use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.pipeline.producer.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class DistancePipelineNodeProducer method createNodeForSingleInputs.
public PipelineNode createNodeForSingleInputs(JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, String> inputTypes, ObjectMap<String, String> outputTypes) {
final String resultType = inputTypes.get("p0");
final Object resultValue = createResult(resultType);
final ObjectMap<String, PipelineNode.FieldOutput<?>> result = new ObjectMap<>();
final DefaultFieldOutput resultOutput = new DefaultFieldOutput(resultType);
result.put("output", resultOutput);
return new SingleInputsPipelineNode(result) {
public void executeNode(PipelineRenderingContext pipelineRenderingContext, PipelineRequirementsCallback pipelineRequirementsCallback) {
FieldOutput<?> aFunction = inputs.get("p0");
FieldOutput<?> bFunction = inputs.get("p1");
Object a = aFunction.getValue();
Object b = bFunction.getValue();
Object returnValue;
if (a instanceof Float) {
returnValue = Math.abs(((float) a) - ((float) b));
} else if (a instanceof Vector2) {
returnValue = ((Vector2) resultValue).dst((Vector2) b);
} else if (a instanceof Vector3) {
returnValue = ((Vector3) resultValue).dst((Vector3) b);
} else if (a instanceof Color) {
Color aColor = (Color) a;
Color bColor = (Color) b;
final float p1 = aColor.r - bColor.r;
final float p2 = aColor.g - bColor.g;
final float p3 = aColor.b - bColor.b;
final float p4 = aColor.a - bColor.a;
returnValue = (float) Math.sqrt(p1 * p1 + p2 * p2 + p3 * p3 + p4 * p4);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not matching type for function");
use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.pipeline.producer.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class LengthPipelineNodeProducer method createNodeForSingleInputs.
public PipelineNode createNodeForSingleInputs(JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, String> inputTypes, ObjectMap<String, String> outputTypes) {
final ObjectMap<String, PipelineNode.FieldOutput<?>> result = new ObjectMap<>();
final DefaultFieldOutput resultOutput = new DefaultFieldOutput(PipelineFieldType.Float);
result.put("output", resultOutput);
return new SingleInputsPipelineNode(result) {
public void executeNode(PipelineRenderingContext pipelineRenderingContext, PipelineRequirementsCallback pipelineRequirementsCallback) {
FieldOutput<?> aFunction = inputs.get("input");
Object a = aFunction.getValue();
float resultValue;
if (a instanceof Float) {
resultValue = (Float) a;
} else if (a instanceof Vector2) {
resultValue = ((Vector2) a).len();
} else if (a instanceof Vector3) {
resultValue = ((Vector3) a).len();
} else if (a instanceof Color) {
Color aColor = (Color) a;
resultValue = (float) Math.sqrt(aColor.r * aColor.r + aColor.g * aColor.g + aColor.b * aColor.b + aColor.a * aColor.a);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not matching type for function");
use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.pipeline.producer.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class MergePipelineNodeProducer method createNodeForSingleInputs.
public PipelineNode createNodeForSingleInputs(JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, String> inputTypes, ObjectMap<String, String> outputTypes) {
final Vector2 v2 = new Vector2();
final Vector3 v3 = new Vector3();
final Color color = new Color();
DefaultFieldOutput<Vector2> v2Output = new DefaultFieldOutput<>(PipelineFieldType.Vector2);
DefaultFieldOutput<Vector3> v3Output = new DefaultFieldOutput<>(PipelineFieldType.Vector3);
DefaultFieldOutput<Color> colorOutput = new DefaultFieldOutput<>(PipelineFieldType.Color);
final ObjectMap<String, PipelineNode.FieldOutput<?>> result = new ObjectMap<>();
result.put("v2", v2Output);
result.put("v3", v3Output);
result.put("color", colorOutput);
return new SingleInputsPipelineNode(result) {
public void executeNode(PipelineRenderingContext pipelineRenderingContext, PipelineRequirementsCallback pipelineRequirementsCallback) {
float xValue = getInputValue("x", 0f);
float yValue = getInputValue("y", 0f);
float zValue = getInputValue("z", 0f);
float wValue = getInputValue("w", 0f);
v2.set(xValue, yValue);
v3.set(xValue, yValue, zValue);
color.set(xValue, yValue, zValue, wValue);
use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.pipeline.producer.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class DotProductPipelineNodeProducer method createNodeForSingleInputs.
public PipelineNode createNodeForSingleInputs(JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, String> inputTypes, ObjectMap<String, String> outputTypes) {
final String resultType = inputTypes.get("a");
final Object resultValue = createResult(resultType);
final ObjectMap<String, PipelineNode.FieldOutput<?>> result = new ObjectMap<>();
final DefaultFieldOutput resultOutput = new DefaultFieldOutput(resultType);
result.put("output", resultOutput);
return new SingleInputsPipelineNode(result) {
public void executeNode(PipelineRenderingContext pipelineRenderingContext, PipelineRequirementsCallback pipelineRequirementsCallback) {
FieldOutput<?> aFunction = inputs.get("a");
FieldOutput<?> bFunction = inputs.get("b");
Object a = aFunction.getValue();
Object b = bFunction.getValue();
Object returnValue;
if (a instanceof Float) {
returnValue = ((float) a) * ((float) b);
} else if (a instanceof Vector2) {
returnValue = ((Vector2) resultValue).dot((Vector2) b);
} else if (a instanceof Vector3) {
returnValue = ((Vector3) resultValue).dot((Vector3) b);
} else if (a instanceof Color) {
Color aColor = (Color) a;
Color bColor = (Color) b;
returnValue = aColor.r * bColor.r + aColor.g * bColor.g + aColor.b * bColor.b + aColor.a * bColor.a;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not matching type for function");
use of com.gempukku.libgdx.graph.pipeline.producer.node.DefaultFieldOutput in project gdx-graph by MarcinSc.
the class ThreeParamMathFunctionPipelineNodeProducer method createNodeForSingleInputs.
public PipelineNode createNodeForSingleInputs(JsonValue data, ObjectMap<String, String> inputTypes, ObjectMap<String, String> outputTypes) {
final String resultType = inputTypes.get(param1);
final Object resultValue = createResult(resultType);
final ObjectMap<String, PipelineNode.FieldOutput<?>> result = new ObjectMap<>();
final DefaultFieldOutput resultOutput = new DefaultFieldOutput(resultType);
result.put(outputName, resultOutput);
return new SingleInputsPipelineNode(result) {
public void executeNode(PipelineRenderingContext pipelineRenderingContext, PipelineRequirementsCallback pipelineRequirementsCallback) {
FieldOutput<?> aFunction = inputs.get(param1);
FieldOutput<?> bFunction = inputs.get(param2);
FieldOutput<?> cFunction = inputs.get(param3);
Object a = aFunction.getValue();
Object b = bFunction.getValue();
Object c = cFunction.getValue();
Object returnValue;
if (resultType.equals(PipelineFieldType.Float)) {
returnValue = executeFunction(a, b, c, 0);
} else if (resultType.equals(PipelineFieldType.Vector2)) {
returnValue = ((Vector2) resultValue).set(executeFunction(a, b, c, 0), executeFunction(a, b, c, 1));
} else if (resultType.equals(PipelineFieldType.Vector3)) {
returnValue = ((Vector3) resultValue).set(executeFunction(a, b, c, 0), executeFunction(a, b, c, 1), executeFunction(a, b, c, 2));
} else {
returnValue = ((Color) resultValue).set(executeFunction(a, b, c, 0), executeFunction(a, b, c, 1), executeFunction(a, b, c, 2), executeFunction(a, b, c, 3));