGGER.debug("User {} does not have permission to read parent org unit {} (ignoring error)", task.getOwner().getName(), parentOrgRef.getOid());
} catch (Exception ex) {
subResult.recordWarning("Cannot load parent org " + parentOrgRef.getOid(), ex);
LOGGER.warn("Cannot load parent org {}: {}", parentOrgRef.getOid(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
if (parentOrg != null) {
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.AuthorizationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class Clockwork method authorizeElementContext.
private <F extends ObjectType, O extends ObjectType> ObjectSecurityConstraints authorizeElementContext(LensContext<F> context, LensElementContext<O> elementContext, OwnerResolver ownerResolver, boolean isFocus, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SecurityViolationException, SchemaException {
ObjectDelta<O> primaryDelta = elementContext.getPrimaryDelta();
// If there is no delta then there is no request to authorize
if (primaryDelta != null) {
primaryDelta = primaryDelta.clone();
PrismObject<O> object = elementContext.getObjectCurrent();
if (object == null) {
// This may happen when object is being added.
// But also in cases such as assignment of account and modification of
// the same account in one operation
object = elementContext.getObjectNew();
String operationUrl = ModelUtils.getOperationUrlFromDelta(primaryDelta);
ObjectSecurityConstraints securityConstraints = securityEnforcer.compileSecurityConstraints(object, ownerResolver);
if (securityConstraints == null) {
throw new AuthorizationException("Access denied");
if (isFocus) {
// Process assignments first. If the assignments are allowed then we
// have to ignore the assignment item in subsequent security checks
ContainerDelta<Containerable> assignmentDelta = primaryDelta.findContainerDelta(FocusType.F_ASSIGNMENT);
if (assignmentDelta != null) {
AuthorizationDecisionType assignmentItemDecision = securityConstraints.findItemDecision(new ItemPath(FocusType.F_ASSIGNMENT), operationUrl, getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context));
if (assignmentItemDecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.ALLOW) {
// Nothing to do, operation is allowed for all values
} else if (assignmentItemDecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.DENY) {
throw new AuthorizationException("Access denied");
} else {
AuthorizationDecisionType actionDecision = securityConstraints.getActionDecision(operationUrl, getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context));
if (actionDecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.ALLOW) {
// Nothing to do, operation is allowed for all values
} else if (actionDecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.DENY) {
throw new AuthorizationException("Access denied");
} else {
// No explicit decision for assignment modification yet
// process each assignment individually
DeltaSetTriple<EvaluatedAssignmentImpl<?>> evaluatedAssignmentTriple = context.getEvaluatedAssignmentTriple();
authorizeAssignmentRequest(context, ModelAuthorizationAction.ASSIGN.getUrl(), object, ownerResolver, evaluatedAssignmentTriple.getPlusSet(), true, result);
// We want to allow unassignment even if there are policies. Otherwise we would not be able to get
// rid of that assignment
authorizeAssignmentRequest(context, ModelAuthorizationAction.UNASSIGN.getUrl(), object, ownerResolver, evaluatedAssignmentTriple.getMinusSet(), false, result);
// authorization
if (primaryDelta.isAdd()) {
PrismObject<O> objectToAdd = primaryDelta.getObjectToAdd();
} else if (primaryDelta.isModify()) {
if (!primaryDelta.isDelete()) {
if (primaryDelta.isAdd()) {
PrismObject<O> objectToAdd = primaryDelta.getObjectToAdd();
PrismContainer<CredentialsType> credentialsContainer = objectToAdd.findContainer(UserType.F_CREDENTIALS);
if (credentialsContainer != null) {
for (Item<?, ?> item : credentialsContainer.getValue().getItems()) {
ContainerDelta<?> cdelta = new ContainerDelta(item.getPath(), (PrismContainerDefinition) item.getDefinition(), prismContext);
cdelta.addValuesToAdd(((PrismContainer) item).getValue().clone());
AuthorizationDecisionType cdecision = evaluateCredentialDecision(context, securityConstraints, cdelta);
LOGGER.trace("AUTZ: credential add {} decision: {}", item.getPath(), cdecision);
if (cdecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.ALLOW) {
// Remove it from primary delta, so it will not be evaluated later
} else if (cdecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.DENY) {
throw new AuthorizationException("Access denied");
} else {
// Do nothing. The access will be evaluated later in a normal way
} else {
// modify
Collection<? extends ItemDelta<?, ?>> credentialChanges = primaryDelta.findItemDeltasSubPath(new ItemPath(UserType.F_CREDENTIALS));
for (ItemDelta credentialChange : credentialChanges) {
AuthorizationDecisionType cdecision = evaluateCredentialDecision(context, securityConstraints, credentialChange);
LOGGER.trace("AUTZ: credential delta {} decision: {}", credentialChange.getPath(), cdecision);
if (cdecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.ALLOW) {
// Remove it from primary delta, so it will not be evaluated later
} else if (cdecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.DENY) {
throw new AuthorizationException("Access denied");
} else {
// Do nothing. The access will be evaluated later in a normal way
if (primaryDelta != null && !primaryDelta.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: optimize, avoid evaluating the constraints twice
securityEnforcer.authorize(operationUrl, getRequestAuthorizationPhase(context), object, primaryDelta, null, ownerResolver, result);
return securityConstraints;
} else {
return null;
use of com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.AuthorizationException in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class SchemaTransformer method applySchemasAndSecurityPhase.
private <O extends ObjectType> void applySchemasAndSecurityPhase(PrismObject<O> object, ObjectSecurityConstraints securityConstraints, PrismObjectDefinition<O> objectDefinition, GetOperationOptions rootOptions, AuthorizationPhaseType phase, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, SecurityViolationException, ConfigurationException, ObjectNotFoundException {
try {
AuthorizationDecisionType globalReadDecision = securityConstraints.getActionDecision(ModelAuthorizationAction.READ.getUrl(), phase);
if (globalReadDecision == AuthorizationDecisionType.DENY) {
// shortcut
SecurityUtil.logSecurityDeny(object, "because the authorization denies access");
throw new AuthorizationException("Access denied");
AuthorizationDecisionType globalAddDecision = securityConstraints.getActionDecision(ModelAuthorizationAction.ADD.getUrl(), phase);
AuthorizationDecisionType globalModifyDecision = securityConstraints.getActionDecision(ModelAuthorizationAction.MODIFY.getUrl(), phase);
applySecurityConstraints((List) object.getValue().getItems(), securityConstraints, globalReadDecision, globalAddDecision, globalModifyDecision, phase);
if (object.isEmpty()) {
// let's make it explicit
SecurityUtil.logSecurityDeny(object, "because the subject has not access to any item");
throw new AuthorizationException("Access denied");
applySecurityConstraintsItemDef(objectDefinition, ItemPath.EMPTY_PATH, securityConstraints, globalReadDecision, globalAddDecision, globalModifyDecision, phase);
} catch (SecurityViolationException | RuntimeException e) {
throw e;