use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestTaskExecutor method testLevelMovement.
@Test(invocationCount = 100)
public void testLevelMovement() {
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(2, 2, 3, 4, TASK_FAIR, ticker);
ticker.increment(20, MILLISECONDS);
try {
TaskHandle testTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId("test", 0, 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty());
Phaser globalPhaser = new Phaser();
int quantaTimeMills = 500;
int phasesPerSecond = 1000 / quantaTimeMills;
int totalPhases = LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS.length - 1] * phasesPerSecond;
TestingJob driver1 = new TestingJob(ticker, globalPhaser, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), totalPhases, quantaTimeMills);
TestingJob driver2 = new TestingJob(ticker, globalPhaser, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), totalPhases, quantaTimeMills);
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(testTaskHandle, true, ImmutableList.of(driver1, driver2));
int completedPhases = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS.length - 1); i++) {
for (; (completedPhases / phasesPerSecond) < LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i + 1]; completedPhases++) {
assertEquals(testTaskHandle.getPriority().getLevel(), i + 1);
} finally {
use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestTaskExecutor method testUserSpecifiedMaxDriversPerTask.
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testUserSpecifiedMaxDriversPerTask() {
MultilevelSplitQueue splitQueue = new MultilevelSplitQueue(2);
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
// create a task executor with min/max drivers per task to be 2 and 4
TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(4, 16, 2, 4, TASK_FAIR, splitQueue, ticker);
try {
// overwrite the max drivers per task to be 1
TaskHandle testTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId("test", 0, 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.of(1));
// enqueue all batches of splits
int batchCount = 4;
TestingJob[] splits = new TestingJob[4];
Phaser[] phasers = new Phaser[batchCount];
for (int batch = 0; batch < batchCount; batch++) {
phasers[batch] = new Phaser();
TestingJob split = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), phasers[batch], 1, 0);
splits[batch] = split;
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(testTaskHandle, false, ImmutableList.of(split));
// assert that the splits are processed in batches as expected
for (int batch = 0; batch < batchCount; batch++) {
// wait until the current batch starts
// assert that only the splits including and up to the current batch are running and the rest haven't started yet
assertSplitStates(batch, splits);
// complete the current batch
} finally {
use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestBackoff method testStartRequest.
public void testStartRequest() {
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
ticker.increment(1, NANOSECONDS);
Backoff backoff = new Backoff(1, new Duration(15, SECONDS), ticker, ImmutableList.of(new Duration(10, MILLISECONDS)));
ticker.increment(10, MICROSECONDS);
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureCount(), 1);
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureDuration().roundTo(SECONDS), 0);
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureRequestTimeTotal().roundTo(SECONDS), 0);
ticker.increment(7, SECONDS);
ticker.increment(7, SECONDS);
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureCount(), 2);
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureDuration().roundTo(SECONDS), 14);
// failed request took 7 seconds.
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureRequestTimeTotal().roundTo(SECONDS), 7);
ticker.increment(1, SECONDS);
ticker.increment(1, SECONDS);
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureCount(), 3);
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureDuration().roundTo(SECONDS), 16);
// failed requests took 7+1 seconds.
assertEquals(backoff.getFailureRequestTimeTotal().roundTo(SECONDS), 8);
use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestDatabaseShardManager method testBucketAssignments.
public void testBucketAssignments() {
Node node1 = createTestingNode();
Node node2 = createTestingNode();
Node node3 = createTestingNode();
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
MetadataDao metadataDao = dbi.onDemand(MetadataDao.class);
int bucketCount = 13;
long distributionId = metadataDao.insertDistribution(null, "test", bucketCount);
Set<Node> originalNodes = ImmutableSet.of(node1, node2);
ShardManager shardManager = createShardManager(dbi, () -> originalNodes, ticker);
shardManager.createBuckets(distributionId, bucketCount);
List<String> assignments = shardManager.getBucketAssignments(distributionId);
assertEquals(assignments.size(), bucketCount);
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.copyOf(assignments), nodeIds(originalNodes));
Set<Node> newNodes = ImmutableSet.of(node1, node3);
shardManager = createShardManager(dbi, () -> newNodes, ticker);
try {
fail("expected exception");
} catch (PrestoException e) {
assertEquals(e.getErrorCode(), SERVER_STARTING_UP.toErrorCode());
ticker.increment(2, DAYS);
assignments = shardManager.getBucketAssignments(distributionId);
assertEquals(assignments.size(), bucketCount);
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.copyOf(assignments), nodeIds(newNodes));
Set<Node> singleNode = ImmutableSet.of(node1);
shardManager = createShardManager(dbi, () -> singleNode, ticker);
ticker.increment(2, DAYS);
assignments = shardManager.getBucketAssignments(distributionId);
assertEquals(assignments.size(), bucketCount);
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.copyOf(assignments), nodeIds(singleNode));
use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestAssignmentLimiter method testNotEnoughNodes.
public void testNotEnoughNodes() throws Exception {
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
HashSet<Node> nodes = new HashSet<>();
Node node1 = new InternalNode("node1", new URI(""), NodeVersion.UNKNOWN, false);
Node node2 = new InternalNode("node2", new URI(""), NodeVersion.UNKNOWN, false);
AssignmentLimiter limiter = new AssignmentLimiter(() -> nodes, ticker, new Duration(0, SECONDS), new Duration(0, SECONDS), 2);
ticker.increment(1, SECONDS);
assertCheckFails(limiter, "node3", RAPTOR_NOT_ENOUGH_NODES);