use of com.forgerock.openbanking.common.error.exception.AccessTokenReWriteException in project openbanking-aspsp by OpenBankingToolkit.
the class JwtOverridingService method rewriteIdTokenFragmentInLocationHeader.
* Rewrite the id_token fragment of a ResponseEntity such that it is replaced with a new id_token containing the
* same body, but that is signed by the ASPSP's signing key and contains the correct kid in the jwt header.
* @param responseEntity
* @return a new @ResponseEntity
* @throws AccessTokenReWriteException if there is no id_token in the Location header fragment that can be replaced,
* or if the id_token in that fragment can't be parsed.
public ResponseEntity rewriteIdTokenFragmentInLocationHeader(ResponseEntity responseEntity) throws AccessTokenReWriteException {
if (responseEntity == null) {
log.debug("getFragmentIdTokenInLocationHeader(): responseEntity is null");
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to find id_token to re-write: responseEntity is null");
log.trace("rewriteIdTokenFragmentInLocationHeader() responseEntity is '{}'", responseEntity);
if (responseEntity.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.FOUND) {
log.debug("getFragmentIdTokenInLocationHeader(): responseEntity does not have a FOUND http Status; '{}'", responseEntity);
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to find id_token to re-write: responseEntity does not have " + "a FOUND http status");
if (responseEntity.getHeaders().getLocation() == null) {
log.debug("getFragmentIdTokenInLocationHeader(): responseEntity has no location header: '{}'", responseEntity);
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to find id_token to re-write: responseEntity has no " + "location header");
} else {
log.debug("getFragmentIdTokenInLocationHeader(): Location is: {}", responseEntity.getHeaders().getLocation());
String uriFragment = responseEntity.getHeaders().getLocation().getFragment();
if (uriFragment == null || uriFragment.isEmpty() || uriFragment.isBlank()) {
log.debug("getFragmentIdTokenInLocationHeader(): Location has no fragment");
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to find id_token to re-write: responseEntity's Location has" + " no fragment");
ResponseEntity rewrittenResponseEntity = null;
try {
String locationString = responseEntity.getHeaders().getLocation().toString();
if (locationString.contains(ID_TOKEN_PARAM + EQUALS_CHAR)) {
Matcher matcher = ID_TOKEN_PATTERN.matcher(locationString);
while (matcher.find()) {
String oldIdToken =;
String newIdToken = rewriteJWS(oldIdToken);
String newLocationHeaderValue = locationString.replaceAll(oldIdToken, newIdToken);
if (!newLocationHeaderValue.isEmpty() && !newLocationHeaderValue.isBlank()) {
HttpHeaders writableHttpHeaders = HttpHeaders.writableHttpHeaders(responseEntity.getHeaders());
writableHttpHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, newLocationHeaderValue);
rewrittenResponseEntity = new ResponseEntity(responseEntity.getBody(), writableHttpHeaders, HttpStatus.FOUND);
} else {
log.debug("rewriteIdTokenFragmentInLocationHeader() No new location header value.");
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to rewrite id_token: new Location header value is " + "null or empty");
} else if (locationString.contains(ERROR_PARAM + EQUALS_CHAR)) {
// reject by user
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Rejected by user");
} catch (ParseException e) {
log.error("rewriteIdTokenFragmentInLocationHeader() Could not parse the JWT", e);
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to parse the responseEntity's Location fragment id_token", e);
return rewrittenResponseEntity;
use of com.forgerock.openbanking.common.error.exception.AccessTokenReWriteException in project openbanking-aspsp by OpenBankingToolkit.
the class JwtOverridingService method rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken.
* rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken - creates a new id_token, signed with the correct ID and containing the
* correct kid in the header. This is required as currently AM uses a different algorithm to create the kid than
* the OB Directory does, so when signing with the OB Signing Key or an OBSeal then the key ID in the AM
* generated id_token doesn't match the kid in the OB Directory jwks_uri and hence the id_token can't be
* validated. To fix that we resign it using the crypto API which produces a verifyable token.
* @param responseEntity the response entity that contains the id_token. Note, the id_token will only exist if
* the request to get the access token contained the openid scope, which is not mandatory.
* If the response entity does not contain an id_token then there is nothing to be
* re-written and the responseEntity will be returned.
* @return Either the responseEntity passed to the method (if it contained no id_token to be re-written), or a
* new responseEntity containing a new id_token that is verifiable.
* @throws AccessTokenReWriteException
public ResponseEntity rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken(ResponseEntity responseEntity) throws AccessTokenReWriteException {
if (responseEntity == null) {
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() responseEntity is null");
if (responseEntity.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.OK) {
log.debug("rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() responseEntity does not have success status");
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to rewrite access token response's id_token: responseEntity" + " status code was " + responseEntity.getStatusCode() + ". Expected 200 (OK)");
AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse = (AccessTokenResponse) responseEntity.getBody();
if (accessTokenResponse == null) {
log.debug("rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() Expected body in responseEntity '{}'", responseEntity);
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to rewrite access token response's id_token; responseEntity" + " has no body");
String id_token = accessTokenResponse.getId_token();
if (id_token == null) {
log.debug("rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() responseEntity body contains no id_token; '{}'", accessTokenResponse);
return responseEntity;
} else {
try {
String rewrittenJWS = rewriteJWS(id_token);
if (rewrittenJWS == null || rewrittenJWS.isEmpty() || rewrittenJWS.isBlank()) {
log.debug("rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() rewrittenJWS is null or empty.");
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to rewrite access token response's id_token; " + "re-written JWS is null or empty");
} catch (ParseException e) {
log.debug("rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() Failed to parse id_token: '{}'", id_token, e);
throw new AccessTokenReWriteException("Failed to rewrite access token response's id_token; Could not " + "parse id_token", e);
ResponseEntity rewrittenResponseEntity = ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(accessTokenResponse);
log.trace("rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() re-written responseEntity is '{}'", responseEntity);
return rewrittenResponseEntity;
use of com.forgerock.openbanking.common.error.exception.AccessTokenReWriteException in project openbanking-aspsp by OpenBankingToolkit.
the class JwtOverridingServiceTest method shouldFailWhenBodyHasInvalidIdToken_rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken.
public void shouldFailWhenBodyHasInvalidIdToken_rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() {
// Given
HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.add("Location", "https://location");
AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse = new AccessTokenResponse();
ResponseEntity responseEntity = new ResponseEntity(accessTokenResponse, httpHeaders, HttpStatus.OK);
// Then
AccessTokenReWriteException accessTokenReWriteException = catchThrowableOfType(() -> this.jwtOverridingService.rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken(responseEntity), AccessTokenReWriteException.class);
// When
assertThat(accessTokenReWriteException.getMessage()).contains("Could not parse id_token");
use of com.forgerock.openbanking.common.error.exception.AccessTokenReWriteException in project openbanking-aspsp by OpenBankingToolkit.
the class JwtOverridingServiceTest method shouldFailWhenNoBody_rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken.
public void shouldFailWhenNoBody_rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken() {
// Given
HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.add("Location", "https://location");
ResponseEntity responseEntity = new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.OK);
// Then
AccessTokenReWriteException accessTokenReWriteException = catchThrowableOfType(() -> this.jwtOverridingService.rewriteAccessTokenResponseIdToken(responseEntity), AccessTokenReWriteException.class);
// When
assertThat(accessTokenReWriteException.getMessage()).contains("responseEntity has no body");
use of com.forgerock.openbanking.common.error.exception.AccessTokenReWriteException in project openbanking-aspsp by OpenBankingToolkit.
the class JwtOverridingServiceTest method shouldFailWhenStatusNotFound_rewriteIdTokenFragmentInLocationHeader.
public void shouldFailWhenStatusNotFound_rewriteIdTokenFragmentInLocationHeader() {
// Given
amOpenBankingConfiguration.issuerId = "acme bank Ltd";
ResponseEntity responseEntity = new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.OK);
// When
AccessTokenReWriteException accessTokenReWriteException = catchThrowableOfType(() -> this.jwtOverridingService.rewriteIdTokenFragmentInLocationHeader(responseEntity), AccessTokenReWriteException.class);
// Then
assertThat(accessTokenReWriteException.getMessage()).contains("does not have a FOUND http status");