use of com.formkiq.stacks.dynamodb.SearchQuery in project formkiq-core by formkiq.
the class ApiDocumentsSearchRequestTest method testHandleSearchRequest09.
* Valid POST search by eq tagValue with > 10 Document.
* @throws Exception an error has occurred
public void testHandleSearchRequest09() throws Exception {
for (String siteId : Arrays.asList(null, UUID.randomUUID().toString())) {
// given
final int count = 100;
final String tagKey = "category";
final String tagvalue = "person";
final String username = "jsmith";
List<String> documentIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String documentId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Date now = new Date();
DocumentTag item = new DocumentTag(documentId, tagKey, tagvalue, now, username);
getDocumentService().saveDocument(siteId, new DocumentItemDynamoDb(documentId, now, username), Arrays.asList(item));
ApiGatewayRequestEvent event = toRequestEvent("/request-post-search01.json");
addParameter(event, "siteId", siteId);
QueryRequest q = new QueryRequest().query(new SearchQuery().tag(new SearchTagCriteria().key(tagKey).eq(tagvalue)).documentsIds(documentIds));
// when
String response = handleRequest(event);
// then
Map<String, String> m = fromJson(response, Map.class);
final int mapsize = 3;
assertEquals(mapsize, m.size());
assertEquals("200.0", String.valueOf(m.get("statusCode")));
assertEquals(getHeaders(), "\"headers\":" + GsonUtil.getInstance().toJson(m.get("headers")));
DynamicObject resp = new DynamicObject(fromJson(m.get("body"), Map.class));
List<DynamicObject> documents = resp.getList("documents");
assertEquals(count, documents.size());
// given not search by documentIds should be limited to 10
q = new QueryRequest().query(new SearchQuery().tag(new SearchTagCriteria().key(tagKey).eq(tagvalue)).documentsIds(null));
// when
response = handleRequest(event);
// then
final int ten = 10;
m = fromJson(response, Map.class);
assertEquals(mapsize, m.size());
assertEquals("200.0", String.valueOf(m.get("statusCode")));
assertEquals(getHeaders(), "\"headers\":" + GsonUtil.getInstance().toJson(m.get("headers")));
resp = new DynamicObject(fromJson(m.get("body"), Map.class));
documents = resp.getList("documents");
assertEquals(ten, documents.size());
use of com.formkiq.stacks.dynamodb.SearchQuery in project formkiq-core by formkiq.
the class ApiDocumentsSearchRequestTest method testHandleSearchRequest08.
* Valid POST search by eq tagValue and TOO many DocumentId.
* @throws Exception an error has occurred
public void testHandleSearchRequest08() throws Exception {
final int count = 101;
for (String siteId : Arrays.asList(null, UUID.randomUUID().toString())) {
// given
ApiGatewayRequestEvent event = toRequestEvent("/request-post-search01.json");
addParameter(event, "siteId", siteId);
QueryRequest q = new QueryRequest().query(new SearchQuery().tag(new SearchTagCriteria().key("test")).documentsIds(new ArrayList<>()));
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// when
String response = handleRequest(event);
// then
String expected = "{" + getHeaders() + ",\"body\":" + "\"{\\\"message\\\":\\\"Maximum number of DocumentIds is 100\\\"}\"," + "\"statusCode\":400}";
assertEquals(expected, response);