use of com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.plan.SpatialJoinNode.Type.INNER in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestSpatialJoinOperator method testYield.
public void testYield() {
// create a filter function that yields for every probe match
// verify we will yield #match times totally
TaskContext taskContext = createTaskContext();
DriverContext driverContext = taskContext.addPipelineContext(0, true, true, false).addDriverContext();
// force a yield for every match
AtomicInteger filterFunctionCalls = new AtomicInteger();
InternalJoinFilterFunction filterFunction = new TestInternalJoinFilterFunction(((leftPosition, leftPage, rightPosition, rightPage) -> {
return true;
RowPagesBuilder buildPages = rowPagesBuilder(ImmutableList.of(GEOMETRY, VARCHAR)).row(POLYGON_A, "A").pageBreak().row(POLYGON_B, "B");
PagesSpatialIndexFactory pagesSpatialIndexFactory = buildIndex(driverContext, (build, probe, r) -> build.contains(probe), Optional.empty(), Optional.of(filterFunction), buildPages);
// 10 points in polygon A (x0...x9)
// 10 points in polygons A and B (y0...y9)
// 10 points in polygon B (z0...z9)
// 40 total matches
RowPagesBuilder probePages = rowPagesBuilder(ImmutableList.of(GEOMETRY, VARCHAR));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
probePages.row(stPoint(1 + 0.1 * i, 1 + 0.1 * i), "x" + i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
probePages.row(stPoint(4.5 + 0.01 * i, 4.5 + 0.01 * i), "y" + i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
probePages.row(stPoint(6 + 0.1 * i, 6 + 0.1 * i), "z" + i);
List<Page> probeInput =;
OperatorFactory joinOperatorFactory = new SpatialJoinOperatorFactory(2, new PlanNodeId("test"), INNER, probePages.getTypes(), Ints.asList(1), 0, Optional.empty(), pagesSpatialIndexFactory);
Operator operator = joinOperatorFactory.createOperator(driverContext);
// we will yield 40 times due to filterFunction
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
driverContext.getYieldSignal().setWithDelay(5 * SECONDS.toNanos(1), driverContext.getYieldExecutor());
assertEquals(filterFunctionCalls.get(), i + 1, "Expected join to stop processing (yield) after calling filter function once");
// delayed yield is not going to prevent operator from producing a page now (yield won't be forced because filter function won't be called anymore)
driverContext.getYieldSignal().setWithDelay(5 * SECONDS.toNanos(1), driverContext.getYieldExecutor());
Page output = operator.getOutput();
// make sure we have 40 matches
assertEquals(output.getPositionCount(), 40);