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Example 1 with WebDialog

use of com.facebook.widget.WebDialog in project phonegap-facebook-plugin by Wizcorp.

the class FacebookWebFallbackDialog method presentWebFallback.

public static boolean presentWebFallback(final Context context, String dialogUrl, String applicationId, final FacebookDialog.PendingCall appCall, final FacebookDialog.Callback callback) {
    if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(dialogUrl)) {
        return false;
    String redirectUrl = String.format("fb%s://bridge/", applicationId);
    // Show the webdialog.
    FacebookWebFallbackDialog fallbackWebDialog = new FacebookWebFallbackDialog(context, dialogUrl, redirectUrl);
    fallbackWebDialog.setOnCompleteListener(new WebDialog.OnCompleteListener() {

        public void onComplete(Bundle values, FacebookException error) {
            Intent dummyIntent = new Intent();
            dummyIntent.putExtras(values == null ? new Bundle() : values);
            FacebookDialog.handleActivityResult(context, appCall, appCall.getRequestCode(), dummyIntent, callback);
    return true;
Also used : WebDialog(com.facebook.widget.WebDialog) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) FacebookException(com.facebook.FacebookException) Intent(android.content.Intent)

Example 2 with WebDialog

use of com.facebook.widget.WebDialog in project Klyph by jonathangerbaud.

the class PostActivity method publishPost.

private void publishPost() {
    Log.d("PostActivity", "Publish post try " + numTry);
    Log.d("PostActivity", "Publish post privacy " + privacy.toString());
    if (photoUris.size() > 0) {
    } else if (shareFragment.isVisible()) {
        Bundle params = shareFragment.getParams();
        if (shareFragment.isFriendShare()) {
            WebDialog dialog = new WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder(this, Session.getActiveSession(), params).build();
            dialog.setOnCompleteListener(new WebDialog.OnCompleteListener() {

                public void onComplete(Bundle values, FacebookException error) {
                    if (error == null) {
                        // When the story is posted, close activity
                        final String postId = values.getString("post_id");
                        if (postId != null) {
        } else {
            params.putString("message", messageTextView.getText().toString());
            sendRequest(Query.POST_STATUS, elementId, params);
    } else if (linkFragment.isVisible()) {
        Bundle params = linkFragment.getParams();
        params.putString("message", messageTextView.getText().toString());
        if (isGroupMessage == false)
        // params.putString("privacy", "{'value':'" + privacy.toString() + "'}");
        sendRequest(Query.POST_STATUS, elementId, params);
    } else {
        Bundle params = new Bundle();
        params.putString("message", messageTextView.getText().toString());
        if (placeId != null && placeId != "") {
            params.putString("place", placeId);
            if (friends != null && friends.size() > 0) {
                StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder();
                for (String key : friends.keySet()) {
                params.putString("tags", ids.substring(0, ids.length() - 1));
        if (isEventMessage == false && isGroupMessage == false && isPageMessage == false) {
        // params.putString("privacy", "{'value':'" + privacy.toString() + "'}");
        sendRequest(Query.POST_STATUS, elementId, params);
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) WebDialog(com.facebook.widget.WebDialog) FacebookException(com.facebook.FacebookException)

Example 3 with WebDialog

use of com.facebook.widget.WebDialog in project Klyph by jonathangerbaud.

the class UserTimeline method publishFeedDialog.

private void publishFeedDialog() {
    Bundle params = new Bundle();
    params.putString("from", KlyphSession.getSessionUserId());
    params.putString("to", getElementId());
    WebDialog feedDialog = (new WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder(getActivity(), Session.getActiveSession(), params)).setOnCompleteListener(new WebDialog.OnCompleteListener() {

        public void onComplete(Bundle values, FacebookException error) {
            if (error == null) {
                final String postId = values.getString("post_id");
                if (postId != null) {
                    Toast.makeText(getActivity(), R.string.message_successfully_published, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                } else {
                    // User clicked the Cancel button
                    Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), "Publish cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            } else if (error instanceof FacebookOperationCanceledException) {
            // User clicked the "x" button
            // Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(),
            // "Publish cancelled",
            // Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            } else {
                AlertUtil.showAlert(getActivity(), R.string.error, R.string.publish_message_unknown_error, R.string.ok);
Also used : FacebookOperationCanceledException(com.facebook.FacebookOperationCanceledException) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) WebDialog(com.facebook.widget.WebDialog) FacebookException(com.facebook.FacebookException)

Example 4 with WebDialog

use of com.facebook.widget.WebDialog in project openkit-android by OpenKit.

the class FacebookUtilities method showAppRequestsDialog.

public static void showAppRequestsDialog(String message, Activity activity, final Context applicationContext) {
    Bundle params = new Bundle();
    params.putString("message", message);
    if (!isFBSessionOpen())
    WebDialog requestsDialog = (new WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder(activity, Session.getActiveSession(), params)).setOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener() {

        public void onComplete(Bundle values, FacebookException error) {
            if (error != null) {
                if (error instanceof FacebookOperationCanceledException) {
                // request cancelled
                } else {
                    Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Network Error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            } else {
                final String requestId = values.getString("request");
                if (requestId != null) {
                // request sent
                } else {
                // Request cancelled
Also used : OnCompleteListener(com.facebook.widget.WebDialog.OnCompleteListener) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) WebDialog(com.facebook.widget.WebDialog)

Example 5 with WebDialog

use of com.facebook.widget.WebDialog in project phonegap-facebook-plugin by Wizcorp.

the class ConnectPlugin method execute.

public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
    if (action.equals("login")) {
        Log.d(TAG, "login FB");
        // Get the permissions
        String[] arrayPermissions = new String[args.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) {
            arrayPermissions[i] = args.getString(i);
        List<String> permissions = null;
        if (arrayPermissions.length > 0) {
            permissions = Arrays.asList(arrayPermissions);
        // Get the currently active session
        Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
        // Set a pending callback to cordova
        loginContext = callbackContext;
        PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.NO_RESULT);
        // Check if the active session is open
        if (checkActiveSession(session)) {
            // Reauthorize flow
            boolean publishPermissions = false;
            boolean readPermissions = false;
            // Figure out if this will be a read or publish reauthorize
            if (permissions == null) {
                // No permissions, read
                readPermissions = true;
            // is being requested
            for (String permission : arrayPermissions) {
                if (isPublishPermission(permission)) {
                    publishPermissions = true;
                } else {
                    readPermissions = true;
                // Break if we have a mixed bag, as this is an error
                if (publishPermissions && readPermissions) {
            if (publishPermissions && readPermissions) {
                callbackContext.error("Cannot ask for both read and publish permissions.");
            } else {
                // Set up the new permissions request
                Session.NewPermissionsRequest newPermissionsRequest = new Session.NewPermissionsRequest(cordova.getActivity(), permissions);
                // Set up the activity result callback to this class
                // Check for write permissions, the default is read (empty)
                if (publishPermissions) {
                    // Request new publish permissions
                } else {
                    // Request new read permissions
        } else {
            // Initial login, build a new session open request.
            // - Create a new session and set the application ID
            session = new Session.Builder(cordova.getActivity()).setApplicationId(applicationId).build();
            // Set up the activity result callback to this class
            // - Create the request
            Session.OpenRequest openRequest = new Session.OpenRequest(cordova.getActivity());
            // - Set the permissions
            // - Set the status change call back
            openRequest.setCallback(new Session.StatusCallback() {

                public void call(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) {
                    onSessionStateChange(state, exception);
            // Can only ask for read permissions initially
        return true;
    } else if (action.equals("logout")) {
        Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
        if (checkActiveSession(session)) {
            userID = null;
        } else {
            if (session != null) {
                // Session was existing, but was not open
                callbackContext.error("Session not open.");
            } else {
                callbackContext.error("No valid session found, must call init and login before logout.");
        return true;
    } else if (action.equals("getLoginStatus")) {
        Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
        if (userID == null && Session.getActiveSession() != null && session.isOpened()) {
            // We have no userID but a valid session, so must update the user info
            // (Probably app was force stopped)
            final CallbackContext _callbackContext = callbackContext;
            getUserInfo(session, new GraphUserCallback() {

                public void onCompleted(GraphUser user, Response response) {
                    // recursive call to generate the correct response JSON
                    if (response.getError() != null) {
                    } else {
                        userID = user.getId();
        } else {
        return true;
    } else if (action.equals("getAccessToken")) {
        Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
        if (checkActiveSession(session)) {
        } else {
            if (session == null) {
                callbackContext.error("No valid session found, must call init and login before logout.");
            } else {
                // Session not open
                callbackContext.error("Session not open.");
        return true;
    } else if (action.equals("logEvent")) {
        if (args.length() == 0) {
            // Not enough parameters
            callbackContext.error("Invalid arguments");
            return true;
        String eventName = args.getString(0);
        if (args.length() == 1) {
        } else {
            // Arguments is greater than 1
            JSONObject params = args.getJSONObject(1);
            Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
            Iterator<?> iterator = params.keys();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                try {
                    // Try get a String
                    String key = (String);
                    String value = params.getString(key);
                    parameters.putString(key, value);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Maybe it was an int
                    Log.w(TAG, "Type in AppEvent parameters was not String for key: " + (String);
                    try {
                        String key = (String);
                        int value = params.getInt(key);
                        parameters.putInt(key, value);
                    } catch (Exception e2) {
                        // Nope
                        Log.e(TAG, "Unsupported type in AppEvent parameters for key: " + (String);
            if (args.length() == 2) {
                logger.logEvent(eventName, parameters);
            if (args.length() == 3) {
                double value = args.getDouble(2);
                logger.logEvent(eventName, value, parameters);
        return true;
    } else if (action.equals("logPurchase")) {
             * While calls to logEvent can be made to register purchase events,
             * there is a helper method that explicitly takes a currency indicator.
        if (args.length() != 2) {
            callbackContext.error("Invalid arguments");
            return true;
        int value = args.getInt(0);
        String currency = args.getString(1);
        logger.logPurchase(BigDecimal.valueOf(value), Currency.getInstance(currency));
        return true;
    } else if (action.equals("showDialog")) {
        Bundle collect = new Bundle();
        JSONObject params = null;
        try {
            params = args.getJSONObject(0);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            params = new JSONObject();
        final ConnectPlugin me = this;
        Iterator<?> iter = params.keys();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String);
            if (key.equals("method")) {
                try {
                    this.method = params.getString(key);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Nonstring method parameter provided to dialog");
            } else {
                try {
                    collect.putString(key, params.getString(key));
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    // Need to handle JSON parameters
                    Log.w(TAG, "Nonstring parameter provided to dialog discarded");
        this.paramBundle = new Bundle(collect);
        // The Share dialog prompts a person to publish an individual story or an Open Graph story to their timeline.
        // This does not require Facebook Login or any extended permissions, so it is the easiest way to enable sharing on web.
        boolean isShareDialog = this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("share") || this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("share_open_graph");
        // If is a Share dialog but FB app is not installed the WebDialog Builder fails.
        // In Android all WebDialogs require a not null Session object.
        boolean canPresentShareDialog = isShareDialog && (FacebookDialog.canPresentShareDialog(me.cordova.getActivity(), FacebookDialog.ShareDialogFeature.SHARE_DIALOG));
        // Must be an active session when is not a Shared dialog or if the Share dialog cannot be presented.
        boolean requiresAnActiveSession = (!isShareDialog) || (!canPresentShareDialog);
        if (requiresAnActiveSession) {
            Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
            if (!checkActiveSession(session)) {
                callbackContext.error("No active session");
                return true;
        // Begin by sending a callback pending notice to Cordova
        showDialogContext = callbackContext;
        PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.NO_RESULT);
        // Setup callback context
        final OnCompleteListener dialogCallback = new OnCompleteListener() {

            public void onComplete(Bundle values, FacebookException exception) {
                if (exception != null) {
                    handleError(exception, showDialogContext);
                } else {
        if (this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("feed")) {
            Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    WebDialog feedDialog = (new WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity(), Session.getActiveSession(), paramBundle)).setOnCompleteListener(dialogCallback).build();
        } else if (this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("apprequests")) {
            Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    WebDialog requestsDialog = (new WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity(), Session.getActiveSession(), paramBundle)).setOnCompleteListener(dialogCallback).build();
        } else if (isShareDialog) {
            if (canPresentShareDialog) {
                Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        // Publish the post using the Share Dialog
                        FacebookDialog shareDialog = new FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity()).setName(paramBundle.getString("name")).setCaption(paramBundle.getString("caption")).setDescription(paramBundle.getString("description")).setLink(paramBundle.getString("href")).setPicture(paramBundle.getString("picture")).build();
                this.trackingPendingCall = true;
            } else {
                // Fallback. For example, publish the post using the Feed Dialog
                Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        WebDialog feedDialog = (new WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity(), Session.getActiveSession(), paramBundle)).setOnCompleteListener(dialogCallback).build();
        } else if (this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("send")) {
            Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    FacebookDialog.MessageDialogBuilder builder = new FacebookDialog.MessageDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity());
                    if (paramBundle.containsKey("link"))
                    if (paramBundle.containsKey("caption"))
                    if (paramBundle.containsKey("name"))
                    if (paramBundle.containsKey("picture"))
                    if (paramBundle.containsKey("description"))
                    // Check for native FB Messenger application
                    if (builder.canPresent()) {
                        FacebookDialog dialog =;
                    } else {
                        // Not found
                        trackingPendingCall = false;
                        String errMsg = "Messaging unavailable.";
                        Log.e(TAG, errMsg);
            this.trackingPendingCall = true;
        } else {
            callbackContext.error("Unsupported dialog method.");
        return true;
    } else if (action.equals("graphApi")) {
        graphContext = callbackContext;
        PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.NO_RESULT);
        graphPath = args.getString(0);
        JSONArray arr = args.getJSONArray(1);
        final List<String> permissionsList = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) {
        boolean publishPermissions = false;
        boolean readPermissions = false;
        if (permissionsList.size() > 0) {
            for (String permission : permissionsList) {
                if (isPublishPermission(permission)) {
                    publishPermissions = true;
                } else {
                    readPermissions = true;
                // Break if we have a mixed bag, as this is an error
                if (publishPermissions && readPermissions) {
            if (publishPermissions && readPermissions) {
                graphContext.error("Cannot ask for both read and publish permissions.");
            } else {
                Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
                if (session.getPermissions().containsAll(permissionsList)) {
                } else {
                    // Set up the new permissions request
                    Session.NewPermissionsRequest newPermissionsRequest = new Session.NewPermissionsRequest(cordova.getActivity(), permissionsList);
                    // Set up the activity result callback to this class
                    // Check for write permissions, the default is read (empty)
                    if (publishPermissions) {
                        // Request new publish permissions
                    } else {
                        // Request new read permissions
        } else {
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : SessionState(com.facebook.SessionState) PluginResult(org.apache.cordova.PluginResult) GraphUserCallback(com.facebook.Request.GraphUserCallback) FacebookDialog(com.facebook.widget.FacebookDialog) FacebookException(com.facebook.FacebookException) CallbackContext(org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) GraphUser(com.facebook.model.GraphUser) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) WebDialog(com.facebook.widget.WebDialog) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) FacebookOperationCanceledException(com.facebook.FacebookOperationCanceledException) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) FacebookServiceException(com.facebook.FacebookServiceException) FacebookException(com.facebook.FacebookException) FacebookDialogException(com.facebook.FacebookDialogException) FacebookAuthorizationException(com.facebook.FacebookAuthorizationException) UnsupportedEncodingException( Response(com.facebook.Response) OnCompleteListener(com.facebook.widget.WebDialog.OnCompleteListener) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) Session(com.facebook.Session)


Bundle (android.os.Bundle)5 WebDialog (com.facebook.widget.WebDialog)5 FacebookException (com.facebook.FacebookException)4 FacebookOperationCanceledException (com.facebook.FacebookOperationCanceledException)2 OnCompleteListener (com.facebook.widget.WebDialog.OnCompleteListener)2 Intent (android.content.Intent)1 FacebookAuthorizationException (com.facebook.FacebookAuthorizationException)1 FacebookDialogException (com.facebook.FacebookDialogException)1 FacebookServiceException (com.facebook.FacebookServiceException)1 GraphUserCallback (com.facebook.Request.GraphUserCallback)1 Response (com.facebook.Response)1 Session (com.facebook.Session)1 SessionState (com.facebook.SessionState)1 GraphUser (com.facebook.model.GraphUser)1 FacebookDialog (com.facebook.widget.FacebookDialog)1 UnsupportedEncodingException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 List (java.util.List)1 CallbackContext (org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext)1 PluginResult (org.apache.cordova.PluginResult)1