use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project presto by prestodb.
the class FunctionRegistry method resolveFunction.
public Signature resolveFunction(QualifiedName name, List<TypeSignatureProvider> parameterTypes) {
Collection<SqlFunction> allCandidates = functions.get(name);
List<SqlFunction> exactCandidates = -> function.getSignature().getTypeVariableConstraints().isEmpty()).collect(Collectors.toList());
Optional<Signature> match = matchFunctionExact(exactCandidates, parameterTypes);
if (match.isPresent()) {
return match.get();
List<SqlFunction> genericCandidates = -> !function.getSignature().getTypeVariableConstraints().isEmpty()).collect(Collectors.toList());
match = matchFunctionExact(genericCandidates, parameterTypes);
if (match.isPresent()) {
return match.get();
match = matchFunctionWithCoercion(allCandidates, parameterTypes);
if (match.isPresent()) {
return match.get();
List<String> expectedParameters = new ArrayList<>();
for (SqlFunction function : allCandidates) {
expectedParameters.add(format("%s(%s) %s", name, Joiner.on(", ").join(function.getSignature().getArgumentTypes()), Joiner.on(", ").join(function.getSignature().getTypeVariableConstraints())));
String parameters = Joiner.on(", ").join(parameterTypes);
String message = format("Function %s not registered", name);
if (!expectedParameters.isEmpty()) {
String expected = Joiner.on(", ").join(expectedParameters);
message = format("Unexpected parameters (%s) for function %s. Expected: %s", parameters, name, expected);
if (name.getSuffix().startsWith(MAGIC_LITERAL_FUNCTION_PREFIX)) {
// extract type from function name
String typeName = name.getSuffix().substring(MAGIC_LITERAL_FUNCTION_PREFIX.length());
// lookup the type
Type type = typeManager.getType(parseTypeSignature(typeName));
requireNonNull(type, format("Type %s not registered", typeName));
// verify we have one parameter of the proper type
checkArgument(parameterTypes.size() == 1, "Expected one argument to literal function, but got %s", parameterTypes);
Type parameterType = typeManager.getType(parameterTypes.get(0).getTypeSignature());
requireNonNull(parameterType, format("Type %s not found", parameterTypes.get(0)));
return getMagicLiteralFunctionSignature(type);
throw new PrestoException(FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND, message);
use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project presto by prestodb.
the class QueryRewriter method rewriteCreateTableAsSelect.
private Query rewriteCreateTableAsSelect(Connection connection, Query query, CreateTableAsSelect statement) throws SQLException {
List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>();
int originalSize = statement.getName().getOriginalParts().size();
int prefixSize = rewritePrefix.getOriginalParts().size();
if (originalSize > prefixSize) {
parts.addAll(statement.getName().getOriginalParts().subList(0, originalSize - prefixSize));
parts.set(parts.size() - 1, createTemporaryTableName());
QualifiedName temporaryTableName = QualifiedName.of(parts);
Statement rewritten = new CreateTableAsSelect(temporaryTableName, statement.getQuery(), statement.isNotExists(), statement.getProperties(), statement.isWithData());
String createTableAsSql = formatSql(rewritten, Optional.empty());
String checksumSql = checksumSql(getColumns(connection, statement), temporaryTableName);
String dropTableSql = dropTableSql(temporaryTableName);
return new Query(query.getCatalog(), query.getSchema(), ImmutableList.of(createTableAsSql), checksumSql, ImmutableList.of(dropTableSql), query.getUsername(), query.getPassword(), query.getSessionProperties());
use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project presto by prestodb.
the class AstBuilder method visitFunctionCall.
public Node visitFunctionCall(SqlBaseParser.FunctionCallContext context) {
Optional<Expression> filter = visitIfPresent(context.filter(), Expression.class);
Optional<Window> window = visitIfPresent(context.over(), Window.class);
Optional<OrderBy> orderBy = Optional.empty();
if (context.ORDER() != null) {
orderBy = Optional.of(new OrderBy(visit(context.sortItem(), SortItem.class)));
QualifiedName name = getQualifiedName(context.qualifiedName());
boolean distinct = isDistinct(context.setQuantifier());
boolean ignoreNulls = context.nullTreatment() != null && context.nullTreatment().IGNORE() != null;
if (name.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("if")) {
check(context.expression().size() == 2 || context.expression().size() == 3, "Invalid number of arguments for 'if' function", context);
check(!window.isPresent(), "OVER clause not valid for 'if' function", context);
check(!distinct, "DISTINCT not valid for 'if' function", context);
check(!filter.isPresent(), "FILTER not valid for 'if' function", context);
Expression elseExpression = null;
if (context.expression().size() == 3) {
elseExpression = (Expression) visit(context.expression(2));
return new IfExpression(getLocation(context), (Expression) visit(context.expression(0)), (Expression) visit(context.expression(1)), elseExpression);
if (name.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("nullif")) {
check(context.expression().size() == 2, "Invalid number of arguments for 'nullif' function", context);
check(!window.isPresent(), "OVER clause not valid for 'nullif' function", context);
check(!distinct, "DISTINCT not valid for 'nullif' function", context);
check(!filter.isPresent(), "FILTER not valid for 'nullif' function", context);
return new NullIfExpression(getLocation(context), (Expression) visit(context.expression(0)), (Expression) visit(context.expression(1)));
if (name.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("coalesce")) {
check(context.expression().size() >= 2, "The 'coalesce' function must have at least two arguments", context);
check(!window.isPresent(), "OVER clause not valid for 'coalesce' function", context);
check(!distinct, "DISTINCT not valid for 'coalesce' function", context);
check(!filter.isPresent(), "FILTER not valid for 'coalesce' function", context);
return new CoalesceExpression(getLocation(context), visit(context.expression(), Expression.class));
if (name.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("try")) {
check(context.expression().size() == 1, "The 'try' function must have exactly one argument", context);
check(!window.isPresent(), "OVER clause not valid for 'try' function", context);
check(!distinct, "DISTINCT not valid for 'try' function", context);
check(!filter.isPresent(), "FILTER not valid for 'try' function", context);
return new TryExpression(getLocation(context), (Expression) visit(getOnlyElement(context.expression())));
if (name.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("$internal$bind")) {
check(context.expression().size() >= 1, "The '$internal$bind' function must have at least one arguments", context);
check(!window.isPresent(), "OVER clause not valid for '$internal$bind' function", context);
check(!distinct, "DISTINCT not valid for '$internal$bind' function", context);
check(!filter.isPresent(), "FILTER not valid for '$internal$bind' function", context);
int numValues = context.expression().size() - 1;
List<Expression> arguments = context.expression().stream().map(this::visit).map(Expression.class::cast).collect(toImmutableList());
return new BindExpression(getLocation(context), arguments.subList(0, numValues), arguments.get(numValues));
return new FunctionCall(getLocation(context), getQualifiedName(context.qualifiedName()), window, filter, orderBy, distinct, ignoreNulls, visit(context.expression(), Expression.class));
use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testCreateTableAsSelect.
public void testCreateTableAsSelect() {
Query query = simpleQuery(selectList(new AllColumns()), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
Query querySelectColumn = simpleQuery(selectList(new Identifier("a")), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
Query querySelectColumns = simpleQuery(selectList(new Identifier("a"), new Identifier("b")), table(QualifiedName.of("t")));
QualifiedName table = QualifiedName.of("foo");
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo AS SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, true, ImmutableList.of(), true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) AS SELECT a FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) AS SELECT a,b FROM t WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, ImmutableList.of(), false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(new Property(new Identifier("string"), new StringLiteral("bar")), new Property(new Identifier("long"), new LongLiteral("42")), new Property(new Identifier("computed"), new FunctionCall(QualifiedName.of("concat"), ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("ban"), new StringLiteral("ana")))), new Property(new Identifier("a"), new ArrayConstructor(ImmutableList.of(new StringLiteral("v1"), new StringLiteral("v2")))));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, true, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, true, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, false, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) " + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT * FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, query, false, properties, false, Optional.empty(), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumn, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"))), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( string = 'bar', long = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.of("test")));
assertStatement("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y) COMMENT 'test'" + "WITH ( \"string\" = 'bar', \"long\" = 42, computed = 'ban' || 'ana', a = ARRAY[ 'v1', 'v2' ] ) " + "AS " + "SELECT a,b FROM t " + "WITH NO DATA", new CreateTableAsSelect(table, querySelectColumns, false, properties, false, Optional.of(ImmutableList.of(new Identifier("x"), new Identifier("y"))), Optional.of("test")));
use of com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.QualifiedName in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestSqlParser method testShowStatsForQuery.
public void testShowStatsForQuery() {
final String[] tableNames = { "t", "s.t", "c.s.t" };
for (String fullName : tableNames) {
QualifiedName qualifiedName = makeQualifiedName(fullName);
assertStatement(format("SHOW STATS FOR (SELECT * FROM %s)", qualifiedName), createShowStats(qualifiedName, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns()), Optional.empty()));
assertStatement(format("SHOW STATS FOR (SELECT * FROM %s WHERE field > 0)", qualifiedName), createShowStats(qualifiedName, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns()), Optional.of(new ComparisonExpression(GREATER_THAN, new Identifier("field"), new LongLiteral("0")))));
assertStatement(format("SHOW STATS FOR (SELECT * FROM %s WHERE field > 0 or field < 0)", qualifiedName), createShowStats(qualifiedName, ImmutableList.of(new AllColumns()), Optional.of(new LogicalBinaryExpression(LogicalBinaryExpression.Operator.OR, new ComparisonExpression(GREATER_THAN, new Identifier("field"), new LongLiteral("0")), new ComparisonExpression(LESS_THAN, new Identifier("field"), new LongLiteral("0"))))));