use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.Identifier in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testCreateSchema.
public void testCreateSchema() {
assertStatement("CREATE SCHEMA test", new CreateSchema(QualifiedName.of("test"), false, ImmutableList.of()));
assertStatement("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS test", new CreateSchema(QualifiedName.of("test"), true, ImmutableList.of()));
assertStatement("CREATE SCHEMA test WITH (a = 'apple', b = 123)", new CreateSchema(QualifiedName.of("test"), false, ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("a"), new StringLiteral("apple")), new Property(new Identifier("b"), new LongLiteral("123")))));
assertStatement("CREATE SCHEMA \"some name that contains space\"", new CreateSchema(QualifiedName.of("some name that contains space"), false, ImmutableList.of()));
use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.Identifier in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testAnalyze.
public void testAnalyze() {
QualifiedName table = QualifiedName.of("foo");
assertStatement("ANALYZE foo", new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()));
assertStatement("ANALYZE foo WITH ( \"string\" = 'bar', \"long\" = 42, computed = concat('ban', 'ana'), a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] )", new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("string"), new StringLiteral("bar")), new Property(new Identifier("long"), new LongLiteral("42")), new Property(new Identifier("computed"), new FunctionCall(QualifiedName.of("concat"), ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("ban"), new StringLiteral("ana")))), new Property(new Identifier("a"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("v1"), new StringLiteral("v2")))))));
assertStatement("EXPLAIN ANALYZE foo", new Explain(new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()), false, false, ImmutableList.of()));
assertStatement("EXPLAIN ANALYZE ANALYZE foo", new Explain(new Analyze(table, ImmutableList.of()), true, false, ImmutableList.of()));
use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.Identifier in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testCreateMaterializedView.
public void testCreateMaterializedView() {
Query query = simpleQuery(selectList(new AllColumns()), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
assertStatement("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv" + " AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateMaterializedView(Optional.empty(), QualifiedName.of("mv"), query, false, ImmutableList.of(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv COMMENT 'A simple materialized view'" + " AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateMaterializedView(Optional.empty(), QualifiedName.of("mv"), query, false, ImmutableList.of(), Optional.of("A simple materialized view")));
assertStatement("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS mv COMMENT 'A simple materialized view'" + " AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateMaterializedView(Optional.empty(), QualifiedName.of("mv"), query, true, ImmutableList.of(), Optional.of("A simple materialized view")));
List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("partitioned_by"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("ds")))));
assertStatement("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS mv COMMENT 'A simple materialized view'" + " WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY ['ds'])" + " AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateMaterializedView(Optional.empty(), QualifiedName.of("mv"), query, true, properties, Optional.of("A simple materialized view")));
List<Property> properties1 = ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("partitioned_by"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("ds")))), new Property(new Identifier("retention_days"), new LongLiteral("90")));
assertStatement("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS mv COMMENT 'A simple materialized view'" + " WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY ['ds'], retention_days = 90)" + " AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateMaterializedView(Optional.empty(), QualifiedName.of("mv"), query, true, properties1, Optional.of("A simple materialized view")));
use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.Identifier in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testRefreshMaterializedView.
public void testRefreshMaterializedView() {
assertStatement("REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW a WHERE p = 'x'", new RefreshMaterializedView(table(QualifiedName.of("a")), new ComparisonExpression(ComparisonExpression.Operator.EQUAL, new Identifier("p"), new StringLiteral("x"))));
assertStatement("REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW a.b WHERE p = 'x'", new RefreshMaterializedView(table(QualifiedName.of("a", "b")), new ComparisonExpression(ComparisonExpression.Operator.EQUAL, new Identifier("p"), new StringLiteral("x"))));
use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.Identifier in project presto by prestodb.
the class MaterializedViewQueryOptimizer method visitSingleColumn.
protected Node visitSingleColumn(SingleColumn node, Void context) {
// For a single table, without sub-queries, the column prefix is unnecessary. Here It is removed so that it can be mapped to the view column properly.
// For relations other than single table, it needs to be reserved to differentiate columns from different tables.
// One way to do so is to process the prefix within `visitDereferenceExpression()` since the prefix information is saved as `base` in `DereferenceExpression` node.
node = removeSingleColumnPrefix(node, removablePrefix);
Expression expression = node.getExpression();
Optional<Set<Expression>> groupByOfMaterializedView = materializedViewInfo.getGroupBy();
// TODO: Replace this logic with rule-based validation framework.
if (groupByOfMaterializedView.isPresent() && validateExpressionForGroupBy(groupByOfMaterializedView.get(), expression) && (!expressionsInGroupBy.isPresent() || !expressionsInGroupBy.get().contains(expression))) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Query a column presents in materialized view group by: " + expression.toString());
Expression processedColumn = (Expression) process(expression, context);
Optional<Identifier> alias = node.getAlias();
// If a column name was rewritten, make sure we re-alias to same name as base query
if (!alias.isPresent() && processedColumn instanceof Identifier && !processedColumn.equals(node.getExpression())) {
alias = Optional.of((Identifier) node.getExpression());
return new SingleColumn(processedColumn, alias);