use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestShardCleaner method setup.
public void setup() {
dbi = new DBI("jdbc:h2:mem:test" + System.nanoTime() + "_" + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt());
dummyHandle =;
temporary = createTempDir();
File directory = new File(temporary, "data");
storageService = new LocalFileStorageService(new LocalOrcDataEnvironment(), directory.toURI());
File backupDirectory = new File(temporary, "backup");
backupStore = new FileBackupStore(backupDirectory);
((FileBackupStore) backupStore).start();
ticker = new TestingTicker();
ShardCleanerConfig config = new ShardCleanerConfig();
cleaner = new ShardCleaner(new DaoSupplier<>(dbi, H2ShardDao.class), "node1", true, ticker, storageService, Optional.of(backupStore), new LocalOrcDataEnvironment(), config.getMaxTransactionAge(), config.getTransactionCleanerInterval(), config.getLocalCleanerInterval(), config.getLocalCleanTime(), config.getBackupCleanerInterval(), config.getBackupCleanTime(), config.getBackupDeletionThreads(), config.getMaxCompletedTransactionAge());
use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestTaskExecutor method testLevelMultipliers.
@Test(invocationCount = 100)
public void testLevelMultipliers() throws Exception {
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(1, 3, 3, 4, TASK_FAIR, new MultilevelSplitQueue(2), ticker);
ticker.increment(20, MILLISECONDS);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < (LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS.length - 1); i++) {
TaskHandle[] taskHandles = { taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId("test1", 0, 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty()), taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId("test2", 0, 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty()), taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId("test3", 0, 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty()) };
// move task 0 to next level
TestingJob task0Job = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(1), new Phaser(), new Phaser(), 1, LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i + 1] * 1000);
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[0], true, ImmutableList.of(task0Job));
// move tasks 1 and 2 to this level
TestingJob task1Job = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(1), new Phaser(), new Phaser(), 1, LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i] * 1000);
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[1], true, ImmutableList.of(task1Job));
TestingJob task2Job = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(1), new Phaser(), new Phaser(), 1, LEVEL_THRESHOLD_SECONDS[i] * 1000);
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[2], true, ImmutableList.of(task2Job));
// then, start new drivers for all tasks
Phaser globalPhaser = new Phaser(2);
TestingJob[] drivers = new TestingJob[6];
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
drivers[j] = new TestingJob(ticker, globalPhaser, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), phasesForNextLevel, 1000);
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[0], true, ImmutableList.of(drivers[0], drivers[1]));
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[1], true, ImmutableList.of(drivers[2], drivers[3]));
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandles[2], true, ImmutableList.of(drivers[4], drivers[5]));
// run all three drivers
int lowerLevelStart = drivers[2].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[3].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[4].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[5].getCompletedPhases();
int higherLevelStart = drivers[0].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[1].getCompletedPhases();
while ( {
int lowerLevelEnd = drivers[2].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[3].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[4].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[5].getCompletedPhases();
int lowerLevelTime = lowerLevelEnd - lowerLevelStart;
int higherLevelEnd = drivers[0].getCompletedPhases() + drivers[1].getCompletedPhases();
int higherLevelTime = higherLevelEnd - higherLevelStart;
if (higherLevelTime > 20) {
assertGreaterThan(lowerLevelTime, (higherLevelTime * 2) - 10);
assertLessThan(higherLevelTime, (lowerLevelTime * 2) + 10);
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// under high concurrency sometimes the deregister call can occur after completion
// this is not a real problem
} finally {
use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestTaskExecutor method testQuantaFairness.
@Test(invocationCount = 100)
public void testQuantaFairness() {
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(1, 2, 3, 4, QUERY_FAIR, ticker);
ticker.increment(20, MILLISECONDS);
try {
TaskHandle shortQuantaTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId("short_quanta", 0, 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty());
TaskHandle longQuantaTaskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(new TaskId("long_quanta", 0, 0, 0), () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty());
Phaser globalPhaser = new Phaser();
TestingJob shortQuantaDriver = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), globalPhaser, 10, 10);
TestingJob longQuantaDriver = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), new Phaser(), globalPhaser, 10, 20);
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(shortQuantaTaskHandle, true, ImmutableList.of(shortQuantaDriver));
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(longQuantaTaskHandle, true, ImmutableList.of(longQuantaDriver));
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
assertTrue(shortQuantaDriver.getCompletedPhases() >= 7 && shortQuantaDriver.getCompletedPhases() <= 8);
assertTrue(longQuantaDriver.getCompletedPhases() >= 3 && longQuantaDriver.getCompletedPhases() <= 4);
} finally {
use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestTaskExecutor method testTaskHandle.
public void testTaskHandle() {
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
TaskExecutor taskExecutor = new TaskExecutor(4, 8, 3, 4, QUERY_FAIR, ticker);
try {
TaskId taskId = new TaskId("test", 0, 0, 0);
TaskHandle taskHandle = taskExecutor.addTask(taskId, () -> 0, 10, new Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), OptionalInt.empty());
Phaser beginPhase = new Phaser();
Phaser verificationComplete = new Phaser();
TestingJob driver1 = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), beginPhase, verificationComplete, 10, 0);
TestingJob driver2 = new TestingJob(ticker, new Phaser(), beginPhase, verificationComplete, 10, 0);
// force enqueue a split
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandle, true, ImmutableList.of(driver1));
assertEquals(taskHandle.getRunningLeafSplits(), 0);
// normal enqueue a split
taskExecutor.enqueueSplits(taskHandle, false, ImmutableList.of(driver2));
assertEquals(taskHandle.getRunningLeafSplits(), 1);
// let the split continue to run
} finally {
use of com.facebook.airlift.testing.TestingTicker in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestPageBufferClient method testExceptionFromResponseHandler.
public void testExceptionFromResponseHandler() throws Exception {
DataSize expectedMaxSize = new DataSize(10, Unit.MEGABYTE);
TestingTicker ticker = new TestingTicker();
AtomicReference<Duration> tickerIncrement = new AtomicReference<>(new Duration(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
TestingHttpClient.Processor processor = (input) -> {
Duration delta = tickerIncrement.get();
ticker.increment(delta.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
throw new RuntimeException("Foo");
CyclicBarrier requestComplete = new CyclicBarrier(2);
TestingClientCallback callback = new TestingClientCallback(requestComplete);
URI location = URI.create("http://localhost:8080");
PageBufferClient client = new PageBufferClient(new HttpRpcShuffleClient(new TestingHttpClient(processor, scheduler), location), new Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS), true, location, Optional.empty(), callback, scheduler, ticker, pageBufferClientCallbackExecutor);
assertStatus(client, location, "queued", 0, 0, 0, 0, "not scheduled");
// request processor will throw exception, verify the request is marked a completed
// this starts the error stopwatch
requestComplete.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(callback.getPages().size(), 0);
assertEquals(callback.getCompletedRequests(), 1);
assertEquals(callback.getFinishedBuffers(), 0);
assertEquals(callback.getFailedBuffers(), 0);
assertStatus(client, location, "queued", 0, 1, 1, 1, "not scheduled");
// advance time forward, but not enough to fail the client
tickerIncrement.set(new Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// verify that the client has not failed
requestComplete.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(callback.getPages().size(), 0);
assertEquals(callback.getCompletedRequests(), 2);
assertEquals(callback.getFinishedBuffers(), 0);
assertEquals(callback.getFailedBuffers(), 0);
assertStatus(client, location, "queued", 0, 2, 2, 2, "not scheduled");
// advance time forward beyond the minimum error duration
tickerIncrement.set(new Duration(31, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// verify that the client has failed
requestComplete.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(callback.getPages().size(), 0);
assertEquals(callback.getCompletedRequests(), 3);
assertEquals(callback.getFinishedBuffers(), 0);
assertEquals(callback.getFailedBuffers(), 1);
assertInstanceOf(callback.getFailure(), PageTransportTimeoutException.class);
assertContains(callback.getFailure().getMessage(), WORKER_NODE_ERROR + " (http://localhost:8080/0 - 3 failures, failure duration 31.00s, total failed request time 31.00s)");
assertStatus(client, location, "queued", 0, 3, 3, 3, "not scheduled");