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Example 6 with Point

use of com.geophile.z.spatialobject.d2.Point in project java-monitoring by googleapis.

the class QuickstartSample method quickstart.

public static void quickstart(String projectId) throws IOException {
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (MetricServiceClient metricServiceClient = MetricServiceClient.create()) {
        // Prepares an individual data point
        TimeInterval interval = TimeInterval.newBuilder().setEndTime(Timestamps.fromMillis(System.currentTimeMillis())).build();
        TypedValue value = TypedValue.newBuilder().setDoubleValue(123.45).build();
        Point point = Point.newBuilder().setInterval(interval).setValue(value).build();
        List<Point> pointList = new ArrayList<>();
        ProjectName name = ProjectName.of(projectId);
        // Prepares the metric descriptor
        Map<String, String> metricLabels = new HashMap<String, String>();
        metricLabels.put("store_id", "Pittsburg");
        Metric metric = Metric.newBuilder().setType("").putAllLabels(metricLabels).build();
        // Prepares the monitored resource descriptor
        Map<String, String> resourceLabels = new HashMap<String, String>();
        resourceLabels.put("project_id", projectId);
        MonitoredResource resource = MonitoredResource.newBuilder().setType("global").putAllLabels(resourceLabels).build();
        // Prepares the time series request
        TimeSeries timeSeries = TimeSeries.newBuilder().setMetric(metric).setResource(resource).addAllPoints(pointList).build();
        List<TimeSeries> timeSeriesList = new ArrayList<>();
        CreateTimeSeriesRequest request = CreateTimeSeriesRequest.newBuilder().setName(name.toString()).addAllTimeSeries(timeSeriesList).build();
        // Writes time series data
        System.out.printf("Done writing time series data.%n");
Also used : TimeSeries( MetricServiceClient( TimeInterval( ProjectName( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CreateTimeSeriesRequest( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MonitoredResource( Point( Metric( TypedValue(

Example 7 with Point

use of com.geophile.z.spatialobject.d2.Point in project multiview-simulation by PreibischLab.

the class SimulateMultiViewAberrations method projectToCamera.

public static Img<FloatType> projectToCamera(// final RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > imgIn,
final RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> imgRi, final RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> refr, final double ri, final int currentzPlane) {
    // the refracted image
    final Img<FloatType> proj = new ArrayImgFactory<FloatType>(new FloatType()).create(new long[] { refr.dimension(0), refr.dimension(1) });
    final Img<FloatType> tmp = new ArrayImgFactory<FloatType>(new FloatType()).create(imgRi);
    final RandomAccess<FloatType> rt = Views.extendZero(tmp).randomAccess();
    // final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > rrIm = Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( imgIn ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>() ).realRandomAccess();
    final RealRandomAccess<FloatType> rrRi = Views.interpolate(Views.extendMirrorSingle(imgRi), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()).realRandomAccess();
    final RealRandomAccess<FloatType> rrRef = Views.interpolate(Views.extendMirrorSingle(refr), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()).realRandomAccess();
    // row, column
    final double[][] matrix = new double[3][3];
    final double[] eigenVector = new double[3];
    // the incoming direction of the light
    final double[] rayVector = new double[3];
    // the outgoing, refracted direction of the light
    final double[] refractedRay = new double[3];
    // the current position of the ray
    final double[] rayPosition = new double[3];
    // air (intensity == 0)
    final double nA = 1.00;
    // ri // water (intensity == 1)
    final double nB = 1.01;
    final Cursor<FloatType> c = proj.localizingCursor();
    final double sigma = 4.0;
    final double two_sq_sigma = 2 * sigma * sigma;
    while (c.hasNext()) {
        final boolean debug = false;
        // if ( c.getIntPosition( 0 ) == 78 && c.getIntPosition( 1 ) == 75 )
        // debug = true;
        double avgValue = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
            rayPosition[0] = c.getIntPosition(0) + (rnd.nextDouble() - 0.5);
            rayPosition[1] = c.getIntPosition(1) + (rnd.nextDouble() - 0.5);
            rayPosition[2] = 1;
            // (rnd.nextDouble() - 0.5)/100;
            rayVector[0] = 0;
            // (rnd.nextDouble() - 0.5)/100;
            rayVector[1] = 0;
            rayVector[2] = 1;
            double signal = 0;
            long maxMoves = imgRi.dimension(2);
            int moves = 0;
            while (inside(rayPosition, refr) && moves < maxMoves) {
                // normal vector of refraction plane (still maybe needs to be inverted to point towards the incoming signal)
                Hessian.computeHessianMatrix3D(rrRi, matrix);
                double ev = Hessian.computeLargestEigenVectorAndValue3d(matrix, eigenVector);
                if (Math.abs(ev) > 0.01) {
                    // compute refractive index change
                    rrRi.move(-rayVector[0], 0);
                    rrRi.move(-rayVector[1], 1);
                    rrRi.move(-rayVector[2], 2);
                    // intensity at the origin of the ray
                    final double i0 = rrRi.get().get();
                    rrRi.move(2 * rayVector[0], 0);
                    rrRi.move(2 * rayVector[1], 1);
                    rrRi.move(2 * rayVector[2], 2);
                    // intensity at the projected location of the ray
                    final double i1 = rrRi.get().get();
                    final double n0 = (nB - nA) * i0 + nA;
                    final double n1 = (nB - nA) * i1 + nA;
                    // if ( debug )
                    // System.out.println( n0 + " " + n1 );
                    final double thetaI = Raytrace.incidentAngle(rayVector, eigenVector);
                    final double thetaT = Raytrace.refract(rayVector, eigenVector, n0, n1, thetaI, refractedRay);
                    // total reflection
                    if (Double.isNaN(thetaT)) {
                        if (debug)
                            System.out.println("reflect: " + thetaI + " " + thetaT);
                        // Raytrace.reflect( rayVector, eigenVector, refractedRay );
                        refractedRay[0] = rayVector[0];
                        refractedRay[1] = rayVector[1];
                        refractedRay[2] = rayVector[2];
                    // update the ray vector
                    rayVector[0] = refractedRay[0];
                    rayVector[1] = refractedRay[1];
                    rayVector[2] = refractedRay[2];
                    if (debug)
                // place a gaussian sphere
                final double zOffset = Math.abs(rayPosition[2] - currentzPlane);
					 * 0 > 1
					 * 0.5 > 1.5
					 * 1 > 2
                // signal += ( rrRef.get().get() / Math.pow( zOffset + 1.0, 1.00 / 1.75 ));
                signal += rrRef.get().get() * getGaussValue(zOffset, two_sq_sigma);
                rayPosition[0] += rayVector[0];
                rayPosition[1] += rayVector[1];
                rayPosition[2] += rayVector[2];
                if (debug) {
                    rt.setPosition(Math.round(rayPosition[0]), 0);
                    rt.setPosition(Math.round(rayPosition[1]), 1);
                    rt.setPosition(Math.round(rayPosition[2]), 2);
                    rt.get().set(rt.get().get() + 1.0f);
                // System.out.println( "signal: " + signal + " @ " + Util.printCoordinates( rayPosition ) );
            avgValue += signal;
        c.get().set((float) (avgValue / 10.0));
        if (debug)
    return proj;
Also used : NLinearInterpolatorFactory(net.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess.NLinearInterpolatorFactory) Point(net.imglib2.Point) FloatType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType)

Example 8 with Point

use of com.geophile.z.spatialobject.d2.Point in project multiview-simulation by PreibischLab.

the class SimulateMultiViewAberrations method refract3d.

public static VolumeInjection refract3d(final RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> imgIn, final RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> imgRi, final boolean illum, final int z, final double lsMiddle, final double lsEdge, final double ri) {
    // the refracted image
    final Img<FloatType> img = new ArrayImgFactory<FloatType>(new FloatType()).create(imgIn);
    final Img<FloatType> weight = new ArrayImgFactory<FloatType>(new FloatType()).create(imgIn);
    // for drawing individual rays ...
    // final RandomAccess< FloatType > rOut = img.randomAccess();
    // final long[] intPos = new long[ 3 ];
    final RealRandomAccess<FloatType> rrIm = Views.interpolate(Views.extendMirrorSingle(imgIn), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()).realRandomAccess();
    final RealRandomAccess<FloatType> rrRi = Views.interpolate(Views.extendMirrorSingle(imgRi), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()).realRandomAccess();
    // row, column
    final double[][] matrix = new double[3][3];
    final double[] eigenVector = new double[3];
    final double[] sigma = new double[] { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 };
    final VolumeInjection inject = new VolumeInjection(img, weight, sigma);
    // the incoming direction of the light
    final double[] rayVector = new double[3];
    // the outgoing, refracted direction of the light
    final double[] refractedRay = new double[3];
    // the current position of the ray
    final double[] rayPosition = new double[3];
    // air (intensity == 0)
    final double nA = 1.00;
    // water (intensity == 1)
    final double nB = ri;
    System.out.println("middle: " + lsMiddle);
    System.out.println("lsEdge: " + lsEdge);
    final Lightsheet ls = new Lightsheet(img.dimension(0) / 2.0, lsMiddle, img.dimension(0), lsEdge);
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // for each point on the xz plane at y=0
    final int numRays = 200000;
    final long maxMoves = img.dimension(2);
    final Random rnd = new Random(2423);
    for (int i = 0; i < numRays; ++i) {
        // x;//c.getIntPosition( 0 );
        rayPosition[0] = rnd.nextDouble() * imgIn.max(0);
        rayPosition[1] = illum ? (int) imgIn.dimension(1) - 1 : 0;
        final double lightsheetthickness = ls.predict(rayPosition[0]);
        // c.getIntPosition( 1 );
        rayPosition[2] = z + (rnd.nextDouble() * lightsheetthickness) - lightsheetthickness / 2.0;
        rayVector[0] = (rnd.nextDouble() - 0.5) / 5;
        rayVector[1] = illum ? -1 : 1;
        rayVector[2] = 0;
        int moves = 0;
        while (inside(rayPosition, imgIn) && moves < maxMoves) {
            final float valueIm = rrIm.get().get();
            // normal vector of refraction plane (still maybe needs to be inverted to point towards the incoming signal)
            Hessian.computeHessianMatrix3D(rrRi, matrix);
            double ev = Hessian.computeLargestEigenVectorAndValue3d(matrix, eigenVector);
            if (Math.abs(ev) > 0.01) {
                // compute refractive index change
                rrRi.move(-rayVector[0], 0);
                rrRi.move(-rayVector[1], 1);
                rrRi.move(-rayVector[2], 2);
                // intensity at the origin of the ray
                final double i0 = rrRi.get().get();
                rrRi.move(2 * rayVector[0], 0);
                rrRi.move(2 * rayVector[1], 1);
                rrRi.move(2 * rayVector[2], 2);
                // intensity at the projected location of the ray
                final double i1 = rrRi.get().get();
                final double n0 = (nB - nA) * i0 + nA;
                final double n1 = (nB - nA) * i1 + nA;
                final double thetaI = Raytrace.incidentAngle(rayVector, eigenVector);
                final double thetaT = Raytrace.refract(rayVector, eigenVector, n0, n1, thetaI, refractedRay);
                // total reflection
                if (Double.isNaN(thetaT)) {
                    refractedRay[0] = rayVector[0];
                    refractedRay[1] = rayVector[1];
                    refractedRay[2] = rayVector[2];
                // continue; // that's an expensive getting stuck
                // Raytrace.reflect( rayVector, eigenVector, refractedRay );
                // update the ray vector
                rayVector[0] = refractedRay[0];
                rayVector[1] = refractedRay[1];
                rayVector[2] = refractedRay[2];
            // place a gaussian sphere
            inject.addNormalizedGaussian(valueIm, rayPosition);
				// for drawing individual rays ...
				intPos[ 0 ] = Math.round( rayPosition[ 0 ] );
				intPos[ 1 ] = Math.round( rayPosition[ 1 ] );
				intPos[ 2 ] = Math.round( rayPosition[ 2 ] );
				rOut.setPosition( intPos );
				rOut.get().set( value );
            rayPosition[0] += rayVector[0];
            rayPosition[1] += rayVector[1];
            rayPosition[2] += rayVector[2];
    System.out.println(" ... " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
    return inject;
Also used : NLinearInterpolatorFactory(net.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess.NLinearInterpolatorFactory) Point(net.imglib2.Point) FloatType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType) Random(java.util.Random) Lightsheet(net.preibisch.simulation.raytracing.Lightsheet)

Example 9 with Point

use of com.geophile.z.spatialobject.d2.Point in project multiview-simulation by PreibischLab.

the class SimulateMultiViewAberrations method multiSpheres.

public static <T extends RealType<T>> void multiSpheres(final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> image, final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> ri, final int scale, final Random rnd) {
    // the number of dimensions
    final int numDimensions = image.numDimensions();
    // define the center and radius
    final Point center1 = new Point(image.numDimensions());
    final Point center2 = new Point(image.numDimensions());
    final Point center3 = new Point(image.numDimensions());
    long minSize = image.dimension(0);
    for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d) {
        long size = image.dimension(d);
        center1.setPosition(size / 2, d);
        center2.setPosition(size / 2, d);
        center3.setPosition(size / 2, d);
        minSize = Math.min(minSize, size);
    // define the maximal radius of the small spheres
    int maxRadius = 10 * scale;
    // compute the radius of the large sphere so that we do not draw
    // outside of the defined interval
    // -45;
    long radiusLargeSphere1 = minSize / 2 - 47 * scale - 1;
    final ArrayList<Pair<Pair<Point, Long>, double[]>> centers = new ArrayList<>();
    // defines a small sphere (location, radius), [minValueIm, maxValueIm, minValueRi, maxValueRi]
    centers.add(new ValuePair<>(new ValuePair<>(center2, radiusLargeSphere1), new double[] { 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1 }));
    for (final Pair<Pair<Point, Long>, double[]> center : centers) {
        final double minValueIm = center.getB()[0];
        final double maxValueIm = center.getB()[1];
        final double minValueRi = center.getB()[2];
        final double maxValueRi = center.getB()[3];
        // define a hypersphere (n-dimensional sphere)
        final HyperSphere<T> hyperSphereIm = new HyperSphere<T>(image, center.getA().getA(), center.getA().getB());
        final HyperSphere<T> hyperSphereRi = new HyperSphere<T>(ri, center.getA().getA(), center.getA().getB());
        // create a cursor on the hypersphere
        final HyperSphereCursor<T> cursorIm = hyperSphereIm.cursor();
        final HyperSphereCursor<T> cursorRi = hyperSphereRi.cursor();
        final int size = (int) hyperSphereIm.size();
        int i = 0;
        while (cursorIm.hasNext()) {
            if (maxValueIm == minValueIm)
            if (maxValueRi == minValueRi)
            // the random radius of the current small hypersphere
            int radius = Math.max(rnd.nextInt(maxRadius) + 1, maxRadius - 1);
            // instantiate a small hypersphere at the location of the current pixel
            // in the large hypersphere
            final HyperSphere<T> smallSphereIm = new HyperSphere<T>(image, cursorIm, radius);
            final HyperSphere<T> smallSphereRi = new HyperSphere<T>(ri, cursorRi, radius);
            // define the random intensity for this small sphere
            double randomValue = rnd.nextDouble();
            // take only every 4^dimension'th pixel by chance so that it is not too crowded
            if ((randomValue * 100000) < 1) {
                // scale to right range
                randomValue = rnd.nextDouble();
                double randomValueRi = randomValue * (maxValueRi - minValueRi) + minValueRi;
                double randomValueIm = randomValue * (maxValueIm - minValueIm) + minValueIm;
                // brighter than the existing one
                if (maxValueIm != minValueIm)
                    for (final T value : smallSphereIm) value.setReal(Math.max(randomValueIm, value.getRealDouble()));
                if (maxValueRi != minValueRi) {
                    for (final T value : smallSphereRi) {
                        if (value.getRealDouble() == 5.0)
                            value.setReal(Math.max(randomValueRi, value.getRealDouble()));
            IJ.showProgress(++i, size);
Also used : ValuePair(net.imglib2.util.ValuePair) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HyperSphere(net.imglib2.algorithm.region.hypersphere.HyperSphere) Point(net.imglib2.Point) Point(net.imglib2.Point) Pair(net.imglib2.util.Pair) ValuePair(net.imglib2.util.ValuePair)

Example 10 with Point

use of com.geophile.z.spatialobject.d2.Point in project study-effective-java by doyoung0205.

the class Item10Test method transitivity.

@DisplayName("equals 추이성 위배")
void transitivity() {
    // given
    Point p1 = new Point(1, 2);
    ColorPoint p2 = new ColorPoint(1, 2, Color.ORANGE);
    ColorPoint p3 = new ColorPoint(1, 2, Color.GREEN);
    // when // then
Also used : ColorPoint(study.heejin.chapter3.item10.ColorPoint) ColorPoint(study.heejin.chapter3.item10.ColorPoint) Point(study.heejin.chapter3.item10.Point) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) DisplayName(org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName)


Point (net.imglib2.Point)33 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 FloatType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType)11 Test (org.junit.Test)9 List (java.util.List)8 Point ( Point (hr.fer.oop.recap2.task2.Point)7 FinalInterval (net.imglib2.FinalInterval)7 RealPoint (net.imglib2.RealPoint)7 TimeSeries ( Point (de.micromata.opengis.kml.v_2_2_0.Point)6 Interval (net.imglib2.Interval)6 RandomAccessibleInterval (net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval)6 HyperSphere (net.imglib2.algorithm.region.hypersphere.HyperSphere)6 AffineTransform3D (net.imglib2.realtransform.AffineTransform3D)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 Metric ( TimeInterval ( TypedValue ( Map (java.util.Map)4