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Example 1 with LongInputStream

use of in project presto by prestodb.

the class TestSliceDictionaryColumnWriter method getDictionaryKeys.

private List<String> getDictionaryKeys(List<String> values, OrcEncoding orcEncoding, boolean sortDictionaryKeys) throws IOException {
    DictionaryColumnWriter writer = getDictionaryColumnWriter(orcEncoding, sortDictionaryKeys);
    for (int index = 0; index < values.size(); ) {
        int endIndex = Math.min(index + 10_000, values.size());
        BlockBuilder blockBuilder = VARCHAR.createBlockBuilder(null, 10_000);
        while (index < endIndex) {
            VARCHAR.writeSlice(blockBuilder, utf8Slice(values.get(index++)));
    List<StreamDataOutput> streams = writer.getDataStreams();
    int dictionarySize = writer.getColumnEncodings().get(COLUMN_ID).getDictionarySize();
    ByteArrayInputStream dictionaryDataStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(getOrcInputStream(streams, DICTIONARY_DATA));
    LongInputStream dictionaryLengthStream = getDictionaryLengthStream(streams, orcEncoding);
    List<String> dictionaryKeys = new ArrayList<>(dictionarySize);
    for (int i = 0; i < dictionarySize; i++) {
        int length = toIntExact(;
        String dictionaryKey = new String(, UTF_8);
    return dictionaryKeys;
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StreamDataOutput( BlockBuilder(com.facebook.presto.common.block.BlockBuilder) LongInputStream(

Example 2 with LongInputStream

use of in project presto by prestodb.

the class LongDictionaryProvider method getDictionary.

 * Loads a dictionary from a stream and attempts to reuse the dictionary buffer passed in.
 * @param streamDescriptor descriptor indicating node and sequence of the stream reader
 * the dictionary is associated with.
 * @param dictionary dictionary buffer the method attempts to fill.
 * @param items number of items expected in the dictionary.
 * @return The DictionaryResult contains two parts:
 * 1) the final dictionary buffer object. Different from the input dictionary buffer if the input
 *    dictionary buffer is expanded or that the method returns a shared dictionary.
 * 2) whether the caller will be the owner of the dictionary, for the purpose of memory accounting.
 *    Callers own all non-shared dictionaries, and only the first caller of the shared dictionary
 *    is the owner.
 * @throws IOException
public DictionaryResult getDictionary(StreamDescriptor streamDescriptor, long[] dictionary, int items) throws IOException {
    InputStreamSource<LongInputStream> dictionaryDataStream = dictionaryStreamSources.getInputStreamSource(streamDescriptor, DICTIONARY_DATA, LongInputStream.class);
    // Fetch non-shared dictionaries.
    if (dictionaryDataStream.openStream() != null) {
        return loadDictionary(streamDescriptor, dictionaryDataStream, dictionary, items);
    // Try fetching shared dictionaries
    int streamId = streamDescriptor.getStreamId();
    SharedDictionary sharedDictionary = sharedDictionaries.get(streamId);
    boolean isNewEntry = sharedDictionary == null;
    if (isNewEntry) {
        StreamDescriptor sharedDictionaryStreamDescriptor = streamDescriptor.duplicate(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_ID);
        InputStreamSource<LongInputStream> sharedDictionaryDataStream = dictionaryStreamSources.getInputStreamSource(sharedDictionaryStreamDescriptor, DICTIONARY_DATA, LongInputStream.class);
        long[] dictionaryBuffer = loadDictionary(streamDescriptor, sharedDictionaryDataStream, dictionary, items).dictionaryBuffer();
        sharedDictionary = new SharedDictionary(dictionaryBuffer, items);
        sharedDictionaries.put(streamId, sharedDictionary);
    checkState(sharedDictionary.size == items, "Shared dictionary size mismatch for stream: %s", streamDescriptor);
    return new DictionaryResult(sharedDictionary.values, isNewEntry);
Also used : StreamDescriptor(com.facebook.presto.orc.StreamDescriptor) LongInputStream(

Example 3 with LongInputStream

use of in project presto by prestodb.

the class SliceDictionarySelectiveReader method openRowGroup.

private void openRowGroup() throws IOException {
    // read the dictionary
    if (!stripeDictionaryOpen) {
        if (stripeDictionarySize > 0) {
            // resize the dictionary lengths array if necessary
            if (stripeDictionaryLength.length < stripeDictionarySize) {
                stripeDictionaryLength = new int[stripeDictionarySize];
            // read the lengths
            LongInputStream lengthStream = stripeDictionaryLengthStreamSource.openStream();
            if (lengthStream == null) {
                throw new OrcCorruptionException(streamDescriptor.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Dictionary is not empty but dictionary length stream is not present");
            lengthStream.nextIntVector(stripeDictionarySize, stripeDictionaryLength, 0);
            long dataLength = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < stripeDictionarySize; i++) {
                dataLength += stripeDictionaryLength[i];
            dictionaryData = ensureCapacity(dictionaryData, toIntExact(dataLength));
            dictionaryOffsetVector = ensureCapacity(dictionaryOffsetVector, stripeDictionarySize + 2);
            // read dictionary values
            ByteArrayInputStream dictionaryDataStream = stripeDictionaryDataStreamSource.openStream();
            readDictionary(dictionaryDataStream, stripeDictionarySize, stripeDictionaryLength, 0, dictionaryData, dictionaryOffsetVector, maxCodePointCount, isCharType);
        } else {
            dictionaryData = EMPTY_DICTIONARY_DATA;
            dictionaryOffsetVector = EMPTY_DICTIONARY_OFFSETS;
        // If there is no rowgroup dictionary, we only need to wrap the stripe dictionary once per stripe because wrapping dictionary is very expensive.
        dictionaryWrapped = false;
    // read row group dictionary
    RowGroupDictionaryLengthInputStream dictionaryLengthStream = rowGroupDictionaryLengthStreamSource.openStream();
    if (dictionaryLengthStream != null) {
        int rowGroupDictionarySize = dictionaryLengthStream.getEntryCount();
        rowGroupDictionaryLength = ensureCapacity(rowGroupDictionaryLength, rowGroupDictionarySize);
        // read the lengths
        dictionaryLengthStream.nextIntVector(rowGroupDictionarySize, rowGroupDictionaryLength, 0);
        long dataLength = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < rowGroupDictionarySize; i++) {
            dataLength += rowGroupDictionaryLength[i];
        dictionaryData = ensureCapacity(dictionaryData, dictionaryOffsetVector[stripeDictionarySize] + toIntExact(dataLength), MEDIUM, PRESERVE);
        dictionaryOffsetVector = ensureCapacity(dictionaryOffsetVector, stripeDictionarySize + rowGroupDictionarySize + 2, MEDIUM, PRESERVE);
        dictionaryWrapped = false;
        // read dictionary values
        ByteArrayInputStream dictionaryDataStream = rowGroupDictionaryDataStreamSource.openStream();
        readDictionary(dictionaryDataStream, rowGroupDictionarySize, rowGroupDictionaryLength, stripeDictionarySize, dictionaryData, dictionaryOffsetVector, maxCodePointCount, isCharType);
        currentDictionarySize = stripeDictionarySize + rowGroupDictionarySize + 1;
        initiateEvaluationStatus(stripeDictionarySize + rowGroupDictionarySize + 1);
    } else {
        // there is no row group dictionary so use the stripe dictionary
        currentDictionarySize = stripeDictionarySize + 1;
        initiateEvaluationStatus(stripeDictionarySize + 1);
    dictionaryOffsetVector[currentDictionarySize] = dictionaryOffsetVector[currentDictionarySize - 1];
    stripeDictionaryOpen = true;
    presentStream = presentStreamSource.openStream();
    inDictionaryStream = inDictionaryStreamSource.openStream();
    dataStream = dataStreamSource.openStream();
    rowGroupOpen = true;
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( RowGroupDictionaryLengthInputStream( OrcCorruptionException(com.facebook.presto.orc.OrcCorruptionException) LongInputStream(

Example 4 with LongInputStream

use of in project presto by prestodb.

the class SliceDictionaryBatchStreamReader method openRowGroup.

private void openRowGroup() throws IOException {
    // read the dictionary
    if (!stripeDictionaryOpen) {
        if (stripeDictionarySize > 0) {
            // resize the dictionary lengths array if necessary
            if (stripeDictionaryLength.length < stripeDictionarySize) {
                stripeDictionaryLength = new int[stripeDictionarySize];
            // read the lengths
            LongInputStream lengthStream = stripeDictionaryLengthStreamSource.openStream();
            if (lengthStream == null) {
                throw new OrcCorruptionException(streamDescriptor.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Dictionary is not empty but dictionary length stream is not present");
  , stripeDictionarySize);
            long dataLength = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < stripeDictionarySize; i++) {
                dataLength += stripeDictionaryLength[i];
            // we must always create a new dictionary array because the previous dictionary may still be referenced
            stripeDictionaryData = new byte[toIntExact(dataLength)];
            // add one extra entry for null
            stripeDictionaryOffsetVector = new int[stripeDictionarySize + 2];
            // read dictionary values
            ByteArrayInputStream dictionaryDataStream = stripeDictionaryDataStreamSource.openStream();
            readDictionary(dictionaryDataStream, stripeDictionarySize, stripeDictionaryLength, 0, stripeDictionaryData, stripeDictionaryOffsetVector, maxCodePointCount, isCharType);
        } else {
            stripeDictionaryData = EMPTY_DICTIONARY_DATA;
            stripeDictionaryOffsetVector = EMPTY_DICTIONARY_OFFSETS;
    stripeDictionaryOpen = true;
    // read row group dictionary
    RowGroupDictionaryLengthInputStream dictionaryLengthStream = rowGroupDictionaryLengthStreamSource.openStream();
    if (dictionaryLengthStream != null) {
        int rowGroupDictionarySize = dictionaryLengthStream.getEntryCount();
        // resize the dictionary lengths array if necessary
        if (rowGroupDictionaryLength.length < rowGroupDictionarySize) {
            rowGroupDictionaryLength = new int[rowGroupDictionarySize];
        // read the lengths, rowGroupDictionarySize);
        long dataLength = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < rowGroupDictionarySize; i++) {
            dataLength += rowGroupDictionaryLength[i];
        // We must always create a new dictionary array because the previous dictionary may still be referenced
        // The first elements of the dictionary are from the stripe dictionary, then the row group dictionary elements, and then a null
        byte[] rowGroupDictionaryData = Arrays.copyOf(stripeDictionaryData, stripeDictionaryOffsetVector[stripeDictionarySize] + toIntExact(dataLength));
        int[] rowGroupDictionaryOffsetVector = Arrays.copyOf(stripeDictionaryOffsetVector, stripeDictionarySize + rowGroupDictionarySize + 2);
        // read dictionary values
        ByteArrayInputStream dictionaryDataStream = rowGroupDictionaryDataStreamSource.openStream();
        readDictionary(dictionaryDataStream, rowGroupDictionarySize, rowGroupDictionaryLength, stripeDictionarySize, rowGroupDictionaryData, rowGroupDictionaryOffsetVector, maxCodePointCount, isCharType);
        setDictionaryBlockData(rowGroupDictionaryData, rowGroupDictionaryOffsetVector, stripeDictionarySize + rowGroupDictionarySize + 1);
    } else {
        // there is no row group dictionary so use the stripe dictionary
        setDictionaryBlockData(stripeDictionaryData, stripeDictionaryOffsetVector, stripeDictionarySize + 1);
    presentStream = presentStreamSource.openStream();
    inDictionaryStream = inDictionaryStreamSource.openStream();
    dataStream = dataStreamSource.openStream();
    rowGroupOpen = true;
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( RowGroupDictionaryLengthInputStream( OrcCorruptionException(com.facebook.presto.orc.OrcCorruptionException) LongInputStream(

Example 5 with LongInputStream

use of in project presto by prestodb.

the class LongDictionaryProvider method loadDictionary.

private DictionaryResult loadDictionary(StreamDescriptor streamDescriptor, InputStreamSource<LongInputStream> dictionaryDataStream, long[] dictionaryBuffer, int items) throws IOException {
    // We construct and use the input stream exactly once per stream descriptor per stripe, so we don't
    // really need to cache it.
    LongInputStream inputStream = dictionaryDataStream.openStream();
    if (inputStream == null) {
        throw new OrcCorruptionException(streamDescriptor.getOrcDataSourceId(), "Dictionary is not empty but data stream is not present for %s", streamDescriptor);
    if (dictionaryBuffer == null || dictionaryBuffer.length < items) {
        dictionaryBuffer = new long[items];
    }, items);
    return new DictionaryResult(dictionaryBuffer, true);
Also used : OrcCorruptionException(com.facebook.presto.orc.OrcCorruptionException) LongInputStream(


LongInputStream ( OrcCorruptionException (com.facebook.presto.orc.OrcCorruptionException)3 ByteArrayInputStream ( RowGroupDictionaryLengthInputStream ( BlockBuilder (com.facebook.presto.common.block.BlockBuilder)1 StreamDescriptor (com.facebook.presto.orc.StreamDescriptor)1 StreamDataOutput ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1