use of com.fsck.k9.mail.ServerSettings in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class AccountSetupBasics method onManualSetup.
private void onManualSetup() {
String email = mEmailView.getText().toString();
String[] emailParts = splitEmail(email);
String user = email;
String domain = emailParts[1];
String password = null;
String clientCertificateAlias = null;
AuthType authenticationType;
if (mClientCertificateCheckBox.isChecked()) {
authenticationType = AuthType.EXTERNAL;
clientCertificateAlias = mClientCertificateSpinner.getAlias();
} else {
authenticationType = AuthType.PLAIN;
password = mPasswordView.getText().toString();
if (mAccount == null) {
mAccount = Preferences.getPreferences(this).newAccount();
// set default uris
// NOTE: they will be changed again in AccountSetupAccountType!
ServerSettings storeServer = new ServerSettings(ServerSettings.Type.IMAP, "mail." + domain, -1, ConnectionSecurity.SSL_TLS_REQUIRED, authenticationType, user, password, clientCertificateAlias);
ServerSettings transportServer = new ServerSettings(ServerSettings.Type.SMTP, "mail." + domain, -1, ConnectionSecurity.SSL_TLS_REQUIRED, authenticationType, user, password, clientCertificateAlias);
String storeUri = RemoteStore.createStoreUri(storeServer);
String transportUri = Transport.createTransportUri(transportServer);
AccountSetupAccountType.actionSelectAccountType(this, mAccount, false);
use of com.fsck.k9.mail.ServerSettings in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class AccountSetupOutgoing method onNext.
protected void onNext() {
ConnectionSecurity securityType = getSelectedSecurity();
String uri;
String username = null;
String password = null;
String clientCertificateAlias = null;
AuthType authType = null;
if (mRequireLoginView.isChecked()) {
username = mUsernameView.getText().toString();
authType = getSelectedAuthType();
if (AuthType.EXTERNAL == authType) {
clientCertificateAlias = mClientCertificateSpinner.getAlias();
} else {
password = mPasswordView.getText().toString();
String newHost = mServerView.getText().toString();
int newPort = Integer.parseInt(mPortView.getText().toString());
ServerSettings server = new ServerSettings(Type.SMTP, newHost, newPort, securityType, authType, username, password, clientCertificateAlias);
uri = Transport.createTransportUri(server);
mAccount.deleteCertificate(newHost, newPort, CheckDirection.OUTGOING);
AccountSetupCheckSettings.actionCheckSettings(this, mAccount, CheckDirection.OUTGOING);
use of com.fsck.k9.mail.ServerSettings in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class ImapStoreUriDecoder method decode.
* Decodes an ImapStore URI.
* <p>Possible forms:</p>
* <pre>
* imap://auth:user:password@server:port ConnectionSecurity.NONE
* imap+tls+://auth:user:password@server:port ConnectionSecurity.STARTTLS_REQUIRED
* imap+ssl+://auth:user:password@server:port ConnectionSecurity.SSL_TLS_REQUIRED
* </pre>
* NOTE: this method expects the userinfo part of the uri to be encoded twice, due to a bug in
* {@link ImapStoreUriCreator#create(ServerSettings)}.
* @param uri the store uri.
public static ImapStoreSettings decode(String uri) {
String host;
int port;
ConnectionSecurity connectionSecurity;
AuthType authenticationType = null;
String username = null;
String password = null;
String clientCertificateAlias = null;
String pathPrefix = null;
boolean autoDetectNamespace = true;
URI imapUri;
try {
imapUri = new URI(uri);
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ImapStore URI", use);
String scheme = imapUri.getScheme();
* Currently available schemes are:
* imap
* imap+tls+
* imap+ssl+
* The following are obsolete schemes that may be found in pre-existing
* settings from earlier versions or that may be found when imported. We
* continue to recognize them and re-map them appropriately:
* imap+tls
* imap+ssl
if (scheme.equals("imap")) {
connectionSecurity = ConnectionSecurity.NONE;
port = Type.IMAP.defaultPort;
} else if (scheme.startsWith("imap+tls")) {
connectionSecurity = ConnectionSecurity.STARTTLS_REQUIRED;
port = Type.IMAP.defaultPort;
} else if (scheme.startsWith("imap+ssl")) {
connectionSecurity = ConnectionSecurity.SSL_TLS_REQUIRED;
port = Type.IMAP.defaultTlsPort;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported protocol (" + scheme + ")");
host = imapUri.getHost();
if (imapUri.getPort() != -1) {
port = imapUri.getPort();
if (imapUri.getUserInfo() != null) {
String userinfo = imapUri.getUserInfo();
String[] userInfoParts = userinfo.split(":");
if (userinfo.endsWith(":")) {
// Or XOAUTH2 where it's a valid config - XOAUTH:username:
if (userInfoParts.length > 1) {
authenticationType = AuthType.valueOf(userInfoParts[0]);
username = decodeUtf8(userInfoParts[1]);
} else {
authenticationType = AuthType.PLAIN;
username = decodeUtf8(userInfoParts[0]);
} else if (userInfoParts.length == 2) {
// Old/standard style of encoding - PLAIN auth only:
// username:password
authenticationType = AuthType.PLAIN;
username = decodeUtf8(userInfoParts[0]);
password = decodeUtf8(userInfoParts[1]);
} else if (userInfoParts.length == 3) {
// Standard encoding
// PLAIN:username:password
// EXTERNAL:username:certAlias
authenticationType = AuthType.valueOf(userInfoParts[0]);
username = decodeUtf8(userInfoParts[1]);
if (AuthType.EXTERNAL == authenticationType) {
clientCertificateAlias = decodeUtf8(userInfoParts[2]);
} else {
password = decodeUtf8(userInfoParts[2]);
String path = imapUri.getPath();
if (path != null && path.length() > 1) {
// Strip off the leading "/"
String cleanPath = path.substring(1);
if (cleanPath.length() >= 2 && cleanPath.charAt(1) == '|') {
autoDetectNamespace = cleanPath.charAt(0) == '1';
if (!autoDetectNamespace) {
pathPrefix = cleanPath.substring(2);
} else {
if (cleanPath.length() > 0) {
pathPrefix = cleanPath;
autoDetectNamespace = false;
return new ImapStoreSettings(host, port, connectionSecurity, authenticationType, username, password, clientCertificateAlias, autoDetectNamespace, pathPrefix);
use of com.fsck.k9.mail.ServerSettings in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class SettingsExporter method writeAccount.
private static void writeAccount(XmlSerializer serializer, Account account, Map<String, Object> prefs) throws IOException {
Set<Integer> identities = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> folders = new HashSet<>();
String accountUuid = account.getUuid();
serializer.startTag(null, ACCOUNT_ELEMENT);
serializer.attribute(null, UUID_ATTRIBUTE, accountUuid);
String name = (String) prefs.get(accountUuid + "." + Account.ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION_KEY);
if (name != null) {
serializer.startTag(null, NAME_ELEMENT);
serializer.endTag(null, NAME_ELEMENT);
// Write incoming server settings
ServerSettings incoming = RemoteStore.decodeStoreUri(account.getStoreUri());
serializer.startTag(null, INCOMING_SERVER_ELEMENT);
serializer.attribute(null, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE,;
writeElement(serializer, HOST_ELEMENT,;
if (incoming.port != -1) {
writeElement(serializer, PORT_ELEMENT, Integer.toString(incoming.port));
if (incoming.connectionSecurity != null) {
writeElement(serializer, CONNECTION_SECURITY_ELEMENT,;
if (incoming.authenticationType != null) {
writeElement(serializer, AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ELEMENT,;
writeElement(serializer, USERNAME_ELEMENT, incoming.username);
writeElement(serializer, CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_ELEMENT, incoming.clientCertificateAlias);
// XXX For now we don't export the password
//writeElement(serializer, PASSWORD_ELEMENT, incoming.password);
Map<String, String> extras = incoming.getExtra();
if (extras != null && extras.size() > 0) {
serializer.startTag(null, EXTRA_ELEMENT);
for (Entry<String, String> extra : extras.entrySet()) {
writeKeyAndPrettyValueFromSetting(serializer, extra.getKey(), extra.getValue());
serializer.endTag(null, EXTRA_ELEMENT);
serializer.endTag(null, INCOMING_SERVER_ELEMENT);
// Write outgoing server settings
ServerSettings outgoing = Transport.decodeTransportUri(account.getTransportUri());
serializer.startTag(null, OUTGOING_SERVER_ELEMENT);
serializer.attribute(null, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE,;
writeElement(serializer, HOST_ELEMENT,;
if (outgoing.port != -1) {
writeElement(serializer, PORT_ELEMENT, Integer.toString(outgoing.port));
if (outgoing.connectionSecurity != null) {
writeElement(serializer, CONNECTION_SECURITY_ELEMENT,;
if (outgoing.authenticationType != null) {
writeElement(serializer, AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ELEMENT,;
writeElement(serializer, USERNAME_ELEMENT, outgoing.username);
writeElement(serializer, CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_ELEMENT, outgoing.clientCertificateAlias);
// XXX For now we don't export the password
//writeElement(serializer, PASSWORD_ELEMENT, outgoing.password);
extras = outgoing.getExtra();
if (extras != null && extras.size() > 0) {
serializer.startTag(null, EXTRA_ELEMENT);
for (Entry<String, String> extra : extras.entrySet()) {
writeKeyAndPrettyValueFromSetting(serializer, extra.getKey(), extra.getValue());
serializer.endTag(null, EXTRA_ELEMENT);
serializer.endTag(null, OUTGOING_SERVER_ELEMENT);
// Write account settings
serializer.startTag(null, SETTINGS_ELEMENT);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : prefs.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String valueString = entry.getValue().toString();
String[] comps = key.split("\\.", 2);
if (comps.length < 2) {
// Skip global settings
String keyUuid = comps[0];
String keyPart = comps[1];
if (!keyUuid.equals(accountUuid)) {
// Setting doesn't belong to the account we're currently writing.
int indexOfLastDot = keyPart.lastIndexOf(".");
boolean hasThirdPart = indexOfLastDot != -1 && indexOfLastDot < keyPart.length() - 1;
if (hasThirdPart) {
String secondPart = keyPart.substring(0, indexOfLastDot);
String thirdPart = keyPart.substring(indexOfLastDot + 1);
if (Account.IDENTITY_DESCRIPTION_KEY.equals(secondPart)) {
// This is an identity key. Save identity index for later...
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
/* ignore */
// ... but don't write it now.
if (FolderSettings.SETTINGS.containsKey(thirdPart)) {
// This is a folder key. Save folder name for later...
// ... but don't write it now.
TreeMap<Integer, SettingsDescription> versionedSetting = AccountSettings.SETTINGS.get(keyPart);
if (versionedSetting != null) {
Integer highestVersion = versionedSetting.lastKey();
SettingsDescription setting = versionedSetting.get(highestVersion);
if (setting != null) {
// Only export account settings that can be found in AccountSettings.SETTINGS
try {
writeKeyAndPrettyValueFromSetting(serializer, keyPart, setting, valueString);
} catch (InvalidSettingValueException e) {
Timber.w("Account setting \"%s\" (%s) has invalid value \"%s\" in preference storage. " + "This shouldn't happen!", keyPart, account.getDescription(), valueString);
serializer.endTag(null, SETTINGS_ELEMENT);
if (identities.size() > 0) {
serializer.startTag(null, IDENTITIES_ELEMENT);
// Sort identity indices (that's why we store them as Integers)
List<Integer> sortedIdentities = new ArrayList<>(identities);
for (Integer identityIndex : sortedIdentities) {
writeIdentity(serializer, accountUuid, identityIndex.toString(), prefs);
serializer.endTag(null, IDENTITIES_ELEMENT);
if (folders.size() > 0) {
serializer.startTag(null, FOLDERS_ELEMENT);
for (String folder : folders) {
writeFolder(serializer, accountUuid, folder, prefs);
serializer.endTag(null, FOLDERS_ELEMENT);
serializer.endTag(null, ACCOUNT_ELEMENT);
use of com.fsck.k9.mail.ServerSettings in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class SmtpTransportUriTest method decodeUri_canDecodePassword.
public void decodeUri_canDecodePassword() {
String storeUri = "smtp://user:password:PLAIN@server:123456";
ServerSettings result = SmtpTransport.decodeUri(storeUri);
assertEquals("password", result.password);