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Example 1 with MockRestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class NoSizeRSC method readByteByByteTest.

// helpers
// commonCaseTest() helpers
 * Tests reading {@link ReadableStreamChannelInputStream} byte by byte.
 * @param in the data that the {@link ReadableStreamChannelInputStream} should contain.
 * @throws Exception
private void readByteByByteTest(byte[] in) throws Exception {
    // channel with size and one piece of content.
    ReadableStreamChannel channel = new ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel(ByteBuffer.wrap(in));
    InputStream stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
    doReadByteByByteTest(stream, in);
    // channel with no size but one piece of content.
    channel = new NoSizeRSC(ByteBuffer.wrap(in));
    stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
    doReadByteByByteTest(stream, in);
    // channel with no size and multiple pieces of content.
    List<ByteBuffer> contents = splitContent(in, CONTENT_SPLIT_PART_COUNT);
    channel = new MockRestRequest(MockRestRequest.DUMMY_DATA, contents);
    stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
    doReadByteByByteTest(stream, in);
Also used : ReadableStreamChannel(com.github.ambry.router.ReadableStreamChannel) InputStream( MockRestRequest( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 2 with MockRestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class NoSizeRSC method availableTest.

 * Tests correctness of {@link ReadableStreamChannelInputStream#available()}.
 * @throws Exception
public void availableTest() throws Exception {
    int[] sizes = { 0, 1024 * CONTENT_SPLIT_PART_COUNT };
    for (int size : sizes) {
        byte[] in = new byte[size];
        new Random().nextBytes(in);
        // channel with size and one piece of content.
        ReadableStreamChannel channel = new ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel(ByteBuffer.wrap(in));
        InputStream stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
        doAvailableTest(stream, in, in.length);
        // channel with no size and multiple pieces of content.
        channel = new NoSizeRSC(ByteBuffer.wrap(in));
        stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
        doAvailableTest(stream, in, in.length);
        // channel with no size and multiple pieces of content.
        List<ByteBuffer> contents = splitContent(in, CONTENT_SPLIT_PART_COUNT);
        // assuming all parts are the same length.
        int partLength = contents.get(0).remaining();
        channel = new MockRestRequest(MockRestRequest.DUMMY_DATA, contents);
        stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
        doAvailableTest(stream, in, partLength);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) ReadableStreamChannel(com.github.ambry.router.ReadableStreamChannel) InputStream( MockRestRequest( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with MockRestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class AmbryIdConverterFactoryTest method testConversion.

 * Tests the conversion by the {@code idConverter}.
 * @param idConverter the {@link IdConverter} instance to use.
 * @param restMethod the {@link RestMethod} of the {@link RestRequest} that will be created.
 * @param signedIdMetadata the headers of the {@link RestRequest}.
 * @param expectedOutput the expected output from the {@code idConverter}.
 * @param input the input string
 * @throws Exception
private void testConversion(IdConverter idConverter, RestMethod restMethod, Map<String, String> signedIdMetadata, String expectedOutput, String input) throws Exception {
    JSONObject requestData = new JSONObject();
    requestData.put(MockRestRequest.URI_KEY, "/");
    RestRequest restRequest = new MockRestRequest(requestData, null);
    if (signedIdMetadata != null) {
        restRequest.setArg(RestUtils.InternalKeys.SIGNED_ID_METADATA_KEY, signedIdMetadata);
    IdConversionCallback callback = new IdConversionCallback();
    assertEquals("Converted ID does not match expected (Future)", expectedOutput, idConverter.convert(restRequest, input, callback).get());
    assertEquals("Converted ID does not match expected (Callback)", expectedOutput, callback.result);
Also used : MockRestRequest( RestRequest( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) MockRestRequest(

Example 4 with MockRestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class HostLevelThrottlerTest method createRestRequest.

// A copy of FrontendRestRequestServiceTest.createRestRequest
static RestRequest createRestRequest(RestMethod restMethod, String uri) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, URISyntaxException {
    JSONObject request = new JSONObject();
    request.put(MockRestRequest.URI_KEY, uri);
    return new MockRestRequest(request, null);
Also used : JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) MockRestRequest(

Example 5 with MockRestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class NoSizeRSC method readAllAtOnceTest.

 * Tests reading {@link ReadableStreamChannelInputStream} all at once.
 * @param in the data that the {@link ReadableStreamChannelInputStream} should contain.
 * @throws Exception
private void readAllAtOnceTest(byte[] in) throws Exception {
    // channel with size and one piece of content.
    ReadableStreamChannel channel = new ByteBufferReadableStreamChannel(ByteBuffer.wrap(in));
    InputStream stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
    doReadAllAtOnceTest(stream, in);
    // channel with no size but one piece of content.
    channel = new NoSizeRSC(ByteBuffer.wrap(in));
    stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
    doReadAllAtOnceTest(stream, in);
    // channel with no size and multiple pieces of content.
    List<ByteBuffer> contents = splitContent(in, CONTENT_SPLIT_PART_COUNT);
    channel = new MockRestRequest(MockRestRequest.DUMMY_DATA, contents);
    stream = new ReadableStreamChannelInputStream(channel);
    doReadAllAtOnceTest(stream, in);
Also used : ReadableStreamChannel(com.github.ambry.router.ReadableStreamChannel) InputStream( MockRestRequest( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)


MockRestRequest ( JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)20 RestRequest ( RestServiceException ( Test (org.junit.Test)7 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)6 ReadableStreamChannel (com.github.ambry.router.ReadableStreamChannel)5 MockRestResponseChannel ( InputStream ( IOException ( ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)3 MetricRegistry (com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry)2 VerifiableProperties (com.github.ambry.config.VerifiableProperties)2 BlobProperties (com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobProperties)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 Properties (java.util.Properties)2 Callback (com.github.ambry.commons.Callback)1 ServerMetrics (com.github.ambry.commons.ServerMetrics)1 ServerConfig (com.github.ambry.config.ServerConfig)1 BlobInfo (com.github.ambry.messageformat.BlobInfo)1