use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalStore in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class MessagingController method processPendingMarkAllAsRead.
void processPendingMarkAllAsRead(PendingMarkAllAsRead command, Account account) throws MessagingException {
long folderId = command.folderId;
LocalStore localStore = localStoreProvider.getInstance(account);
LocalFolder localFolder = localStore.getFolder(folderId);;
String folderServerId = localFolder.getServerId();
Timber.i("Marking all messages in %s:%s as read", account, folderServerId);
// TODO: Make this one database UPDATE operation
List<LocalMessage> messages = localFolder.getMessages(null, false);
for (Message message : messages) {
if (!message.isSet(Flag.SEEN)) {
message.setFlag(Flag.SEEN, true);
for (MessagingListener l : getListeners()) {
l.folderStatusChanged(account, folderId);
Backend backend = getBackend(account);
if (backend.getSupportsFlags()) {
use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalStore in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class MessagingController method moveOrCopyMessageSynchronous.
private void moveOrCopyMessageSynchronous(Account account, long srcFolderId, List<LocalMessage> inMessages, long destFolderId, MoveOrCopyFlavor operation) {
if (operation == MoveOrCopyFlavor.MOVE_AND_MARK_AS_READ) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("MOVE_AND_MARK_AS_READ unsupported");
try {
LocalStore localStore = localStoreProvider.getInstance(account);
if (operation == MoveOrCopyFlavor.MOVE && !isMoveCapable(account)) {
if (operation == MoveOrCopyFlavor.COPY && !isCopyCapable(account)) {
LocalFolder localSrcFolder = localStore.getFolder(srcFolderId);;
LocalFolder localDestFolder = localStore.getFolder(destFolderId);;
boolean unreadCountAffected = false;
List<String> uids = new LinkedList<>();
for (Message message : inMessages) {
String uid = message.getUid();
if (!uid.startsWith(K9.LOCAL_UID_PREFIX)) {
if (!unreadCountAffected && !message.isSet(Flag.SEEN)) {
unreadCountAffected = true;
List<LocalMessage> messages = localSrcFolder.getMessagesByUids(uids);
if (messages.size() > 0) {
Timber.i("moveOrCopyMessageSynchronous: source folder = %s, %d messages, destination folder = %s, " + "operation = %s", srcFolderId, messages.size(), destFolderId,;
MessageStore messageStore = messageStoreManager.getMessageStore(account);
List<Long> messageIds = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Long, String> messageIdToUidMapping = new HashMap<>();
for (LocalMessage message : messages) {
long messageId = message.getDatabaseId();
messageIdToUidMapping.put(messageId, message.getUid());
Map<Long, Long> resultIdMapping;
if (operation == MoveOrCopyFlavor.COPY) {
resultIdMapping = messageStore.copyMessages(messageIds, destFolderId);
if (unreadCountAffected) {
// folder, notify the listeners.
for (MessagingListener l : getListeners()) {
l.folderStatusChanged(account, destFolderId);
} else {
resultIdMapping = messageStore.moveMessages(messageIds, destFolderId);
unsuppressMessages(account, messages);
if (unreadCountAffected) {
// that the unread count changed in both the source and destination folder.
for (MessagingListener l : getListeners()) {
l.folderStatusChanged(account, srcFolderId);
l.folderStatusChanged(account, destFolderId);
Map<Long, String> destinationMapping = messageStore.getMessageServerIds(resultIdMapping.values());
Map<String, String> uidMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<Long, Long> entry : resultIdMapping.entrySet()) {
long sourceMessageId = entry.getKey();
long destinationMessageId = entry.getValue();
String sourceUid = messageIdToUidMapping.get(sourceMessageId);
String destinationUid = destinationMapping.get(destinationMessageId);
uidMap.put(sourceUid, destinationUid);
queueMoveOrCopy(account, localSrcFolder.getDatabaseId(), localDestFolder.getDatabaseId(), operation, uidMap);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error moving message", me);
use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalStore in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class SettingsImporter method importAccount.
private static AccountDescriptionPair importAccount(Context context, StorageEditor editor, int contentVersion, ImportedAccount account, boolean overwrite) throws InvalidSettingValueException {
AccountDescription original = new AccountDescription(, account.uuid);
Preferences prefs = Preferences.getPreferences(context);
List<Account> accounts = prefs.getAccounts();
String uuid = account.uuid;
Account existingAccount = prefs.getAccount(uuid);
boolean mergeImportedAccount = (overwrite && existingAccount != null);
if (!overwrite && existingAccount != null) {
// An account with this UUID already exists, but we're not allowed to overwrite it.
// So generate a new UUID.
uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Make sure the account name is unique
String accountName =;
if (isAccountNameUsed(accountName, accounts)) {
// number >= 1 that results in an unused account name.
for (int i = 1; i <= accounts.size(); i++) {
accountName = + " (" + i + ")";
if (!isAccountNameUsed(accountName, accounts)) {
// Write account name
String accountKeyPrefix = uuid + ".";
putString(editor, accountKeyPrefix + AccountPreferenceSerializer.ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION_KEY, accountName);
if (account.incoming == null) {
// We don't import accounts without incoming server settings
throw new InvalidSettingValueException();
// Write incoming server settings
ServerSettings incoming = createServerSettings(account.incoming);
ServerSettingsSerializer serverSettingsSerializer = DI.get(ServerSettingsSerializer.class);
String incomingServer = serverSettingsSerializer.serialize(incoming);
putString(editor, accountKeyPrefix + AccountPreferenceSerializer.INCOMING_SERVER_SETTINGS_KEY, incomingServer);
String incomingServerName =;
boolean incomingPasswordNeeded = AuthType.EXTERNAL != incoming.authenticationType && (incoming.password == null || incoming.password.isEmpty());
String incomingServerType = ServerTypeConverter.toServerSettingsType(account.incoming.type);
if (account.outgoing == null && !incomingServerType.equals(Protocols.WEBDAV)) {
// All account types except WebDAV need to provide outgoing server settings
throw new InvalidSettingValueException();
String outgoingServerName = null;
boolean outgoingPasswordNeeded = false;
if (account.outgoing != null) {
// Write outgoing server settings
ServerSettings outgoing = createServerSettings(account.outgoing);
String outgoingServer = serverSettingsSerializer.serialize(outgoing);
putString(editor, accountKeyPrefix + AccountPreferenceSerializer.OUTGOING_SERVER_SETTINGS_KEY, outgoingServer);
* Mark account as disabled if the settings file contained a username but no password. However, no password
* is required for the outgoing server for WebDAV accounts, because incoming and outgoing servers are
* identical for this account type. Nor is a password required if the AuthType is EXTERNAL.
String outgoingServerType = ServerTypeConverter.toServerSettingsType(outgoing.type);
outgoingPasswordNeeded = AuthType.EXTERNAL != outgoing.authenticationType && !outgoingServerType.equals(Protocols.WEBDAV) && outgoing.username != null && !outgoing.username.isEmpty() && (outgoing.password == null || outgoing.password.isEmpty());
outgoingServerName =;
boolean createAccountDisabled = incomingPasswordNeeded || outgoingPasswordNeeded;
if (createAccountDisabled) {
editor.putBoolean(accountKeyPrefix + "enabled", false);
// Validate account settings
Map<String, Object> validatedSettings = AccountSettingsDescriptions.validate(contentVersion, account.settings.settings, !mergeImportedAccount);
// Upgrade account settings to current content version
if (contentVersion != Settings.VERSION) {
AccountSettingsDescriptions.upgrade(contentVersion, validatedSettings);
// Convert account settings to the string representation used in preference storage
Map<String, String> stringSettings = AccountSettingsDescriptions.convert(validatedSettings);
// Merge account settings if necessary
Map<String, String> writeSettings;
if (mergeImportedAccount) {
writeSettings = new HashMap<>(AccountSettingsDescriptions.getAccountSettings(prefs.getStorage(), uuid));
} else {
writeSettings = stringSettings;
// Write account settings
for (Map.Entry<String, String> setting : writeSettings.entrySet()) {
String key = accountKeyPrefix + setting.getKey();
String value = setting.getValue();
putString(editor, key, value);
// If it's a new account generate and write a new "accountNumber"
if (!mergeImportedAccount) {
int newAccountNumber = prefs.generateAccountNumber();
putString(editor, accountKeyPrefix + "accountNumber", Integer.toString(newAccountNumber));
// Write identities
if (account.identities != null) {
importIdentities(editor, contentVersion, uuid, account, overwrite, existingAccount, prefs);
} else if (!mergeImportedAccount) {
// Require accounts to at least have one identity
throw new InvalidSettingValueException();
// Write folder settings
if (account.folders != null) {
for (ImportedFolder folder : account.folders) {
importFolder(editor, contentVersion, uuid, folder, mergeImportedAccount, prefs);
// TODO: sync folder settings with localstore?
AccountDescription imported = new AccountDescription(accountName, uuid);
return new AccountDescriptionPair(original, imported, mergeImportedAccount, incomingPasswordNeeded, outgoingPasswordNeeded, incomingServerName, outgoingServerName);
use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalStore in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class AttachmentProvider method getType.
private String getType(String accountUuid, String id, String mimeType) {
String type;
final Account account = Preferences.getPreferences(getContext()).getAccount(accountUuid);
try {
final LocalStore localStore = DI.get(LocalStoreProvider.class).getInstance(account);
AttachmentInfo attachmentInfo = localStore.getAttachmentInfo(id);
if (mimeType != null) {
type = mimeType;
} else {
type = attachmentInfo.type;
} catch (MessagingException e) {
Timber.e(e, "Unable to retrieve LocalStore for %s", account);
return type;
use of com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalStore in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class StoreSchemaDefinitionTest method createStoreSchemaDefinition.
private StoreSchemaDefinition createStoreSchemaDefinition() throws MessagingException {
final Account account = createAccount();
final LockableDatabase lockableDatabase = createLockableDatabase();
final LocalStore localStore = mock(LocalStore.class);
MigrationsHelper migrationsHelper = new MigrationsHelper() {
public Account getAccount() {
return account;
public void saveAccount() {
// Do nothing
return new StoreSchemaDefinition(migrationsHelper);