use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlTableHeader in project htmlunit by HtmlUnit.
the class HtmlSerializerVisibleText method appendTable.
* Process {@link HtmlTable}.
* @param builder the StringBuilder to add to
* @param htmlTable the target to process
* @param mode the {@link Mode} to use for processing
protected void appendTable(final HtmlSerializerTextBuilder builder, final HtmlTable htmlTable, final Mode mode) {
final String caption = htmlTable.getCaptionText();
if (caption != null) {
builder.append(caption, mode);
boolean first = true;
// first thead has to be displayed first and first tfoot has to be displayed last
final HtmlTableHeader tableHeader = htmlTable.getHeader();
if (tableHeader != null) {
first = appendTableRows(builder, mode, tableHeader.getRows(), true, null, null);
final HtmlTableFooter tableFooter = htmlTable.getFooter();
final List<HtmlTableRow> tableRows = htmlTable.getRows();
first = appendTableRows(builder, mode, tableRows, first, tableHeader, tableFooter);
if (tableFooter != null) {
first = appendTableRows(builder, mode, tableFooter.getRows(), first, null, null);
} else if (tableRows.isEmpty()) {
final DomNode firstChild = htmlTable.getFirstChild();
if (firstChild != null) {
appendNode(builder, firstChild, mode);
use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlTableHeader in project faces by jakartaee.
the class URLClient method dtableRenderEncodeBasicTest.
* @class.setup_props: webServerHost; webServerPort; ts_home;
* @testName: dtableRenderEncodeBasicTest
* @assertion_ids: PENDING
* @test_Strategy: Validate the basic rendering of a datatable that has not
* header or footer facets defined at the table or column
* level as well as no caption facet. Table data1: - ensure no
* caption, header, or footers are rendered - ensure the
* dataset was properly iterated through and displayed (no
* class attribute rendered on the tr and td elements) Table
* data2: - same as data1 above, accept the table has
* rowClasses and columnClasses defined as ("odd,even").
* Ensure the class attribute for each row and cell has the
* expected value.
* Table data3: - Use the binging attribute to tie into a
* Backing Bean. Make sure that the follow attributes are
* rendered. - bgcolor - border - title
* @since 1.2
public void dtableRenderEncodeBasicTest() throws Fault {
StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder(128);
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(messages);
List<HtmlPage> pages = new ArrayList<HtmlPage>();
pages.add(getPage(CONTEXT_ROOT + "/faces/encodetestBasic.xhtml"));
pages.add(getPage(CONTEXT_ROOT + "/faces/encodetestBasic_facelet.xhtml"));
for (HtmlPage page : pages) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------- Data1
HtmlTable data1 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "data1");
if (!validateExistence("data1", "table", data1, formatter)) {
// rendered.
if (workAroundCaptionTextBug(data1).length() != 0) {
formatter.format("Caption incorrectly rendered for table " + "containing ID 'data1'. This DataTable had no " + "caption facet. %n");
// no header facet for the three columns means no thead elements
// should have been rendered
HtmlTableHeader data1Header = data1.getHeader();
if (data1Header != null) {
formatter.format("Header incorrectly rendered for table " + "containing ID 'data1'. This DataTable had no " + "header facets. %n");
validateTableBodyRows(data1, "data1", null, null, formatter);
// ---------------------------------------------------------- Data 2
HtmlTable data2 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "data2");
if (!validateExistence("data2", "table", data2, formatter)) {
// rendered.
if (workAroundCaptionTextBug(data2).length() != 0) {
formatter.format("Caption incorrectly rendered for table " + "containing ID 'data2'. This DataTable had no " + "caption facet. %n");
// no header facet for the three columns means no thead elements
// should have been rendered
HtmlTableHeader data2Header = data2.getHeader();
if (data2Header != null) {
formatter.format("Header incorrectly rendered for table " + "containing ID 'data2'. This DataTable had no " + "header facets. %n");
validateTableBodyRows(data2, "data2", new String[] { "odd", "even", "odd" }, new String[] { "even", "odd", "" }, formatter);
// ---------------------------------------------------------- Data 3
HtmlTable data3 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "data3");
if (!validateExistence("data3", "table", data3, formatter)) {
// test for title attribute.
if (!"Books".equals(data3.getAttribute("title"))) {
formatter.format("Unexpected value for title attribute for " + "the rendered table element. Expected '%s'%n," + " but received '%s'%n", "Books", data3.getAttribute("title"));
// test for bgcolor attribute.
if (!"FFFF99".equals(data3.getBgcolorAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Unexpected value for bgcolor attribute for " + "the rendered table element. Expected '%s'%n," + " but received '%s'%n", "FFFF99", data3.getBgcolorAttribute());
// test for border attribute.
if (!"2".equals(data3.getBorderAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Unexpected value for border attribute for " + "the rendered table element. Expected '%s'%n," + " but received '%s'%n", "2", data3.getBorderAttribute());
use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlTableHeader in project faces by jakartaee.
the class URLClient method dtableRenderEncodeTableHeaderFooterTest.
// END dtableRenderEncodeColGrpTest
* @testName: dtableRenderEncodeTableHeaderFooterTest
* @assertion_ids: PENDING
* @test_Strategy: Validate the following: Data1: - thead with single nested
* tr/th element combination - th element has scope attribute
* value of colgroup - th element has colspan of 3 as 3
* columns are defined - th element has no class attribute
* rendered - tfoot with single nested tr/td element
* combination - td element has no scope attribute rendered -
* td element has colspan of 3 as 3 columns are defined - td
* element has no class attribute rendered Data2: - the same
* as above except the class attribute value is validated on
* the rendered th and td elements as headerClass and
* footerClass are defined for this table in the JSP
* @since 1.2
public void dtableRenderEncodeTableHeaderFooterTest() throws Fault {
StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder(128);
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(messages);
List<HtmlPage> pages = new ArrayList<HtmlPage>();
pages.add(getPage(CONTEXT_ROOT + "/faces/encodetestTableHeaderFooter.xhtml"));
pages.add(getPage(CONTEXT_ROOT + "/faces/encodetestTableHeaderFooter_facelet.xhtml"));
for (HtmlPage page : pages) {
HtmlTable data1 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "data1");
if (!validateExistence("data1", "table", data1, formatter)) {
// One table header should be available with a cell
// spanning all three specified columns
HtmlTableHeader data1Header = data1.getHeader();
if (data1Header == null) {
formatter.format("Header not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data1' when header facet was specified. %n");
} else {
// should find a single row with a colspan of 3.
if (data1Header.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table header row for " + "table containing ID 'data1', but found '%s' %n", data1Header.getRows().size());
} else {
List headerRows = data1Header.getRows();
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) headerRows.get(0);
HtmlTableHeaderCell cell = (HtmlTableHeaderCell) row.getCell(0);
if (cell.getColumnSpan() != 3) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell for " + "table containing ID 'data1' to have a " + "colspan of 3 as three columns was " + "specified. Colspan received '%s' %n.", cell.getColumnSpan());
} else {
if (!"Header Text For Data1".equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell " + "for table containing ID 'data1' to " + "contain 'Header Text For Data1', " + "received: '%s'. %n", cell.asText());
// validate scope attribute for the th element of the header
if (!"colgroup".equals(cell.getScopeAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Expected the scope attribute of " + "the 'th' element to be 'colgroup', but " + "found '%s' %n", cell.getScopeAttribute());
// validate no class attribute was rendered
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no class attribute to be " + "rendered on the 'th' element since no " + "headerClass attribute was defined in the JSP");
// One table footer should be available with a cell
// spanning all three specified columns
HtmlTableFooter data1Footer = data1.getFooter();
if (data1Footer == null) {
formatter.format("Footer not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data1' when footer facet was specified. %n");
} else {
// should find a single row with a colspan of 3.
if (data1Footer.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table footer row for " + "table containing ID 'data1', but found '%s' %n", data1Footer.getRows().size());
} else {
List footerRows = data1Footer.getRows();
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) footerRows.get(0);
HtmlTableCell cell = row.getCell(0);
if (cell.getColumnSpan() != 3) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell for " + "table containing ID 'data1' to have a " + "colspan of 3 as three columns was " + "specified. Colspan received '%s' %n.", cell.getColumnSpan());
} else {
if (!"Footer Text For Data1".equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell for " + "table containing ID 'data1' to " + "contain 'Footer Text For Data1', " + "received: '%s'. %n", cell.asText());
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("scope"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no scope attribute to " + "be rendered on the table footer, but " + "the attribute was found.");
// validate no class attribute was rendered
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no class attribute to " + "be rendered for the footer since no " + "footerClass attribute was defined in the JSP");
validateTableBodyRows(data1, "data1", null, null, formatter);
// ---------------------------------------------------------- Data 2
HtmlTable data2 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "data2");
if (!validateExistence("data2", "table", data2, formatter)) {
// One table header should be available with a cell
// spanning all three specified columns
HtmlTableHeader data2Header = data2.getHeader();
if (data2Header == null) {
formatter.format("Header not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data2' when header facet was specified. %n");
} else {
// should find a single row with a colspan of 3.
if (data2Header.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table header row " + "for table containing ID 'data2', but found '%s'%n", data2Header.getRows().size());
} else {
List headerRows = data2Header.getRows();
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) headerRows.get(0);
HtmlTableHeaderCell cell = (HtmlTableHeaderCell) row.getCell(0);
if (cell.getColumnSpan() != 3) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell for " + "table containing ID 'data2' to have a " + "colspan of 3 as three columns was " + "specified. Colspan received '%s' %n.", cell.getColumnSpan());
} else {
if (!"Header Text For Data2".equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell for " + "table containing ID 'data2' to contain " + "'Header Text For Data2', " + "received: '%s'.%n", cell.asText());
// validate scope attribute for the th element of the header
if (!"colgroup".equals(cell.getScopeAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Expected the scope attribute of " + "the 'th' element to be 'colgroup', but " + "found '%s' %n", cell.getScopeAttribute());
// validate class attribute was rendered
if (!"sansserif".equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected the class attribute " + "of the 'th' element to be 'sansserif', " + "but found '%s' %n", cell.getAttribute("class"));
// One table footer should be available with a cell
// spanning all three specified columns
HtmlTableFooter data2Footer = data2.getFooter();
if (data2Footer == null) {
formatter.format("Footer not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data2' when footer facet was specified. %n");
} else {
// should find a single row with a colspan of 3.
if (data2Footer.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table footer row " + "for table containing ID 'data2', but " + "found '%s' %n", data2Footer.getRows().size());
} else {
List footerRows = data2Footer.getRows();
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) footerRows.get(0);
HtmlTableCell cell = row.getCell(0);
if (cell.getColumnSpan() != 3) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell for " + "table containing ID 'data2' to have a " + "colspan of 3 as three columns was " + "specified. Colspan received '%s' %n.", cell.getColumnSpan());
} else {
if (!"Footer Text For Data2".equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell for " + "table containing ID 'data2' to contain " + "Footer Text For Data2', received: " + "'%s'. %n", cell.asText());
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("scope"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no scope attribute to be " + "rendered on the table footer, but the " + "attribute was found.");
// validate class attribute was rendered
if (!"sansserif".equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected the class attribute of " + "the 'td' element of the footer to be " + "'sansserif', but found '%s' %n", cell.getAttribute("class"));
validateTableBodyRows(data2, "data2", null, null, formatter);
use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlTableHeader in project faces by jakartaee.
the class URLClient method gridRenderEncodeTableHeaderFooterTest.
// END gridRenderEncodeCaptionTest
* @testName: gridRenderEncodeTableHeaderFooterTest
* @assertion_ids: PENDING
* @test_Strategy: Validate the following: Grid1: - thead with single nested
* tr/th element combination - th element has scope attribute
* value of colgroup - th element has colspan of 3 as 3
* columns are defined - th element has no class attribute
* rendered - tfoot with single nested tr/td element
* combination - td element has no scope attribute rendered -
* td element has colspan of 3 as 3 columns are defined - td
* element has no class attribute rendered Grid2: - the same
* as above except the class attribute value is validated on
* the rendered th and td elements as headerClass and
* footerClass are defined for this table in the JSP
* @since 1.2
public void gridRenderEncodeTableHeaderFooterTest() throws Fault {
StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder(128);
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(messages);
List<HtmlPage> pages = new ArrayList<HtmlPage>();
pages.add(getPage(CONTEXT_ROOT + "/faces/encodetestTableHeaderFooter.xhtml"));
pages.add(getPage(CONTEXT_ROOT + "/faces/encodetestTableHeaderFooter_facelet.xhtml"));
for (HtmlPage page : pages) {
HtmlTable grid1 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "grid1");
if (!validateExistence("grid1", "table", grid1, formatter)) {
// One table header should be available with a cell
// spanning all three specified columns
HtmlTableHeader grid1Header = grid1.getHeader();
if (grid1Header == null) {
formatter.format("Header not rendered for table containing ID 'grid1'" + " when header facet was specified.%n");
} else {
// should find a single row with a colspan of 3.
if (grid1Header.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table header row for table " + "containing ID 'grid1', but found '%s'%n", grid1Header.getRows().size());
} else {
List headerRows = grid1Header.getRows();
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) headerRows.get(0);
HtmlTableHeaderCell cell = (HtmlTableHeaderCell) row.getCell(0);
if (cell.getColumnSpan() != 3) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell for " + "table containing ID 'grid1' to have a " + "colspan of 3 as three columns" + " was specified. Colspan received '%s'%n.", cell.getColumnSpan());
} else {
if (!"Header Text For Grid1".equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell for " + "table containing ID 'grid1' to contain " + "'Header Text For Grid1', " + "received: '%s'.%n", cell.asText());
// validate scope attribute for the th element of the header
if (!"colgroup".equals(cell.getScopeAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Expected the scope attribute of " + "the 'th' element to be 'colgroup', but " + "found '%s'%n", cell.getScopeAttribute());
// validate no class attribute was rendered
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no class attribute to be " + "rendered on the 'th' element since no " + "headerClass attribute was defined in the JSP");
// One table footer should be available with a cell
// spanning all three specified columns
HtmlTableFooter grid1Footer = grid1.getFooter();
if (grid1Footer == null) {
formatter.format("Footer not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'grid1' when footer facet was specified.%n");
} else {
// should find a single row with a colspan of 3.
if (grid1Footer.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table footer row for " + "table containing ID 'grid1', but found '%s'%n", grid1Footer.getRows().size());
} else {
List footerRows = grid1Footer.getRows();
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) footerRows.get(0);
HtmlTableCell cell = row.getCell(0);
if (cell.getColumnSpan() != 3) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell for " + "table containing ID 'grid1' to have a " + "colspan of 3 as three columns" + " was specified. Colspan received '%s'%n.", cell.getColumnSpan());
} else {
if (!"Footer Text For Grid1".equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell for " + "table containing ID 'grid1' to contain " + "'Footer Text For Grid1', " + "received: '%s'.%n", cell.asText());
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("scope"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no scope attribute to be " + "rendered on the table footer, but the " + "attribute was found.");
// validate no class attribute was rendered
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no class attribute to be " + "rendered for the footer since no footerClass" + " attribute was defined in the JSP");
validateTableBodyRows(grid1, "grid1", 1, 3, null, null, formatter);
// ----------------------------------------------------------- Grid2
HtmlTable grid2 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "grid2");
if (!validateExistence("grid2", "table", grid2, formatter)) {
// One table header should be available with a cell
// spanning all three specified columns
HtmlTableHeader grid2Header = grid2.getHeader();
if (grid2Header == null) {
formatter.format("Header not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'grid2' when header facet was specified.%n");
} else {
// should find a single row with a colspan of 3.
if (grid2Header.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table header row " + "for table containing ID 'grid2', but found '%s'%n", grid2Header.getRows().size());
} else {
List headerRows = grid2Header.getRows();
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) headerRows.get(0);
HtmlTableHeaderCell cell = (HtmlTableHeaderCell) row.getCell(0);
if (cell.getColumnSpan() != 3) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell for " + "table containing ID 'grid2' to have a " + "colspan of 3 as three columns" + " was specified. Colspan received '%s'%n.", cell.getColumnSpan());
} else {
if (!"Header Text For Grid2".equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell for " + "table containing ID 'grid2' to contain " + "'Header Text For Grid2', " + "received: '%s'.%n", cell.asText());
// validate scope attribute for the th element of the header
if (!"colgroup".equals(cell.getScopeAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Expected the scope attribute of " + "the 'th' element to be 'colgroup', but " + "found '%s'%n", cell.getScopeAttribute());
// validate class attribute was rendered
if (!"sansserif".equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected the class attribute of " + "the 'th' element to be 'sansserif', but " + "found '%s'%n", cell.getAttribute("class"));
// One table footer should be available with a cell
// spanning all three specified columns
HtmlTableFooter grid2Footer = grid2.getFooter();
if (grid2Footer == null) {
formatter.format("Footer not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'grid2' when footer facet was specified.%n");
} else {
// should find a single row with a colspan of 3.
if (grid2Footer.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table footer row " + "for table containing ID 'grid2', but found '%s'%n", grid2Footer.getRows().size());
} else {
List footerRows = grid2Footer.getRows();
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) footerRows.get(0);
HtmlTableCell cell = row.getCell(0);
if (cell.getColumnSpan() != 3) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell for " + "table containing ID 'grid2' to have a " + "colspan of 3 as three columns" + " was specified. Colspan received '%s'%n.", cell.getColumnSpan());
} else {
if (!"Footer Text For Grid2".equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell for " + "table containing ID 'grid2' to contain " + "'Footer Text For Grid2', " + "received: '%s'.%n", cell.asText());
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("scope"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no scope attribute to " + "be rendered on the table footer, but the " + "attribute was found.");
// validate class attribute was rendered
if (!"sansserif".equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected the class attribute of " + "the 'td' element of the footer to be " + "'sansserif', but found '%s'%n", cell.getAttribute("class"));
validateTableBodyRows(grid2, "grid2", 1, 3, null, null, formatter);
use of com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlTableHeader in project faces by jakartaee.
the class URLClient method dtableRenderEncodeColumnHeaderFooterTest.
// END dtableRenderEncodeTableHeaderFooterTest
* @testName: dtableRenderEncodeColumnHeaderFooterTest
* @assertion_ids: PENDING
* @test_Strategy: Validate the following: Data1: - thead with three nested
* tr/th element combinations - each th element has scope
* attribute value of col - each th element has no class
* attribute rendered - tfoot with three nested tr/td element
* combinations - each td element has no scope attribute
* rendered - each td element has no class attribute rendered
* Data2: - the same as above except the class attribute value
* is validated on the rendered th and td elements as
* headerClass and footerClass are defined for this table in
* the JSP Data3: - the same as Data1, except headerClass and
* footerClass are defined on the table as well as two of the
* columns. Validate that the class specified on the column
* level overrides the table level definition
* @since 1.2
public void dtableRenderEncodeColumnHeaderFooterTest() throws Fault {
StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder(128);
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(messages);
List<HtmlPage> pages = new ArrayList<HtmlPage>();
pages.add(getPage(CONTEXT_ROOT + "/faces/encodetestColumnHeaderFooter.xhtml"));
pages.add(getPage(CONTEXT_ROOT + "/faces/encodetestColumnHeaderFooter_facelet.xhtml"));
for (HtmlPage page : pages) {
HtmlTable data1 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "data1");
if (!validateExistence("data1", "table", data1, formatter)) {
// There should be one thead containing one tr and three th's
HtmlTableHeader data1Header = data1.getHeader();
if (data1Header == null) {
formatter.format("Header not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data1' when header facet was specified on the " + "specified columns %n");
} else {
// should find 1 header rows
if (data1Header.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table header row for " + "table containing ID 'data1', but found '%s' %n", data1Header.getRows().size());
} else {
String[] headerCellValues = new String[] { "Name Header", "", "Age Header" };
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) data1Header.getRows().get(0);
List headerCells = row.getCells();
for (int i = 0, size = headerCells.size(); i < size; i++) {
HtmlTableHeaderCell cell = (HtmlTableHeaderCell) row.getCell(i);
if (!headerCellValues[i].equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data1' to " + "contain '%s', received: '%s'. %n", i, headerCellValues[i], cell.asText());
// column header as expected
if (!"col".equals(cell.getScopeAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data1' to have " + "a scope attribute value of 'col', " + "but found '%s' %n", i, cell.getScopeAttribute());
// There should be one footer containing one row and three td's
HtmlTableFooter data1Footer = data1.getFooter();
if (data1Footer == null) {
formatter.format("Footers not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data1' when footer facet was specified on the " + "specified columns %n");
} else {
// should find 1 header rows
if (data1Footer.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table footer row for " + "table containing ID 'data1', but found '%s' %n", data1Footer.getRows().size());
} else {
String[] footerCellValues = new String[] { "", "Gender Footer", "Age Footer" };
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) data1Footer.getRows().get(0);
List headerCells = row.getCells();
for (int i = 0, size = headerCells.size(); i < size; i++) {
HtmlTableCell cell = row.getCell(i);
if (!footerCellValues[i].equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data1' to " + "contain '%s', received: '%s'. %n", i, footerCellValues[i], cell.asText());
// validate no scope attribute is rendered
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("scope"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no scope attribute to " + "be rendered for footer cell(%s) in table" + " containing ID 'data1' %n", i);
validateTableBodyRows(data1, "data1", null, null, formatter);
// ---------------------------------------------------------- Data 2
// this table has headerClass and footerClass defined on the
// dataTable tag. This should result in class being rendered
// for each header and footer row.
HtmlTable data2 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "data2");
if (!validateExistence("data2", "table", data2, formatter)) {
// There should be one thead containing one tr and three th's
HtmlTableHeader data2Header = data2.getHeader();
if (data2Header == null) {
formatter.format("Header not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data2' when header facet was specified on the " + "specified columns %n");
} else {
// should find 1 header rows
if (data2Header.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table header row " + "for table containing ID 'data2', but found '%s'%n", data2Header.getRows().size());
} else {
String[] headerCellValues = new String[] { "Name Header", "", "Age Header" };
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) data2Header.getRows().get(0);
List headerCells = row.getCells();
for (int i = 0, size = headerCells.size(); i < size; i++) {
HtmlTableHeaderCell cell = (HtmlTableHeaderCell) row.getCell(i);
if (!headerCellValues[i].equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data2' to " + "contain '%s', received: '%s'. %n", i, headerCellValues[i], cell.asText());
// column header as expected
if (!"col".equals(cell.getScopeAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data2' to have " + "a scope attribute value of 'col', " + "but found '%s' %n", i, cell.getScopeAttribute());
if (!"sansserif".equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected class attribute for " + "header cell (%s) to be 'columnClass', " + "but found '%s' %n", i, cell.getAttribute("class"));
// There should be one footer containing one row and three td's
HtmlTableFooter data2Footer = data2.getFooter();
if (data2Footer == null) {
formatter.format("Footers not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data2' when footer facet was specified on " + "the specified columns %n");
} else {
// should find 1 header rows
if (data2Footer.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table footer row for " + "table containing ID 'data2', but found '%s' %n", data2Footer.getRows().size());
} else {
String[] footerCellValues = new String[] { "", "Gender Footer", "Age Footer" };
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) data2Footer.getRows().get(0);
List headerCells = row.getCells();
for (int i = 0, size = headerCells.size(); i < size; i++) {
HtmlTableCell cell = row.getCell(i);
if (!footerCellValues[i].equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data2' to " + "contain '%s', received: '%s'. %n", i, footerCellValues[i], cell.asText());
// validate no scope attribute is rendered
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("scope"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no scope attribute to " + "be rendered for footer cell(%s) in table" + " containing ID 'data2' %n", i);
if (!"sansserif".equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected class attribute for " + "footer cell (%s) to be 'columnClass', " + "but found '%s' %n", i, cell.getAttribute("class"));
validateTableBodyRows(data2, "data2", null, null, formatter);
// ---------------------------------------------------------- Data 3
// this table has headerClass and footerClass defined on the
// dataTable and column tags. The result is the column level
// style classes will override the dataTable level classes
HtmlTable data3 = (HtmlTable) getElementOfTypeIncludingId(page, "table", "data3");
if (!validateExistence("data3", "table", data3, formatter)) {
// There should be one thead containing one tr and three th's
HtmlTableHeader data3Header = data3.getHeader();
if (data3Header == null) {
formatter.format("Header not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data3' when header facet was specified on the " + "specified columns %n");
} else {
// should find 1 header rows
if (data3Header.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table header row for " + "table containing ID 'data3', but found '%s' %n", data3Header.getRows().size());
} else {
String[] headerCellValues = new String[] { "Name Header", "", "Age Header" };
String[] headerClassValues = new String[] { "columnClass", "sansserif", "sansserif" };
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) data3Header.getRows().get(0);
List headerCells = row.getCells();
for (int i = 0, size = headerCells.size(); i < size; i++) {
HtmlTableHeaderCell cell = (HtmlTableHeaderCell) row.getCell(i);
if (!headerCellValues[i].equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data3' to " + "contain '%s', received: '%s'. %n", i, headerCellValues[i], cell.asText());
// column header as expected
if (!"col".equals(cell.getScopeAttribute())) {
formatter.format("Expected table header cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data3' to have " + "a scope attribute value of 'col', " + "but found '%s' %n", i, cell.getScopeAttribute());
if (!headerClassValues[i].equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected class attribute for " + "header cell (%s) to be '%s', but " + "found '%s' %n", i, headerClassValues[i], cell.getAttribute("class"));
// There should be one footer containing one row and three td's
HtmlTableFooter data3Footer = data3.getFooter();
if (data3Footer == null) {
formatter.format("Footers not rendered for table containing " + "ID 'data3' when footer facet was specified on the " + "specified columns %n");
} else {
// should find 1 header rows
if (data3Footer.getRows().size() != 1) {
formatter.format("Expected a single table footer row for " + "table containing ID 'data3', but found '%s' %n", data3Footer.getRows().size());
} else {
String[] footerCellValues = new String[] { "", "Gender Footer", "Age Footer" };
String[] footerClassValues = new String[] { "sansserif", "sansserif", "columnClass" };
HtmlTableRow row = (HtmlTableRow) data3Footer.getRows().get(0);
List headerCells = row.getCells();
for (int i = 0, size = headerCells.size(); i < size; i++) {
HtmlTableCell cell = row.getCell(i);
if (!footerCellValues[i].equals(cell.asText())) {
formatter.format("Expected table footer cell(%s) " + "for table containing ID 'data3' to " + "contain '%s', received: '%s'. %n", i, footerCellValues[i], cell.asText());
// validate no scope attribute is rendered
if (!HtmlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED.equals(cell.getAttribute("scope"))) {
formatter.format("Expected no scope attribute to " + "be rendered for footer cell(%s) in table" + " containing ID 'data3' %n", i);
if (!footerClassValues[i].equals(cell.getAttribute("class"))) {
formatter.format("Expected class attribute for " + "footer cell (%s) to be '%s', but " + "found '%s' %n", i, footerClassValues[i], cell.getAttribute("class"));
validateTableBodyRows(data3, "data3", null, null, formatter);