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Example 1 with RowGroupDictionaryLengthStream

use of in project presto by prestodb.

the class SliceDictionaryStreamReader method openRowGroup.

private void openRowGroup(Type type) throws IOException {
    // read the dictionary
    if (!stripeDictionaryOpen) {
        // We must always create a new dictionary array because the previous dictionary may still be referenced
        // add one extra entry for null
        stripeDictionary = new Slice[stripeDictionarySize + 1];
        if (stripeDictionarySize > 0) {
            int[] dictionaryLength = new int[stripeDictionarySize];
            // read the lengths
            LongStream lengthStream = stripeDictionaryLengthStreamSource.openStream();
            if (lengthStream == null) {
                throw new OrcCorruptionException("Dictionary is not empty but dictionary length stream is not present");
            lengthStream.nextIntVector(stripeDictionarySize, dictionaryLength);
            // read dictionary values
            ByteArrayStream dictionaryDataStream = stripeDictionaryDataStreamSource.openStream();
            readDictionary(dictionaryDataStream, stripeDictionarySize, dictionaryLength, 0, stripeDictionary, type);
    stripeDictionaryOpen = true;
    // read row group dictionary
    RowGroupDictionaryLengthStream dictionaryLengthStream = rowGroupDictionaryLengthStreamSource.openStream();
    if (dictionaryLengthStream != null) {
        int rowGroupDictionarySize = dictionaryLengthStream.getEntryCount();
        // We must always create a new dictionary array because the previous dictionary may still be referenced
        // The first elements of the dictionary are from the stripe dictionary, then the row group dictionary elements, and then a null
        rowGroupDictionary = Arrays.copyOf(stripeDictionary, stripeDictionarySize + rowGroupDictionarySize + 1);
        // resize the dictionary lengths array if necessary
        if (rowGroupDictionaryLength.length < rowGroupDictionarySize) {
            rowGroupDictionaryLength = new int[rowGroupDictionarySize];
        // read the lengths
        dictionaryLengthStream.nextIntVector(rowGroupDictionarySize, rowGroupDictionaryLength);
        // read dictionary values
        ByteArrayStream dictionaryDataStream = rowGroupDictionaryDataStreamSource.openStream();
        readDictionary(dictionaryDataStream, rowGroupDictionarySize, rowGroupDictionaryLength, stripeDictionarySize, rowGroupDictionary, type);
    } else {
        // there is no row group dictionary so use the stripe dictionary
    presentStream = presentStreamSource.openStream();
    inDictionaryStream = inDictionaryStreamSource.openStream();
    dataStream = dataStreamSource.openStream();
    rowGroupOpen = true;
Also used : RowGroupDictionaryLengthStream( ByteArrayStream( LongStream( OrcCorruptionException(com.facebook.presto.orc.OrcCorruptionException)


OrcCorruptionException (com.facebook.presto.orc.OrcCorruptionException)1 ByteArrayStream ( LongStream ( RowGroupDictionaryLengthStream (