use of com.github.lunatrius.schematica.api.event.PreSchematicSaveEvent in project defrag by Edouard127.
the class SchematicAlpha method writeToNBT.
public boolean writeToNBT(final NBTTagCompound tagCompound, final ISchematic schematic) {
final NBTTagCompound tagCompoundIcon = new NBTTagCompound();
final ItemStack icon = schematic.getIcon();
tagCompound.setTag(Names.NBT.ICON, tagCompoundIcon);
tagCompound.setShort(Names.NBT.WIDTH, (short) schematic.getWidth());
tagCompound.setShort(Names.NBT.LENGTH, (short) schematic.getLength());
tagCompound.setShort(Names.NBT.HEIGHT, (short) schematic.getHeight());
final int size = schematic.getWidth() * schematic.getLength() * schematic.getHeight();
final byte[] localBlocks = new byte[size];
final byte[] localMetadata = new byte[size];
final byte[] extraBlocks = new byte[size];
final byte[] extraBlocksNibble = new byte[(int) Math.ceil(size / 2.0)];
boolean extra = false;
final MBlockPos pos = new MBlockPos();
final Map<String, Short> mappings = new HashMap<String, Short>();
for (int x = 0; x < schematic.getWidth(); x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < schematic.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < schematic.getLength(); z++) {
final int index = x + (y * schematic.getLength() + z) * schematic.getWidth();
final IBlockState blockState = schematic.getBlockState(pos.set(x, y, z));
final Block block = blockState.getBlock();
final int blockId = Block.REGISTRY.getIDForObject(block);
localBlocks[index] = (byte) blockId;
localMetadata[index] = (byte) block.getMetaFromState(blockState);
if ((extraBlocks[index] = (byte) (blockId >> 8)) > 0) {
extra = true;
final String name = String.valueOf(Block.REGISTRY.getNameForObject(block));
if (!mappings.containsKey(name)) {
mappings.put(name, (short) blockId);
int count = 20;
final NBTTagList tileEntitiesList = new NBTTagList();
for (final TileEntity tileEntity : schematic.getTileEntities()) {
try {
final NBTTagCompound tileEntityTagCompound = NBTHelper.writeTileEntityToCompound(tileEntity);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final BlockPos tePos = tileEntity.getPos();
final int index = tePos.getX() + (tePos.getY() * schematic.getLength() + tePos.getZ()) * schematic.getWidth();
if (--count > 0) {
final IBlockState blockState = schematic.getBlockState(tePos);
final Block block = blockState.getBlock();
Reference.logger.error("Block {}[{}] with TileEntity {} failed to save! Replacing with bedrock...", block, block != null ? Block.REGISTRY.getNameForObject(block) : "?", tileEntity.getClass().getName(), e);
localBlocks[index] = (byte) Block.REGISTRY.getIDForObject(Blocks.BEDROCK);
localMetadata[index] = 0;
extraBlocks[index] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < extraBlocksNibble.length; i++) {
if (i * 2 + 1 < extraBlocks.length) {
extraBlocksNibble[i] = (byte) ((extraBlocks[i * 2 + 0] << 4) | extraBlocks[i * 2 + 1]);
} else {
extraBlocksNibble[i] = (byte) (extraBlocks[i * 2 + 0] << 4);
final NBTTagList entityList = new NBTTagList();
final List<Entity> entities = schematic.getEntities();
for (final Entity entity : entities) {
try {
final NBTTagCompound entityCompound = NBTHelper.writeEntityToCompound(entity);
if (entityCompound != null) {
} catch (final Throwable t) {
Reference.logger.error("Entity {} failed to save, skipping!", entity, t);
final PreSchematicSaveEvent event = new PreSchematicSaveEvent(schematic, mappings);;
final NBTTagCompound nbtMapping = new NBTTagCompound();
for (final Map.Entry<String, Short> entry : mappings.entrySet()) {
nbtMapping.setShort(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
tagCompound.setString(Names.NBT.MATERIALS, Names.NBT.FORMAT_ALPHA);
tagCompound.setByteArray(Names.NBT.BLOCKS, localBlocks);
tagCompound.setByteArray(Names.NBT.DATA, localMetadata);
if (extra) {
tagCompound.setByteArray(Names.NBT.ADD_BLOCKS, extraBlocksNibble);
tagCompound.setTag(Names.NBT.ENTITIES, entityList);
tagCompound.setTag(Names.NBT.TILE_ENTITIES, tileEntitiesList);
tagCompound.setTag(Names.NBT.MAPPING_SCHEMATICA, nbtMapping);
final NBTTagCompound extendedMetadata = event.extendedMetadata;
return true;