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Example 1 with ConnectionModel

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class AttackDefenseCollector method loadAttacksDefensesFromCsv.

 * Load the attacks and defenses from CAPEC.csv and Defenses.csv, respectively.
 * <p>This is factored out because it is used by both the CSV and VDM approaches.
 * @param inputDir the STEM output directory
 * @param connectionNameMap the map from connection names in the CSV files to the actual
 *     connection names
 * @throws CSVFile.MalformedInputException
 * @throws IOException
private void loadAttacksDefensesFromCsv(String inputDir, Map<String, String> connectionNameMap) throws CSVFile.MalformedInputException, IOException {
    // Load all the files as CSV
    CSVFile capecCsv = new CSVFile(new File(inputDir, "CAPEC.csv"), true, "CompType", "CompInst", "CAPEC", "CAPECDescription", "Confidentiality", "Integrity", "Availability", "LikelihoodOfSuccess");
    CSVFile defensesCsv = new CSVFile(new File(inputDir, "Defenses.csv"), true, "CompType", "CompInst", "CAPEC", "Confidentiality", "Integrity", "Availability", "ApplicableDefenseProperties", "ImplProperties", "DAL");
    // Load attacks
    for (CSVFile.RowData row : capecCsv.getRowDatas()) {
        String systemTypeName = row.getCell("CompType");
        String systemInstName = row.getCell("CompInst");
        String attackName = row.getCell("CAPEC");
        String attackDesc = row.getCell("CAPECDescription");
        Prob likelihood = Prob.certain();
        // Look at all three columns to figure out which one is being used
        CIA cia = CIA.fromStrings(row.getCell("Confidentiality"), row.getCell("Integrity"), row.getCell("Availability"));
        if ("Connection".equals(systemTypeName)) {
            String connectionName = connectionNameMap.get(systemInstName);
            for (ConnectionModel connection : connNameToConnectionModelMap.get(connectionName)) {
                connection.getAttackable().addAttack(new Attack(connection.getAttackable(), attackName, attackDesc, likelihood, cia));
        } else {
            SystemModel system = getSystem(systemInstName);
            system.getAttackable().addAttack(new Attack(system.getAttackable(), attackName, attackDesc, likelihood, cia));
    // Note we don't use implemented property column in csv files if we vdm as input
    for (CSVFile.RowData row : defensesCsv.getRowDatas()) {
        String systemTypeName = row.getCell("CompType");
        String systemInstName = row.getCell("CompInst");
        String attackName = row.getCell("CAPEC");
        CIA cia = CIA.fromStrings(row.getCell("Confidentiality"), row.getCell("Integrity"), row.getCell("Availability"));
        List<String> defenseNames = Arrays.asList(row.getCell("ApplicableDefenseProperties").split(";")).stream().map(name -> name.length() > 0 ? Character.toString(name.charAt(0)).toLowerCase() + name.substring(1) : "").collect(Collectors.toList());
        List<String> implProps = Arrays.asList(row.getCell("ImplProperties").split(";"));
        List<String> likelihoodStrings = Arrays.asList(row.getCell("DAL").split(";"));
        if (defenseNames.size() != implProps.size() || defenseNames.size() != likelihoodStrings.size()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("ApplicableDefenseProperties, ImplProperties, and DAL must have same cardinality");
        List<Defense> defenses = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Defense.DefenseLeaf> clause = new ArrayList<>();
        if ("Connection".equals(systemTypeName)) {
            String connectionName = connectionNameMap.get(systemInstName);
            for (ConnectionModel connection : connNameToConnectionModelMap.get(connectionName)) {
                Defense defense = connection.getAttackable().getDefenseByAttackAndCia(attackName, cia);
                if (defense == null) {
                    Attack attack = connection.getAttackable().getAttackByNameAndCia(attackName, cia);
                    if (attack == null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("could not find attack: " + attackName + ", " + cia);
                    defense = new Defense(attack);
        } else {
            SystemModel system = getSystem(systemInstName);
            Defense defense = system.getAttackable().getDefenseByAttackAndCia(attackName, cia);
            if (defense == null) {
                Attack attack = system.getAttackable().getAttackByNameAndCia(attackName, cia);
                if (attack == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("could not find attack: " + attackName + ", " + cia);
                defense = new Defense(attack);
        // TODO get defense descriptions from Defenses2NIST?
        // Need to get correct name if connection
        String entityName = "Connection".equals(systemTypeName) ? connectionNameMap.get(systemInstName) : systemInstName;
        for (int i = 0; i < defenseNames.size(); i++) {
            if (!"null".equals(defenseNames.get(i))) {
                int dal = -1;
                // it will be null if we are not loading from VDM
                if (compDefenseToImplDal != null) {
                    // load DAL from VDM if available
                    Pair<String, String> pair = new Pair<>(entityName, defenseNames.get(i));
                    if (compDefenseToImplDal.containsKey(pair)) {
                        dal = compDefenseToImplDal.get(pair);
                    } else {
                        // if there is no binding present, then it is not implemented
                        dal = 0;
                // this code treats applicable defense and impl defense as separate things
                // but we have changed the capitalization so that they should be the same
                Optional<Pair<String, Integer>> impl;
                if (dal == -1) {
                    impl = "null".equals(implProps.get(i)) ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(new Pair<>(implProps.get(i), Integer.parseInt(likelihoodStrings.get(i))));
                } else {
                    impl = dal == 0 ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(new Pair<>(defenseNames.get(i), dal));
                clause.add(new Defense.DefenseLeaf(defenseNames.get(i), impl));
        // And there are potentially multiple such rows, forming a DNF
        for (Defense defense : defenses) {
Also used : CIA( CyberNot( CIAPort(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CIAPort) Arrays(java.util.Arrays) VdmTranslator( ADOr( CyberAnd( CyberRel( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CyberReq( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GenericAttribute(verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute) Attack( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Model(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Model) Defense( DefenseProperties( Map(java.util.Map) Connection(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection) ComponentType(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType) ADTree( CyberExpr( SystemModel( ComponentImpl(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl) CyberOr( Collection(java.util.Collection) Set(java.util.Set) IOException( ComponentInstance(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance) ConnectionModel( Collectors( File( List(java.util.List) Severity(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Severity) Optional(java.util.Optional) Collections(java.util.Collections) PortConcern( Mission(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Mission) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Attack( Defense( SystemModel( CIA( ConnectionModel( File(

Example 2 with ConnectionModel

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class AttackDefenseCollector method performInference.

 * Perform inference on the loaded model. Factored out because it is used in both the CSV and
 * VDM approaches. Must be called after systems and cyber relations are loaded.
private void performInference() {
    int inferenceCounter = 0;
    for (SystemModel system : sysNameToSystemModelMap.values()) {
        // because we don't want to infer cyber relations for a system with subcomponents
        if (system.getCyberRels().isEmpty() && system.getInternalIncomingConnections().isEmpty() && system.getInternalOutgoingConnections().isEmpty()) {
            Logger.println("Inferring cyber relations for system " + system.getName());
            // anyway because it can't be traced.
            for (ConnectionModel outgoing : system.getOutgoingConnections()) {
                if (!system.getIncomingConnections().isEmpty()) {
                    // For each of C, I, A, we have X -> X
                    for (CIA cia : CIA.values()) {
                        CyberExpr condition = new CyberOr(system.getIncomingConnections().stream().map(incoming -> new PortConcern(incoming.getDestinationPortName(), cia)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
                        system.addCyberRel(new CyberRel("_inference" + (inferenceCounter++), condition, new PortConcern(outgoing.getSourcePortName(), cia)));
                    // We also have I -> A
                    system.addCyberRel(new CyberRel("_inference" + (inferenceCounter++), new CyberOr(system.getIncomingConnections().stream().map(incoming -> new PortConcern(incoming.getDestinationPortName(), CIA.I)).collect(Collectors.toList())), new PortConcern(outgoing.getSourcePortName(), CIA.A)));
Also used : CyberRel( SystemModel( CyberExpr( PortConcern( ConnectionModel( CIA( CyberOr(

Example 3 with ConnectionModel

use of in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class DependentRules method getComponentDependence.

public static Optional<ADTree> getComponentDependence(SystemModel component, String attackName) {
    List<ADTree> paths = new ArrayList<>();
    switch(attackName) {
        case "CAPEC-21":
            for (ConnectionModel connection : component.getIncomingConnections()) {
                if ("Untrusted".equals(connection.getAttributes().get("connectionType"))) {
                    // Vul-CAPEC-21-1
                    paths.add(new DefenseCondition(connection.getAttackable(), "deviceAuthentication", 1));
            for (ConnectionModel connection : component.getOutgoingConnections()) {
                if ("Untrusted".equals(connection.getAttributes().get("connectionType"))) {
                    // Vul-CAPEC-21-2
                    paths.add(new DefenseCondition(connection.getAttackable(), "deviceAuthentication", 1));
            return mkRet(component.getAttackable(), attackName, paths);
        case "CAPEC-112":
            for (ConnectionModel connection : component.getIncomingConnections()) {
                // Vul-CAPEC-112-1, Vul-CAPEC-112-3, Vul-CAPEC-112-5
                paths.add(new DefenseCondition(connection.getAttackable(), "deviceAuthentication", 1));
                // Vul-CAPEC-112-2, Vul-CAPEC-112-4, Vul-CAPEC-112-6
                paths.add(new DefenseCondition(connection.getAttackable(), "encryptedTransmission", 1));
            return mkRet(component.getAttackable(), attackName, paths);
        case "CAPEC-114":
            for (ConnectionModel connection : component.getIncomingConnections()) {
                // Vul-CAPEC-114-1, Vul-CAPEC-114-2, Vul-CAPEC-114-3
                paths.add(new DefenseCondition(connection.getAttackable(), "deviceAuthentication", 1));
            return mkRet(component.getAttackable(), attackName, paths);
        case "CAPEC-115":
            for (ConnectionModel connection : component.getIncomingConnections()) {
                // Vul-CAPEC-115-1, Vul-CAPEC-115-2, Vul-CAPEC-115-3
                paths.add(new DefenseCondition(connection.getAttackable(), "deviceAuthentication", 1));
            return mkRet(component.getAttackable(), attackName, paths);
        case "CAPEC-390":
            paths.add(new DefenseCondition(component.getAttackable(), "physicalAccessControl", 1));
            return mkRet(component.getAttackable(), attackName, paths);
            return Optional.empty();
Also used : ADTree( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ConnectionModel( DefenseCondition(


ConnectionModel ( ADTree ( CIA ( CyberExpr ( CyberOr ( CyberRel ( PortConcern ( SystemModel ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 ADOr ( Attack ( Defense ( DefenseCondition ( CyberAnd ( CyberNot ( CyberReq ( DefenseProperties ( VdmTranslator ( File ( IOException (