use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.DeleteMessageFormatInputStream in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTest method getDeleteMessage.
* Returns a delete message for the given {@code id}
* @param id the id for which a delete message must be constructed.
* @return {@link ByteBuffer} representing the entire message.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* @throws IOException
private ByteBuffer getDeleteMessage(StoreKey id, short accountId, short containerId, long deletionTimeMs) throws MessageFormatException, IOException {
MessageFormatInputStream stream = new DeleteMessageFormatInputStream(id, accountId, containerId, deletionTimeMs);
byte[] message = Utils.readBytesFromStream(stream, (int) stream.getSize());
return ByteBuffer.wrap(message);
use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.DeleteMessageFormatInputStream in project ambry by linkedin.
the class InMemoryStore method delete.
public void delete(List<MessageInfo> infos) throws StoreException {
List<MessageInfo> infosToDelete = new ArrayList<>(infos.size());
List<InputStream> inputStreams = new ArrayList<>();
try {
for (MessageInfo info : infos) {
short lifeVersion = info.getLifeVersion();
MessageInfo latestInfo = getMergedMessageInfo(info.getStoreKey(), messageInfos);
if (latestInfo == null) {
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " since it is not present in the index.", StoreErrorCodes.ID_Not_Found);
if (lifeVersion == MessageInfo.LIFE_VERSION_FROM_FRONTEND) {
if (latestInfo.isDeleted()) {
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " since it is already deleted in the index.", StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted);
lifeVersion = latestInfo.getLifeVersion();
} else {
if ((latestInfo.isDeleted() && latestInfo.getLifeVersion() >= info.getLifeVersion()) || (latestInfo.getLifeVersion() > info.getLifeVersion())) {
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " since it is already deleted in the index.", StoreErrorCodes.Life_Version_Conflict);
lifeVersion = info.getLifeVersion();
MessageFormatInputStream stream = new DeleteMessageFormatInputStream(info.getStoreKey(), info.getAccountId(), info.getContainerId(), info.getOperationTimeMs(), lifeVersion);
infosToDelete.add(new MessageInfo(info.getStoreKey(), stream.getSize(), true, info.isTtlUpdated(), false, info.getExpirationTimeInMs(), null, info.getAccountId(), info.getContainerId(), info.getOperationTimeMs(), lifeVersion));
MessageFormatWriteSet writeSet = new MessageFormatWriteSet(new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(inputStreams)), infosToDelete, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw (e instanceof StoreException ? (StoreException) e : new StoreException(e, StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error));
use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.DeleteMessageFormatInputStream in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTest method replicaFromInactiveToOfflineTest.
* Test INACTIVE -> OFFLINE transition on existing replica (both success and failure cases)
public void replicaFromInactiveToOfflineTest() throws Exception {
MockClusterMap clusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
ClusterMapConfig clusterMapConfig = new ClusterMapConfig(verifiableProperties);
MockHelixParticipant.metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry();
MockHelixParticipant mockHelixParticipant = new MockHelixParticipant(clusterMapConfig);
Pair<StorageManager, ReplicationManager> managers = createStorageManagerAndReplicationManager(clusterMap, clusterMapConfig, mockHelixParticipant);
StorageManager storageManager = managers.getFirst();
MockReplicationManager replicationManager = (MockReplicationManager) managers.getSecond();
// 1. test replica not found case
try {
fail("should fail because of invalid partition");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", ReplicaNotFound, e.getErrorCode());
// 2. test store not started case
PartitionId existingPartition = replicationManager.partitionToPartitionInfo.keySet().iterator().next();
try {
fail("should fail because store is not started");
} catch (StateTransitionException e) {
assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", StoreNotStarted, e.getErrorCode());
// before testing success case, let's write a blob (size = 100) into local store and add a delete record for new blob
Store localStore = storageManager.getStore(existingPartition);
MockId id = new MockId(TestUtils.getRandomString(10), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM), Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM));
long crc = (new Random()).nextLong();
long blobSize = 100;
MessageInfo info = new MessageInfo(id, blobSize, false, false, Utils.Infinite_Time, crc, id.getAccountId(), id.getContainerId(), Utils.Infinite_Time);
List<MessageInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>();
List<ByteBuffer> buffers = new ArrayList<>();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(TestUtils.getRandomBytes((int) blobSize));
localStore.put(new MockMessageWriteSet(infos, buffers));
// delete the blob
int deleteRecordSize = (int) (new DeleteMessageFormatInputStream(id, (short) 0, (short) 0, 0).getSize());
MessageInfo deleteInfo = new MessageInfo(id, deleteRecordSize, id.getAccountId(), id.getContainerId(), time.milliseconds());
int sizeOfPutAndHeader = 100 + 18;
int sizeOfWhole = sizeOfPutAndHeader + deleteRecordSize;
// note that end offset of last PUT = 100 + 18 = 118, end offset of the store is sizeOfWhole
// 3. test success case (create a new thread and trigger INACTIVE -> OFFLINE transition)
ReplicaId localReplica = storageManager.getReplica(existingPartition.toPathString());
// put a decommission-in-progress file into local store dir
File decommissionFile = new File(localReplica.getReplicaPath(), "decommission_in_progress");
assertTrue("Couldn't create decommission file in local store", decommissionFile.createNewFile());
assertNotSame("Before disconnection, the local store state shouldn't be OFFLINE", ReplicaState.OFFLINE, localStore.getCurrentState());
mockHelixParticipant.registerPartitionStateChangeListener(StateModelListenerType.ReplicationManagerListener, replicationManager.replicationListener);
CountDownLatch participantLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
replicationManager.listenerExecutionLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Utils.newThread(() -> {
}, false).start();
assertTrue("Partition state change listener in ReplicationManager didn't get called within 1 sec", replicationManager.listenerExecutionLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// the state of local store should be updated to OFFLINE
assertEquals("Local store state is not expected", ReplicaState.OFFLINE, localStore.getCurrentState());
// update replication lag between local and peer replicas
List<RemoteReplicaInfo> remoteReplicaInfos = replicationManager.partitionToPartitionInfo.get(existingPartition).getRemoteReplicaInfos();
ReplicaId peerReplica1 = remoteReplicaInfos.get(0).getReplicaId();
ReplicaId peerReplica2 = remoteReplicaInfos.get(1).getReplicaId();
// peer1 catches up with last PUT, peer2 catches up with end offset of local store. In this case, SyncUp is not complete
replicationManager.updateTotalBytesReadByRemoteReplica(existingPartition, peerReplica1.getDataNodeId().getHostname(), peerReplica1.getReplicaPath(), sizeOfPutAndHeader);
replicationManager.updateTotalBytesReadByRemoteReplica(existingPartition, peerReplica2.getDataNodeId().getHostname(), peerReplica2.getReplicaPath(), sizeOfWhole);
assertFalse("Only one peer replica has fully caught up with end offset so sync-up should not complete", mockHelixParticipant.getReplicaSyncUpManager().isSyncUpComplete(localReplica));
// make peer1 catch up with end offset
replicationManager.updateTotalBytesReadByRemoteReplica(existingPartition, peerReplica1.getDataNodeId().getHostname(), peerReplica1.getReplicaPath(), sizeOfWhole);
// Now, sync-up should complete and transition should be able to proceed.
assertTrue("Inactive-To-Offline transition didn't complete within 1 sec", participantLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
assertFalse("Local store should be stopped after transition", localStore.isStarted());
use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.DeleteMessageFormatInputStream in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTestHelper method getDeleteMessage.
* Returns a delete message for the given {@code id}
* @param id the id for which a delete message must be constructed.
* @return {@link ByteBuffer} representing the entire message.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* @throws IOException
public static ByteBuffer getDeleteMessage(StoreKey id, short accountId, short containerId, long deletionTimeMs, short lifeVersion) throws MessageFormatException, IOException {
MessageFormatInputStream stream = new DeleteMessageFormatInputStream(id, accountId, containerId, deletionTimeMs, lifeVersion);
byte[] message = Utils.readBytesFromStream(stream, (int) stream.getSize());
return ByteBuffer.wrap(message);
use of com.github.ambry.messageformat.DeleteMessageFormatInputStream in project ambry by linkedin.
the class BlobStore method delete.
public void delete(List<MessageInfo> infosToDelete) throws StoreException {
final Timer.Context context = metrics.deleteResponse.time();
try {
List<IndexValue> indexValuesPriorToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
List<IndexValue> originalPuts = new ArrayList<>();
List<Short> lifeVersions = new ArrayList<>();
Offset indexEndOffsetBeforeCheck = index.getCurrentEndOffset();
for (MessageInfo info : infosToDelete) {
IndexValue value = index.findKey(info.getStoreKey(), new FileSpan(index.getStartOffset(), indexEndOffsetBeforeCheck));
if (value == null) {
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " because it is not present in the index", StoreErrorCodes.ID_Not_Found);
if (!info.getStoreKey().isAccountContainerMatch(value.getAccountId(), value.getContainerId())) {
if (config.storeValidateAuthorization) {
throw new StoreException("DELETE authorization failure. Key: " + info.getStoreKey() + "Actually accountId: " + value.getAccountId() + "Actually containerId: " + value.getContainerId(), StoreErrorCodes.Authorization_Failure);
} else {
logger.warn("DELETE authorization failure. Key: {} Actually accountId: {} Actually containerId: {}", info.getStoreKey(), value.getAccountId(), value.getContainerId());;
short revisedLifeVersion = info.getLifeVersion();
if (info.getLifeVersion() == MessageInfo.LIFE_VERSION_FROM_FRONTEND) {
// This is a delete request from frontend
if (value.isDelete()) {
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " since it is already deleted in the index.", StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted);
revisedLifeVersion = value.getLifeVersion();
} else {
// This is a delete request from replication
if (value.isDelete() && value.getLifeVersion() == info.getLifeVersion()) {
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " since it is already deleted in the index with lifeVersion " + value.getLifeVersion() + ".", StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted);
if (value.getLifeVersion() > info.getLifeVersion()) {
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " since it has a higher lifeVersion than the message info: " + value.getLifeVersion() + ">" + info.getLifeVersion(), StoreErrorCodes.Life_Version_Conflict);
if (!value.isDelete() && !value.isUndelete()) {
} else {
originalPuts.add(index.findKey(info.getStoreKey(), new FileSpan(index.getStartOffset(), value.getOffset()), EnumSet.of(PersistentIndex.IndexEntryType.PUT)));
synchronized (storeWriteLock) {
Offset currentIndexEndOffset = index.getCurrentEndOffset();
if (!currentIndexEndOffset.equals(indexEndOffsetBeforeCheck)) {
FileSpan fileSpan = new FileSpan(indexEndOffsetBeforeCheck, currentIndexEndOffset);
int i = 0;
for (MessageInfo info : infosToDelete) {
IndexValue value = index.findKey(info.getStoreKey(), fileSpan, EnumSet.allOf(PersistentIndex.IndexEntryType.class));
if (value != null) {
// From these cases, we can have value being DELETE, TTL_UPDATE AND UNDELETE, we have to deal with them accordingly.
if (value.getLifeVersion() == lifeVersions.get(i)) {
if (value.isDelete()) {
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " since it is already deleted in the index.", StoreErrorCodes.ID_Deleted);
// value being ttl update is fine, we can just append DELETE to it.
} else {
// For the extreme case, we log it out and throw an exception.
logger.warn("Concurrent operation for id " + info.getStoreKey() + " in store " + dataDir + ". Newly added value " + value);
throw new StoreException("Cannot delete id " + info.getStoreKey() + " since there are concurrent operation while delete", StoreErrorCodes.Life_Version_Conflict);
indexValuesPriorToDelete.set(i, value);
List<InputStream> inputStreams = new ArrayList<>(infosToDelete.size());
List<MessageInfo> updatedInfos = new ArrayList<>(infosToDelete.size());
int i = 0;
for (MessageInfo info : infosToDelete) {
MessageFormatInputStream stream = new DeleteMessageFormatInputStream(info.getStoreKey(), info.getAccountId(), info.getContainerId(), info.getOperationTimeMs(), lifeVersions.get(i));
// Don't change the lifeVersion here, there are other logic in markAsDeleted that relies on this lifeVersion.
updatedInfos.add(new MessageInfo(info.getStoreKey(), stream.getSize(), info.getAccountId(), info.getContainerId(), info.getOperationTimeMs(), info.getLifeVersion()));
Offset endOffsetOfLastMessage = log.getEndOffset();
MessageFormatWriteSet writeSet = new MessageFormatWriteSet(new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(inputStreams)), updatedInfos, false);
logger.trace("Store : {} delete mark written to log", dataDir);
int correspondingPutIndex = 0;
for (MessageInfo info : updatedInfos) {
FileSpan fileSpan = log.getFileSpanForMessage(endOffsetOfLastMessage, info.getSize());
IndexValue deleteIndexValue = index.markAsDeleted(info.getStoreKey(), fileSpan, null, info.getOperationTimeMs(), info.getLifeVersion());
endOffsetOfLastMessage = fileSpan.getEndOffset();
blobStoreStats.handleNewDeleteEntry(info.getStoreKey(), deleteIndexValue, originalPuts.get(correspondingPutIndex), indexValuesPriorToDelete.get(correspondingPutIndex));
logger.trace("Store : {} delete has been marked in the index ", dataDir);
} catch (StoreException e) {
if (e.getErrorCode() == StoreErrorCodes.IOError) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new StoreException("Unknown error while trying to delete blobs from store " + dataDir, e, StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error);
} finally {