use of com.fsck.k9.preferences.Storage in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class Account method loadAccount.
* Load stored settings for this account.
private synchronized void loadAccount(Preferences preferences) {
Storage storage = preferences.getStorage();
mStoreUri = Base64.decode(storage.getString(mUuid + ".storeUri", null));
mLocalStorageProviderId = storage.getString(mUuid + ".localStorageProvider", StorageManager.getInstance(;
mTransportUri = Base64.decode(storage.getString(mUuid + ".transportUri", null));
mDescription = storage.getString(mUuid + ".description", null);
mAlwaysBcc = storage.getString(mUuid + ".alwaysBcc", mAlwaysBcc);
mAutomaticCheckIntervalMinutes = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".automaticCheckIntervalMinutes", -1);
mIdleRefreshMinutes = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".idleRefreshMinutes", 24);
mPushPollOnConnect = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".pushPollOnConnect", true);
mDisplayCount = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".displayCount", K9.DEFAULT_VISIBLE_LIMIT);
if (mDisplayCount < 0) {
mLatestOldMessageSeenTime = storage.getLong(mUuid + ".latestOldMessageSeenTime", 0);
mNotifyNewMail = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".notifyNewMail", false);
mFolderNotifyNewMailMode = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".folderNotifyNewMailMode", FolderMode.ALL);
mNotifySelfNewMail = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".notifySelfNewMail", true);
mNotifyContactsMailOnly = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".notifyContactsMailOnly", false);
mNotifySync = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".notifyMailCheck", false);
mDeletePolicy = DeletePolicy.fromInt(storage.getInt(mUuid + ".deletePolicy", DeletePolicy.NEVER.setting));
mInboxFolderName = storage.getString(mUuid + ".inboxFolderName", INBOX);
mDraftsFolderName = storage.getString(mUuid + ".draftsFolderName", "Drafts");
mSentFolderName = storage.getString(mUuid + ".sentFolderName", "Sent");
mTrashFolderName = storage.getString(mUuid + ".trashFolderName", "Trash");
mArchiveFolderName = storage.getString(mUuid + ".archiveFolderName", "Archive");
mSpamFolderName = storage.getString(mUuid + ".spamFolderName", "Spam");
mExpungePolicy = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".expungePolicy", Expunge.EXPUNGE_IMMEDIATELY);
mSyncRemoteDeletions = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".syncRemoteDeletions", true);
mMaxPushFolders = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".maxPushFolders", 10);
goToUnreadMessageSearch = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".goToUnreadMessageSearch", false);
subscribedFoldersOnly = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".subscribedFoldersOnly", false);
maximumPolledMessageAge = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".maximumPolledMessageAge", -1);
maximumAutoDownloadMessageSize = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".maximumAutoDownloadMessageSize", 32768);
mMessageFormat = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".messageFormat", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FORMAT);
mMessageFormatAuto = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".messageFormatAuto", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FORMAT_AUTO);
if (mMessageFormatAuto && mMessageFormat == MessageFormat.TEXT) {
mMessageFormat = MessageFormat.AUTO;
mMessageReadReceipt = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".messageReadReceipt", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_READ_RECEIPT);
mQuoteStyle = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".quoteStyle", DEFAULT_QUOTE_STYLE);
mQuotePrefix = storage.getString(mUuid + ".quotePrefix", DEFAULT_QUOTE_PREFIX);
mDefaultQuotedTextShown = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".defaultQuotedTextShown", DEFAULT_QUOTED_TEXT_SHOWN);
mReplyAfterQuote = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".replyAfterQuote", DEFAULT_REPLY_AFTER_QUOTE);
mStripSignature = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".stripSignature", DEFAULT_STRIP_SIGNATURE);
for (NetworkType type : NetworkType.values()) {
Boolean useCompression = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".useCompression." + type, true);
compressionMap.put(type, useCompression);
mAutoExpandFolderName = storage.getString(mUuid + ".autoExpandFolderName", INBOX);
mAccountNumber = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".accountNumber", 0);
mChipColor = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".chipColor", ColorPicker.getRandomColor());
mSortType = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".sortTypeEnum", SortType.SORT_DATE);
mSortAscending.put(mSortType, storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".sortAscending", false));
mShowPictures = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".showPicturesEnum", ShowPictures.NEVER);
mNotificationSetting.setVibrate(storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".vibrate", false));
mNotificationSetting.setVibratePattern(storage.getInt(mUuid + ".vibratePattern", 0));
mNotificationSetting.setVibrateTimes(storage.getInt(mUuid + ".vibrateTimes", 5));
mNotificationSetting.setRing(storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".ring", true));
mNotificationSetting.setRingtone(storage.getString(mUuid + ".ringtone", "content://settings/system/notification_sound"));
mNotificationSetting.setLed(storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".led", true));
mNotificationSetting.setLedColor(storage.getInt(mUuid + ".ledColor", mChipColor));
mFolderDisplayMode = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".folderDisplayMode", FolderMode.NOT_SECOND_CLASS);
mFolderSyncMode = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".folderSyncMode", FolderMode.FIRST_CLASS);
mFolderPushMode = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".folderPushMode", FolderMode.FIRST_CLASS);
mFolderTargetMode = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".folderTargetMode", FolderMode.NOT_SECOND_CLASS);
searchableFolders = getEnumStringPref(storage, mUuid + ".searchableFolders", Searchable.ALL);
mIsSignatureBeforeQuotedText = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".signatureBeforeQuotedText", false);
identities = loadIdentities(storage);
mCryptoKey = storage.getLong(mUuid + ".cryptoKey", NO_OPENPGP_KEY);
mAllowRemoteSearch = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".allowRemoteSearch", false);
mRemoteSearchFullText = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".remoteSearchFullText", false);
mRemoteSearchNumResults = storage.getInt(mUuid + ".remoteSearchNumResults", DEFAULT_REMOTE_SEARCH_NUM_RESULTS);
mEnabled = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".enabled", true);
mMarkMessageAsReadOnView = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".markMessageAsReadOnView", true);
mAlwaysShowCcBcc = storage.getBoolean(mUuid + ".alwaysShowCcBcc", false);
// Use email address as account description if necessary
if (mDescription == null) {
mDescription = getEmail();
use of com.fsck.k9.preferences.Storage in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class EmailProvider method getThreadedMessages.
protected Cursor getThreadedMessages(String accountUuid, final String[] projection, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs, final String sortOrder) {
Account account = getAccount(accountUuid);
LockableDatabase database = getDatabase(account);
try {
return database.execute(false, new DbCallback<Cursor>() {
public Cursor doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase db) throws WrappedException, UnavailableStorageException {
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
query.append("SELECT ");
boolean first = true;
for (String columnName : projection) {
if (!first) {
} else {
first = false;
final String aggregationFunc = THREAD_AGGREGATION_FUNCS.get(columnName);
if (MessageColumns.ID.equals(columnName)) {
query.append("m." + MessageColumns.ID + " AS " + MessageColumns.ID);
} else if (aggregationFunc != null) {
query.append(" AS ");
} else {
query.append(" FROM (");
createThreadedSubQuery(projection, selection, query);
query.append(") a ");
query.append("JOIN " + THREADS_TABLE + " t " + "ON (t." + ThreadColumns.ROOT + " = a.thread_root) " + "JOIN " + MESSAGES_TABLE + " m " + "ON (m." + MessageColumns.ID + " = t." + ThreadColumns.MESSAGE_ID + " AND " + "m." + InternalMessageColumns.EMPTY + "=0 AND " + "m." + InternalMessageColumns.DELETED + "=0 AND " + "m." + MessageColumns.DATE + " = a." + MessageColumns.DATE + ") ");
if (Utility.arrayContainsAny(projection, (Object[]) FOLDERS_COLUMNS)) {
query.append("JOIN " + FOLDERS_TABLE + " f " + "ON (m." + MessageColumns.FOLDER_ID + " = f." + FolderColumns.ID + ") ");
query.append(" GROUP BY " + ThreadColumns.ROOT);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sortOrder)) {
query.append(" ORDER BY ");
query.append(SqlQueryBuilder.addPrefixToSelection(FIXUP_AGGREGATED_MESSAGES_COLUMNS, "a.", sortOrder));
return db.rawQuery(query.toString(), selectionArgs);
} catch (UnavailableStorageException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Storage not available", e);
} catch (MessagingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("messaging exception", e);
use of com.fsck.k9.preferences.Storage in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class SettingsImporter method importAccount.
private static AccountDescriptionPair importAccount(Context context, StorageEditor editor, int contentVersion, ImportedAccount account, boolean overwrite) throws InvalidSettingValueException {
AccountDescription original = new AccountDescription(, account.uuid);
Preferences prefs = Preferences.getPreferences(context);
List<Account> accounts = prefs.getAccounts();
String uuid = account.uuid;
Account existingAccount = prefs.getAccount(uuid);
boolean mergeImportedAccount = (overwrite && existingAccount != null);
if (!overwrite && existingAccount != null) {
// An account with this UUID already exists, but we're not allowed to overwrite it.
// So generate a new UUID.
uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Make sure the account name is unique
String accountName =;
if (isAccountNameUsed(accountName, accounts)) {
// number >= 1 that results in an unused account name.
for (int i = 1; i <= accounts.size(); i++) {
accountName = + " (" + i + ")";
if (!isAccountNameUsed(accountName, accounts)) {
// Write account name
String accountKeyPrefix = uuid + ".";
putString(editor, accountKeyPrefix + Account.ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION_KEY, accountName);
if (account.incoming == null) {
// We don't import accounts without incoming server settings
throw new InvalidSettingValueException();
// Write incoming server settings (storeUri)
ServerSettings incoming = new ImportedServerSettings(account.incoming);
String storeUri = RemoteStore.createStoreUri(incoming);
putString(editor, accountKeyPrefix + Account.STORE_URI_KEY, Base64.encode(storeUri));
// Mark account as disabled if the AuthType isn't EXTERNAL and the
// settings file didn't contain a password
boolean createAccountDisabled = AuthType.EXTERNAL != incoming.authenticationType && (incoming.password == null || incoming.password.isEmpty());
if (account.outgoing == null && ! {
// All account types except WebDAV need to provide outgoing server settings
throw new InvalidSettingValueException();
if (account.outgoing != null) {
// Write outgoing server settings (transportUri)
ServerSettings outgoing = new ImportedServerSettings(account.outgoing);
String transportUri = Transport.createTransportUri(outgoing);
putString(editor, accountKeyPrefix + Account.TRANSPORT_URI_KEY, Base64.encode(transportUri));
* Mark account as disabled if the settings file contained a username but no password. However, no password
* is required for the outgoing server for WebDAV accounts, because incoming and outgoing servers are
* identical for this account type. Nor is a password required if the AuthType is EXTERNAL.
boolean outgoingPasswordNeeded = AuthType.EXTERNAL != outgoing.authenticationType && !(ServerSettings.Type.WebDAV == outgoing.type) && outgoing.username != null && !outgoing.username.isEmpty() && (outgoing.password == null || outgoing.password.isEmpty());
createAccountDisabled = outgoingPasswordNeeded || createAccountDisabled;
// Write key to mark account as disabled if necessary
if (createAccountDisabled) {
editor.putBoolean(accountKeyPrefix + "enabled", false);
// Validate account settings
Map<String, Object> validatedSettings = AccountSettings.validate(contentVersion, account.settings.settings, !mergeImportedAccount);
// Upgrade account settings to current content version
if (contentVersion != Settings.VERSION) {
AccountSettings.upgrade(contentVersion, validatedSettings);
// Convert account settings to the string representation used in preference storage
Map<String, String> stringSettings = AccountSettings.convert(validatedSettings);
// Merge account settings if necessary
Map<String, String> writeSettings;
if (mergeImportedAccount) {
writeSettings = new HashMap<>(AccountSettings.getAccountSettings(prefs.getStorage(), uuid));
} else {
writeSettings = stringSettings;
// Write account settings
for (Map.Entry<String, String> setting : writeSettings.entrySet()) {
String key = accountKeyPrefix + setting.getKey();
String value = setting.getValue();
putString(editor, key, value);
// If it's a new account generate and write a new "accountNumber"
if (!mergeImportedAccount) {
int newAccountNumber = Account.generateAccountNumber(prefs);
putString(editor, accountKeyPrefix + "accountNumber", Integer.toString(newAccountNumber));
// Write identities
if (account.identities != null) {
importIdentities(editor, contentVersion, uuid, account, overwrite, existingAccount, prefs);
} else if (!mergeImportedAccount) {
// Require accounts to at least have one identity
throw new InvalidSettingValueException();
// Write folder settings
if (account.folders != null) {
for (ImportedFolder folder : account.folders) {
importFolder(editor, contentVersion, uuid, folder, mergeImportedAccount, prefs);
//TODO: sync folder settings with localstore?
AccountDescription imported = new AccountDescription(accountName, uuid);
return new AccountDescriptionPair(original, imported, mergeImportedAccount);
use of com.fsck.k9.preferences.Storage in project k-9 by k9mail.
the class MailService method saveLastCheckEnd.
public static void saveLastCheckEnd(Context context) {
long lastCheckEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
Timber.i("Saving lastCheckEnd = %tc", lastCheckEnd);
Preferences prefs = Preferences.getPreferences(context);
Storage storage = prefs.getStorage();
StorageEditor editor = storage.edit();
editor.putLong(LAST_CHECK_END, lastCheckEnd);