use of com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken in project ambry by linkedin.
the class HardDeleteVerifier method getOffsetFromCleanupToken.
private long getOffsetFromCleanupToken(File cleanupTokenFile) throws Exception {
long parsedTokenValue = -1;
if (cleanupTokenFile.exists()) {
CrcInputStream crcStream = new CrcInputStream(new FileInputStream(cleanupTokenFile));
DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(crcStream);
try {
// The format of the cleanup token is documented in PersistentIndex.persistCleanupToken()
short version = stream.readShort();
if (version != HARD_DELETE_TOKEN_V0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown version encountered while parsing cleanup token");
StoreKeyFactory storeKeyFactory = Utils.getObj("com.github.ambry.commons.BlobIdFactory", map);
FindTokenFactory factory = Utils.getObj("", storeKeyFactory);
FindToken startToken = factory.getFindToken(stream);
// read past the end token.
ByteBuffer bytebufferToken = ByteBuffer.wrap(startToken.toBytes());
short tokenVersion = bytebufferToken.getShort();
if (tokenVersion != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("token version: " + tokenVersion + " is unknown");
int sessionIdsize = bytebufferToken.getInt();
bytebufferToken.position(bytebufferToken.position() + sessionIdsize);
parsedTokenValue = bytebufferToken.getLong();
if (parsedTokenValue == -1) {
/* Index based token, get index start offset */
parsedTokenValue = bytebufferToken.getLong();
/* Just read the remaining fields and verify that the crc matches. We don't really need the fields for this
test */
int num = stream.readInt();
List<StoreKey> storeKeyList = new ArrayList<StoreKey>(num);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// Read BlobReadOptions
short blobReadOptionsVersion = stream.readShort();
if (blobReadOptionsVersion != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown blobReadOptionsVersion: " + blobReadOptionsVersion);
long offset = stream.readLong();
long sz = stream.readLong();
long ttl = stream.readLong();
StoreKey key = storeKeyFactory.getStoreKey(stream);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
int length = stream.readInt();
short headerVersion = stream.readShort();
short userMetadataVersion = stream.readShort();
int userMetadataSize = stream.readInt();
short blobRecordVersion = stream.readShort();
long blobStreamSize = stream.readLong();
StoreKey key = storeKeyFactory.getStoreKey(stream);
if (!storeKeyList.get(i).equals(key)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Parsed key mismatch");
long crc = crcStream.getValue();
if (crc != stream.readLong()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Crc mismatch while reading cleanup token");
} finally {
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("No cleanup token");
return parsedTokenValue;
use of com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken in project ambry by linkedin.
the class StoreCopier method copy.
* Copies data starting from {@code startToken} until all the data is copied.
* @param startToken the {@link FindToken} to start copying from. It is expected that start token does not cause
* the copier to attempt to copy blobs that have already been copied. If that happens, the boolean
* in the return value will be {@code true}.
* @return a {@link Pair} of the {@link FindToken} until which data has been copied and a {@link Boolean} indicating
* whether the source had problems that were skipped over - like duplicates ({@code true} indicates that there were).
* @throws Exception if there is any exception during processing
public Pair<FindToken, Boolean> copy(FindToken startToken) throws Exception {
boolean sourceHasProblems = false;
FindToken lastToken;
FindToken token = startToken;
do {
lastToken = token;
FindInfo findInfo = src.findEntriesSince(lastToken, fetchSizeInBytes, null, null);
List<MessageInfo> messageInfos = findInfo.getMessageEntries();
for (Transformer transformer : transformers) {
for (MessageInfo messageInfo : messageInfos) {
logger.trace("Processing {} - isDeleted: {}, isExpired {}", messageInfo.getStoreKey(), messageInfo.isDeleted(), messageInfo.isExpired());
if (!messageInfo.isExpired() && !messageInfo.isDeleted()) {
if (tgt.findMissingKeys(Collections.singletonList(messageInfo.getStoreKey())).size() == 1) {
StoreInfo storeInfo = src.get(Collections.singletonList(messageInfo.getStoreKey()), EnumSet.allOf(StoreGetOptions.class));
MessageReadSet readSet = storeInfo.getMessageReadSet();
if (readSet.sizeInBytes(0) > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot copy blobs whose size > Integer.MAX_VALUE");
int size = (int) readSet.sizeInBytes(0);
byte[] buf = new byte[size];
readSet.writeTo(0, new ByteBufferChannel(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf)), 0, size);
Message message = new Message(storeInfo.getMessageReadSetInfo().get(0), new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
for (Transformer transformer : transformers) {
TransformationOutput tfmOutput = transformer.transform(message);
if (tfmOutput.getException() != null) {
throw tfmOutput.getException();
} else {
message = tfmOutput.getMsg();
if (message == null) {
if (message == null) {
logger.trace("Dropping {} because the transformers did not return a message", messageInfo.getStoreKey());
MessageFormatWriteSet writeSet = new MessageFormatWriteSet(message.getStream(), Collections.singletonList(message.getMessageInfo()), false);
MessageInfo tgtMsgInfo = message.getMessageInfo();
if (tgtMsgInfo.isTtlUpdated()) {
MessageInfo updateMsgInfo = new MessageInfo(tgtMsgInfo.getStoreKey(), 0, false, true, tgtMsgInfo.getExpirationTimeInMs(), tgtMsgInfo.getAccountId(), tgtMsgInfo.getContainerId(), tgtMsgInfo.getOperationTimeMs());
logger.trace("Copied {} as {}", messageInfo.getStoreKey(), tgtMsgInfo.getStoreKey());
} else if (!messageInfo.isTtlUpdated()) {
logger.warn("Found a duplicate entry for {} while copying data", messageInfo.getStoreKey());
sourceHasProblems = true;
token = findInfo.getFindToken();
double percentBytesRead = src.isEmpty() ? 100.0 : token.getBytesRead() * 100.0 / src.getSizeInBytes();"[{}] [{}] {}% copied", Thread.currentThread().getName(), storeId, df.format(percentBytesRead));
} while (!token.equals(lastToken));
return new Pair<>(token, sourceHasProblems);
use of com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken in project ambry by linkedin.
the class CloudBlobStoreTest method testFindEntriesSince.
* Test the CloudBlobStore findEntriesSince method.
public void testFindEntriesSince() throws Exception {
setupCloudStore(false, true, defaultCacheLimit, true);
long maxTotalSize = 1000000;
// 1) start with empty token, call find, return some data
long blobSize = 200000;
int numBlobsFound = 5;
CosmosChangeFeedFindToken cosmosChangeFeedFindToken = new CosmosChangeFeedFindToken(blobSize * numBlobsFound, "start", "end", 0, numBlobsFound, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
// create a list of 10 blobs with total size less than maxSize, and return it as part of query ChangeFeed
when(dest.findEntriesSince(anyString(), any(CosmosChangeFeedFindToken.class), anyLong())).thenReturn(new FindResult(Collections.emptyList(), cosmosChangeFeedFindToken));
CosmosChangeFeedFindToken startToken = new CosmosChangeFeedFindToken();
// remote node host name and replica path are not really used by cloud store, it's fine to keep them null
FindInfo findInfo = store.findEntriesSince(startToken, maxTotalSize, null, null);
CosmosChangeFeedFindToken outputToken = (CosmosChangeFeedFindToken) findInfo.getFindToken();
assertEquals(blobSize * numBlobsFound, outputToken.getBytesRead());
assertEquals(numBlobsFound, outputToken.getTotalItems());
assertEquals(0, outputToken.getIndex());
// 2) call find with new token, return more data including lastBlob, verify token updated
cosmosChangeFeedFindToken = new CosmosChangeFeedFindToken(blobSize * 2 * numBlobsFound, "start2", "end2", 0, numBlobsFound, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
when(dest.findEntriesSince(anyString(), any(CosmosChangeFeedFindToken.class), anyLong())).thenReturn(new FindResult(Collections.emptyList(), cosmosChangeFeedFindToken));
findInfo = store.findEntriesSince(outputToken, maxTotalSize, null, null);
outputToken = (CosmosChangeFeedFindToken) findInfo.getFindToken();
assertEquals(blobSize * 2 * numBlobsFound, outputToken.getBytesRead());
assertEquals(numBlobsFound, outputToken.getTotalItems());
assertEquals(0, outputToken.getIndex());
// 3) call find with new token, no more data, verify token unchanged
when(dest.findEntriesSince(anyString(), any(CosmosChangeFeedFindToken.class), anyLong())).thenReturn(new FindResult(Collections.emptyList(), outputToken));
findInfo = store.findEntriesSince(outputToken, maxTotalSize, null, null);
FindToken finalToken = findInfo.getFindToken();
assertEquals(outputToken, finalToken);
use of com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken in project ambry by linkedin.
the class IndexTest method findEntriesSinceIncarnationIdTest.
* Tests behaviour of {@link PersistentIndex#findEntriesSince(FindToken, long)} relating to incarnationId
* @throws StoreException
public void findEntriesSinceIncarnationIdTest() throws StoreException {
Offset lastRecordOffset = state.index.journal.getLastOffset();
state.appendToLog(2 * CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE);
// will be recovered
FileSpan firstRecordFileSpan = state.log.getFileSpanForMessage(state.index.getCurrentEndOffset(), CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE);
// will not be recovered
FileSpan secondRecordFileSpan = state.log.getFileSpanForMessage(firstRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset(), CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE);
UUID oldSessionId = state.sessionId;
UUID oldIncarnationId = state.incarnationId;
final MockId newId = state.getUniqueId();
short accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
short containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
long operationTimeMs = state.time.milliseconds();
// add to allKeys() so that doFindEntriesSinceTest() works correctly.
IndexValue putValue = new IndexValue(CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE, firstRecordFileSpan.getStartOffset(), Utils.Infinite_Time, operationTimeMs, accountId, containerId);
state.allKeys.computeIfAbsent(newId, k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(putValue);
state.recovery = (read, startOffset, endOffset, factory) -> Collections.singletonList(new MessageInfo(newId, CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE, accountId, containerId, operationTimeMs));
// change in incarnationId
state.incarnationId = UUID.randomUUID();
state.reloadIndex(true, true);
long bytesRead = state.index.getAbsolutePositionInLogForOffset(firstRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset());
// create a token that will be past the index end offset on startup after recovery with old incarnationId
StoreFindToken startToken = new StoreFindToken(secondRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset(), oldSessionId, oldIncarnationId, false, null, null, UNINITIALIZED_RESET_KEY_VERSION);
// token should get reset internally, all keys should be returned and the returned token should be pointing to
// start offset of firstRecordFileSpan.
IndexSegment segmentOfToken = state.index.getIndexSegments().floorEntry(firstRecordFileSpan.getStartOffset()).getValue();
StoreFindToken expectedEndToken = new StoreFindToken(firstRecordFileSpan.getStartOffset(), state.sessionId, state.incarnationId, false, segmentOfToken.getResetKey(), segmentOfToken.getResetKeyType(), segmentOfToken.getResetKeyLifeVersion());
doFindEntriesSinceTest(startToken, Long.MAX_VALUE, state.allKeys.keySet(), expectedEndToken);
// create a token that is not past the index end offset on startup after recovery with old incarnationId.
// token should get reset internally, all keys should be returned and the returned token should be be pointing to
// start offset of firstRecordFileSpan.
startToken = new StoreFindToken(lastRecordOffset, oldSessionId, oldIncarnationId, false, null, null, UNINITIALIZED_RESET_KEY_VERSION);
expectedEndToken = new StoreFindToken(firstRecordFileSpan.getStartOffset(), state.sessionId, state.incarnationId, false, segmentOfToken.getResetKey(), segmentOfToken.getResetKeyType(), segmentOfToken.getResetKeyLifeVersion());
doFindEntriesSinceTest(startToken, Long.MAX_VALUE, state.allKeys.keySet(), expectedEndToken);
use of com.github.ambry.replication.FindToken in project ambry by linkedin.
the class IndexTest method findEntriesSinceOnRestartTest.
* Tests behaviour of {@link PersistentIndex#findEntriesSince(FindToken, long)} on crash-restart of index and some
* recovery. Specifically tests cases where tokens have been handed out before the "crash" failure.
* @throws IOException
* @throws StoreException
public void findEntriesSinceOnRestartTest() throws IOException, StoreException {
Offset lastRecordOffset = state.index.journal.getLastOffset();
state.appendToLog(2 * CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE);
// this record will be recovered.
FileSpan firstRecordFileSpan = state.log.getFileSpanForMessage(state.index.getCurrentEndOffset(), CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE);
// this record will not be recovered.
FileSpan secondRecordFileSpan = state.log.getFileSpanForMessage(firstRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset(), CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE);
// if there is no bad shutdown but the store token is past the index end offset, it is an error state
StoreFindToken startToken = new StoreFindToken(secondRecordFileSpan.getStartOffset(), new UUID(1, 1), state.incarnationId, false, null, null, UNINITIALIZED_RESET_KEY_VERSION);
doFindEntriesSinceFailureTest(startToken, StoreErrorCodes.Unknown_Error);
UUID oldSessionId = state.sessionId;
final MockId newId = state.getUniqueId();
short accountId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
short containerId = Utils.getRandomShort(TestUtils.RANDOM);
long operationTimeMs = state.time.milliseconds();
// add to allKeys() so that doFindEntriesSinceTest() works correctly.
IndexValue putValue = new IndexValue(CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE, firstRecordFileSpan.getStartOffset(), Utils.Infinite_Time, operationTimeMs, accountId, containerId);
state.allKeys.computeIfAbsent(newId, k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(putValue);
state.recovery = (read, startOffset, endOffset, factory) -> Collections.singletonList(new MessageInfo(newId, CuratedLogIndexState.PUT_RECORD_SIZE, accountId, containerId, operationTimeMs));
state.reloadIndex(true, true);
// If there is no incarnationId in the incoming token, for backwards compatibility purposes we consider it as valid
// and proceed with session id validation and so on.
UUID[] incarnationIds = new UUID[] { state.incarnationId, null };
for (UUID incarnationIdToTest : incarnationIds) {
long bytesRead = state.index.getAbsolutePositionInLogForOffset(firstRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset());
// create a token that will be past the index end offset on startup after recovery.
if (incarnationIdToTest == null) {
startToken = getTokenWithNullIncarnationId(new StoreFindToken(secondRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset(), oldSessionId, state.incarnationId, false, null, null, UNINITIALIZED_RESET_KEY_VERSION));
assertNull("IncarnationId is expected to be null ", startToken.getIncarnationId());
} else {
startToken = new StoreFindToken(secondRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset(), oldSessionId, incarnationIdToTest, false, null, null, UNINITIALIZED_RESET_KEY_VERSION);
// token should get reset internally, no keys should be returned and the returned token should be correct (offset
// in it will be the current log end offset = firstRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset()). The returned token should have correct reset key info.
IndexSegment segmentOfToken = state.index.getIndexSegments().floorEntry(firstRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset()).getValue();
StoreFindToken expectedEndToken = new StoreFindToken(firstRecordFileSpan.getEndOffset(), state.sessionId, state.incarnationId, true, segmentOfToken.getResetKey(), segmentOfToken.getResetKeyType(), segmentOfToken.getResetKeyLifeVersion());
doFindEntriesSinceTest(startToken, Long.MAX_VALUE, Collections.emptySet(), expectedEndToken);
// create a token that is not past the index end offset on startup after recovery. Should work as expected
if (incarnationIdToTest == null) {
startToken = getTokenWithNullIncarnationId(new StoreFindToken(lastRecordOffset, oldSessionId, state.incarnationId, false, null, null, UNINITIALIZED_RESET_KEY_VERSION));
assertNull("IncarnationId is expected to be null ", startToken.getIncarnationId());
} else {
startToken = new StoreFindToken(lastRecordOffset, oldSessionId, incarnationIdToTest, false, null, null, UNINITIALIZED_RESET_KEY_VERSION);
segmentOfToken = state.index.getIndexSegments().floorEntry(firstRecordFileSpan.getStartOffset()).getValue();
expectedEndToken = new StoreFindToken(firstRecordFileSpan.getStartOffset(), state.sessionId, state.incarnationId, false, segmentOfToken.getResetKey(), segmentOfToken.getResetKeyType(), segmentOfToken.getResetKeyLifeVersion());
doFindEntriesSinceTest(startToken, Long.MAX_VALUE, Collections.singleton(newId), expectedEndToken);