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Example 46 with RestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class FrontendTestUrlSigningServiceFactory method deleteBlobAndVerify.

 * Deletes the blob with blob ID {@code blobId} and verifies the response returned.
 * @param blobId the blob ID of the blob to DELETE.
 * @throws Exception
private void deleteBlobAndVerify(String blobId) throws Exception {
    RestRequest restRequest = createRestRequest(RestMethod.DELETE, blobId, null, null);
Also used : MockRestRequest( RestRequest(

Example 47 with RestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class AmbryIdConverterFactoryTest method testConversion.

 * Tests the conversion by the {@code idConverter}.
 * @param idConverter the {@link IdConverter} instance to use.
 * @param restMethod the {@link RestMethod} of the {@link RestRequest} that will be created.
 * @param input the input string
 * @param expectedOutput the expected output from the {@code idConverter}.
 * @throws Exception
private void testConversion(IdConverter idConverter, RestMethod restMethod, String input, String expectedOutput) throws Exception {
    JSONObject requestData = new JSONObject();
    requestData.put(MockRestRequest.REST_METHOD_KEY, restMethod);
    requestData.put(MockRestRequest.URI_KEY, "/");
    RestRequest restRequest = new MockRestRequest(requestData, null);
    IdConversionCallback callback = new IdConversionCallback();
    assertEquals("Converted ID does not match expected (Future)", expectedOutput, idConverter.convert(restRequest, input, callback).get());
    assertEquals("Converted ID does not match expected (Callback)", expectedOutput, callback.result);
Also used : MockRestRequest( RestRequest( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) MockRestRequest(

Example 48 with RestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class AmbryUrlSigningServiceTest method verifySignedUrl.

 * Verifies that a signed URL contains parameters as provided and passes verification.
 * @param signer the {@link AmbryUrlSigningService} to use.
 * @param url the signed URL.
 * @param restMethod the {@link RestMethod} intended by {@code url}.
 * @param randomHeaderVal the expected value of {@link #RANDOM_AMBRY_HEADER}.
 * @param maxUploadSize the expected value of {@link RestUtils.Headers#MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE}.
 * @throws Exception
private void verifySignedUrl(AmbryUrlSigningService signer, String url, RestMethod restMethod, String randomHeaderVal, long maxUploadSize) throws Exception {
    RestRequest signedRequest = getRequestFromUrl(restMethod, url);
    assertTrue("Request should be declared as signed", signer.isRequestSigned(signedRequest));
    Map<String, Object> args = signedRequest.getArgs();
    assertEquals("URL type not as expected",, args.get(RestUtils.Headers.URL_TYPE).toString());
    assertEquals("Random header value is not as expected", randomHeaderVal, args.get(RANDOM_AMBRY_HEADER).toString());
    if (restMethod.equals(RestMethod.POST)) {
        assertEquals("Max upload size not as expected", maxUploadSize, Long.parseLong(args.get(RestUtils.Headers.MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE).toString()));
Also used : MockRestRequest( RestRequest( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject)

Example 49 with RestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class FrontendTestUrlSigningServiceFactory method doConditionalDeleteTest.

 * Tests blob conditional DELETE operations on the given {@code container}.
 * @param toPostAccount the {@link Account} to use in post headers. Can be {@code null} if only using service ID.
 * @param toPostContainer the {@link Container} to use in post headers. Can be {@code null} if only using service ID.
 * @param serviceId the serviceId to use for the POST
 * @param isPrivate the isPrivate flag to pass as part of the POST
 * @param expectedAccount the {@link Account} details that are eventually expected to be populated.
 * @param expectedContainer the {@link Container} details that are eventually expected to be populated.
 * @throws Exception
private void doConditionalDeleteTest(Account toPostAccount, Container toPostContainer, String serviceId, boolean isPrivate, Account expectedAccount, Container expectedContainer) throws Exception {
    final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 1024;
    ByteBuffer content = ByteBuffer.wrap(TestUtils.getRandomBytes(CONTENT_LENGTH));
    String contentType = "application/octet-stream";
    String ownerId = "postGetHeadDeleteOwnerID";
    JSONObject headers = new JSONObject();
    String accountNameInPost = toPostAccount != null ? toPostAccount.getName() : null;
    String containerNameInPost = toPostContainer != null ? toPostContainer.getName() : null;
    setAmbryHeadersForPut(headers, 7200, isPrivate, serviceId, contentType, ownerId, accountNameInPost, containerNameInPost);
    Map<String, String> userMetadata = new HashMap<>();
    userMetadata.put(RestUtils.Headers.USER_META_DATA_HEADER_PREFIX + "key1", "value1");
    userMetadata.put(RestUtils.Headers.USER_META_DATA_HEADER_PREFIX + "key2", "value2");
    RestUtilsTest.setUserMetadataHeaders(headers, userMetadata);
    // perform POST, GET, HEAD successfully before DELETE
    String blobId = postBlobAndVerify(headers, content, expectedAccount, expectedContainer);
    headers.put(RestUtils.Headers.BLOB_SIZE, (long) CONTENT_LENGTH);
    getBlobAndVerify(blobId, null, null, headers, content, expectedAccount, expectedContainer);
    getHeadAndVerify(blobId, null, null, headers, expectedAccount, expectedContainer);
    // test Conditional Delete failure because only container name is set
    RestResponseChannel restResponseChannel = new MockRestResponseChannel();
    JSONObject headers2 = new JSONObject();
    setAccountAndContainerHeaders(headers2, null, containerNameInPost);
    RestRequest restRequest = createRestRequest(RestMethod.DELETE, blobId, headers2, null);
    try {
        doOperation(restRequest, restResponseChannel);
        fail("Operation should have failed because only container name is set");
    } catch (RestServiceException e) {
        assertEquals("AmbryBlobStorageService should have thrown a BadRequest exception", RestServiceErrorCode.BadRequest, e.getErrorCode());
    // test Conditional Delete failure because of incorrect account name
    restResponseChannel = new MockRestResponseChannel();
    setAccountAndContainerHeaders(headers, "INCORRECT_ACCOUNT_NAME", containerNameInPost);
    restRequest = createRestRequest(RestMethod.DELETE, blobId, headers, null);
    try {
        doOperation(restRequest, restResponseChannel);
        fail("Operation should have failed because incorrect account name");
    } catch (RestServiceException e) {
        assertEquals("AmbryBlobStorageService should have thrown a PreconditionFailed exception", RestServiceErrorCode.PreconditionFailed, e.getErrorCode());
    // test Conditional Delete failure because of incorrect container name
    restResponseChannel = new MockRestResponseChannel();
    setAccountAndContainerHeaders(headers, accountNameInPost, "INCORRECT_CONTAINER_NAME");
    restRequest = createRestRequest(RestMethod.DELETE, blobId, headers, null);
    try {
        doOperation(restRequest, restResponseChannel);
        fail("Operation should have failed because incorrect container name");
    } catch (RestServiceException e) {
        assertEquals("AmbryBlobStorageService should have thrown a PreconditionFailed exception", RestServiceErrorCode.PreconditionFailed, e.getErrorCode());
    // test Conditional Delete succeeds
    setAccountAndContainerHeaders(headers, accountNameInPost, containerNameInPost);
    restRequest = createRestRequest(RestMethod.DELETE, blobId, headers, null);
    // check GET, HEAD and DELETE after delete.
    verifyOperationsAfterDelete(blobId, headers, content, expectedAccount, expectedContainer);
Also used : RestServiceException( MockRestRequest( RestRequest( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) RestResponseChannel( MockRestResponseChannel( MockRestResponseChannel( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 50 with RestRequest

use of in project ambry by linkedin.

the class PutBlobOptionsTest method testOptions.

 * Test that the chunk upload and max size options can be assigned and retrieved correctly.
 * @throws Exception
public void testOptions() throws Exception {
    PutBlobOptions options = new PutBlobOptionsBuilder().chunkUpload(true).build();
    assertTrue("chunkUpload from options not as expected.", options.isChunkUpload());
    assertEquals("maxUploadSize from options not as expected.", Long.MAX_VALUE, options.getMaxUploadSize());
    options = new PutBlobOptionsBuilder().chunkUpload(false).maxUploadSize(3).build();
    assertFalse("chunkUpload from options not as expected.", options.isChunkUpload());
    assertEquals("maxUploadSize from options not as expected.", 3, options.getMaxUploadSize());
    JSONObject header = new JSONObject();
    header.put(MockRestRequest.URI_KEY, "/");
    RestRequest restRequest = new MockRestRequest(header, null);
    options = new PutBlobOptionsBuilder().restRequest(restRequest).build();
    assertEquals("RestRequest mismatch", restRequest, options.getRestRequest());
Also used : MockRestRequest( RestRequest( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) MockRestRequest( Test(org.junit.Test)


RestRequest ( MockRestRequest ( MockRestResponseChannel ( JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)50 Test (org.junit.Test)46 RestServiceException ( RestResponseChannel ( RestMethod ( Account (com.github.ambry.account.Account)18 StorageStatsUtilTest (com.github.ambry.server.StorageStatsUtilTest)18 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)18 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)17 RestUtils ( RestUtilsTest ( ReadableStreamChannel (com.github.ambry.router.ReadableStreamChannel)16 RestServiceErrorCode ( MetricRegistry (com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry)14 Container (com.github.ambry.account.Container)14 RequestPath ( FutureResult (com.github.ambry.router.FutureResult)14