use of com.github.davidmoten.rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeWatchServiceEvents in project rxjava-file by davidmoten.
the class FileObservable method from.
* Returns an {@link Observable} of {@link WatchEvent}s from a
* {@link WatchService}.
* @param watchService
* WatchService to generate events from
* @param scheduler
* schedules polls of the watchService
* @param pollDuration
* duration of each poll
* @param pollDurationUnit
* time unit for the duration of each poll
* @param pollInterval
* interval between polls of the watchService
* @param pollIntervalUnit
* time unit for the interval between polls
* @param backpressureStrategy
* backpressures strategy to apply
* @return an observable of WatchEvents from watchService
public static final Observable<WatchEvent<?>> from(WatchService watchService, Scheduler scheduler, long pollDuration, TimeUnit pollDurationUnit, long pollInterval, TimeUnit pollIntervalUnit, BackpressureStrategy backpressureStrategy) {
Observable<WatchEvent<?>> o = Observable.create(new OnSubscribeWatchServiceEvents(watchService, scheduler, pollDuration, pollDurationUnit, pollInterval, pollIntervalUnit));
if (backpressureStrategy == BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) {
return o.onBackpressureBuffer();
} else if (backpressureStrategy == BackpressureStrategy.DROP)
return o.onBackpressureDrop();
else if (backpressureStrategy == BackpressureStrategy.LATEST)
return o.onBackpressureLatest();
throw new RuntimeException("unrecognized backpressureStrategy " + backpressureStrategy);