use of com.fastasyncworldedit.core.command.tool.brush.LineBrush in project FastAsyncWorldEdit by IntellectualSites.
the class BrushCommands method lineBrush.
@Command(name = "line", aliases = { "l" }, desc = "Create lines")
public void lineBrush(InjectedValueAccess context, @Arg(desc = "Pattern") Pattern fill, @Arg(desc = "The radius to sample for blending", def = "0") Expression radius, @Switch(name = 'h', desc = "Create only a shell") boolean shell, @Switch(name = 's', desc = "Selects the clicked point after drawing") boolean select, @Switch(name = 'f', desc = "Create a flat line") boolean flat) throws WorldEditException {
set(context, new LineBrush(shell, select, flat), "worldedit.brush.line").setSize(radius).setFill(fill);