use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ValidatingTransformer method transform.
public TransformationOutput transform(Message message) {
ByteBuffer encryptionKey;
BlobProperties props;
ByteBuffer metadata;
BlobData blobData;
MessageInfo msgInfo = message.getMessageInfo();
InputStream msgStream = message.getStream();
TransformationOutput transformationOutput = null;
try {
// Read header
ByteBuffer headerVersion = ByteBuffer.allocate(Version_Field_Size_In_Bytes);;
short version = headerVersion.getShort();
if (!isValidHeaderVersion(version)) {
throw new MessageFormatException("Header version not supported " + version, MessageFormatErrorCodes.Data_Corrupt);
int headerSize = getHeaderSizeForVersion(version);
ByteBuffer headerBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(headerSize);
headerBuffer.put(headerVersion.array());, Version_Field_Size_In_Bytes, headerSize - Version_Field_Size_In_Bytes);
MessageHeader_Format header = getMessageHeader(version, headerBuffer);
StoreKey keyInStream = storeKeyFactory.getStoreKey(new DataInputStream(msgStream));
if (header.isPutRecord()) {
if (header.hasLifeVersion() && header.getLifeVersion() != msgInfo.getLifeVersion()) {
logger.trace("LifeVersion in stream: {} failed to match lifeVersion from Index: {} for key {}", header.getLifeVersion(), msgInfo.getLifeVersion(), keyInStream);
encryptionKey = header.hasEncryptionKeyRecord() ? deserializeBlobEncryptionKey(msgStream) : null;
props = deserializeBlobProperties(msgStream);
metadata = deserializeUserMetadata(msgStream);
blobData = deserializeBlob(msgStream);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Message cannot be anything rather than put record ");
if (msgInfo.getStoreKey().equals(keyInStream)) {
// BlobIDTransformer only exists on ambry-server and replication between servers is relying on blocking channel
// which is still using java ByteBuffer. So, no need to consider releasing stuff.
// @todo, when netty Bytebuf is adopted for blocking channel on ambry-server, remember to release this ByteBuf.
PutMessageFormatInputStream transformedStream = new PutMessageFormatInputStream(keyInStream, encryptionKey, props, metadata, new ByteBufInputStream(blobData.content(), true), blobData.getSize(), blobData.getBlobType(), msgInfo.getLifeVersion());
MessageInfo transformedMsgInfo = new MessageInfo.Builder(msgInfo).size(transformedStream.getSize()).isDeleted(false).isUndeleted(false).build();
transformationOutput = new TransformationOutput(new Message(transformedMsgInfo, transformedStream));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("StoreKey in stream: " + keyInStream + " failed to match store key from Index: " + msgInfo.getStoreKey());
} catch (Exception e) {
transformationOutput = new TransformationOutput(e);
return transformationOutput;
use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTestHelper method replicateAndVerify.
* Replicate between local and remote hosts and verify the results on local host are expected.
* 1.remote host has different versions of blobIds and local host is empty;
* 2.remote and local hosts have different conversion maps (StoreKeyConverter).
* @param testSetup the {@link ReplicationTestSetup} used to provide test environment info.
* @param expectedStr the string presenting expected sequence of PUT, DELETE messages on local host.
* @throws Exception
protected void replicateAndVerify(ReplicationTestSetup testSetup, String expectedStr) throws Exception {
PartitionId partitionId = testSetup.partitionIds.get(0);
List<RemoteReplicaInfo> singleReplicaList = testSetup.replicasToReplicate.get(testSetup.remoteHost.dataNodeId).stream().filter(e -> e.getReplicaId().getPartitionId() == partitionId).collect(Collectors.toList());
// Do the replica metadata exchange.
List<ReplicaThread.ExchangeMetadataResponse> responses = testSetup.replicaThread.exchangeMetadata(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(testSetup.remoteHost, 10, testSetup.remoteConversionMap), singleReplicaList);
// Do Get request to fix missing keys
testSetup.replicaThread.fixMissingStoreKeys(new MockConnectionPool.MockConnection(testSetup.remoteHost, 10, testSetup.remoteConversionMap), singleReplicaList, responses, false);
// Verify
String[] expectedResults = expectedStr.equals("") ? new String[0] : expectedStr.split("\\s");
int size = testSetup.localHost.infosByPartition.get(partitionId).size();
assertEquals("Mismatch in number of messages on local host after replication", expectedResults.length, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
String blobIdStr = testSetup.localHost.infosByPartition.get(partitionId).get(i).getStoreKey().toString();
boolean isDeleteMessage = testSetup.localHost.infosByPartition.get(partitionId).get(i).isDeleted();
switch(expectedResults[i]) {
case "OP":
assertEquals("Mismatch in blodId on local host after replication", testSetup.oldKey.toString(), blobIdStr);
assertFalse("Mismatch in message type on local host after replication", isDeleteMessage);
case "OD":
assertEquals("Mismatch in blodId on local host after replication", testSetup.oldKey.toString(), blobIdStr);
assertTrue("Mismatch in message type on local host after replication", isDeleteMessage);
case "NP":
assertEquals("Mismatch in blodId on local host after replication", testSetup.newKey.toString(), blobIdStr);
assertFalse("Mismatch in message type on local host after replication", isDeleteMessage);
case "ND":
assertEquals("Mismatch in blodId on local host after replication", testSetup.newKey.toString(), blobIdStr);
assertTrue("Mismatch in message type on local host after replication", isDeleteMessage);
use of in project ambry by linkedin.
the class ReplicationTestHelper method addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition.
public static void addPutMessagesToReplicasOfPartition(List<StoreKey> ids, List<Transformer> transformPerId, List<MockHost> hosts) throws MessageFormatException, IOException {
Iterator<Transformer> transformerIterator = transformPerId.iterator();
for (StoreKey storeKey : ids) {
Transformer transformer =;
BlobId id = (BlobId) storeKey;
PutMsgInfoAndBuffer msgInfoAndBuffer = createPutMessage(id, id.getAccountId(), id.getContainerId(), BlobId.isEncrypted(id.toString()));
MessageInfo msgInfo = msgInfoAndBuffer.messageInfo;
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = msgInfoAndBuffer.byteBuffer;
if (transformer != null) {
Message message = new Message(msgInfo, new ByteBufferInputStream(byteBuffer));
TransformationOutput output = transformer.transform(message);
message = output.getMsg();
byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(Utils.readBytesFromStream(message.getStream(), (int) message.getMessageInfo().getSize()));
msgInfo = message.getMessageInfo();
for (MockHost host : hosts) {
host.addMessage(id.getPartition(), msgInfo, byteBuffer.duplicate());