use of com.github.arteam.simplejsonrpc.client.exception.JsonRpcException in project sparrow by sparrowwallet.
the class SimpleElectrumServerRpc method getBlockHeaders.
public Map<Integer, String> getBlockHeaders(Transport transport, Wallet wallet, Set<Integer> blockHeights) {
JsonRpcClient client = new JsonRpcClient(transport);
Map<Integer, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Integer blockHeight : blockHeights) {
EventManager.get().post(new WalletHistoryStatusEvent(wallet, true, "Retrieving block at height " + blockHeight));
try {
String blockHeader = new RetryLogic<String>(MAX_RETRIES, RETRY_DELAY, List.of(IllegalStateException.class, IllegalArgumentException.class)).getResult(() -> client.createRequest().returnAs(String.class).method("blockchain.block.header").id(idCounter.incrementAndGet()).params(blockHeight).execute());
result.put(blockHeight, blockHeader);
} catch (ServerException e) {
// If there is an error with the server connection, don't keep trying - this may take too long given many blocks
throw new ElectrumServerRpcException("Failed to retrieve block header for block height: " + blockHeight, e);
} catch (JsonRpcException e) {
log.warn("Failed to retrieve block header for block height: " + blockHeight + " (" + e.getErrorMessage() + ")");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Failed to retrieve block header for block height: " + blockHeight + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
return result;
use of com.github.arteam.simplejsonrpc.client.exception.JsonRpcException in project sparrow by sparrowwallet.
the class SimpleElectrumServerRpc method getFeeEstimates.
public Map<Integer, Double> getFeeEstimates(Transport transport, List<Integer> targetBlocks) {
JsonRpcClient client = new JsonRpcClient(transport);
Map<Integer, Double> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Integer targetBlock : targetBlocks) {
if (targetBlock <= MAX_TARGET_BLOCKS) {
try {
Double targetBlocksFeeRateBtcKb = new RetryLogic<Double>(MAX_RETRIES, RETRY_DELAY, IllegalStateException.class).getResult(() -> client.createRequest().returnAs(Double.class).method("blockchain.estimatefee").id(idCounter.incrementAndGet()).params(targetBlock).execute());
result.put(targetBlock, targetBlocksFeeRateBtcKb);
} catch (JsonRpcException e) {
throw new ElectrumServerRpcException("Failed to retrieve fee rate for target blocks: " + targetBlock, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Failed to retrieve fee rate for target blocks: " + targetBlock + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
result.put(targetBlock, result.values().stream().mapToDouble(v -> v).min().orElse(0.0001d));
} else {
result.put(targetBlock, result.values().stream().mapToDouble(v -> v).min().orElse(0.0001d));
return result;