use of com.github.robozonky.api.remote.entities.RawInvestment in project robozonky by RoboZonky.
the class ZonkyTest method wallet.
void wallet() {
final ControlApi control = mock(ControlApi.class);
final Api<ControlApi> ca = mockApi(control);
final PaginatedApi<RawLoan, LoanApi> la = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<BlockedAmount, WalletApi> wa = mockApi();
when(wa.execute((Function<WalletApi, Wallet>) any())).thenReturn(mock(Wallet.class));
final PaginatedApi<RawInvestment, PortfolioApi> pa = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<Participation, ParticipationApi> sa = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<RawDevelopment, CollectionsApi> caa = mockApi();
final Zonky z = new Zonky(ca, la, sa, pa, wa, caa);
final Wallet w = z.getWallet();
use of com.github.robozonky.api.remote.entities.RawInvestment in project robozonky by RoboZonky.
the class ZonkyTest method sell.
void sell() {
final ControlApi control = mock(ControlApi.class);
final Api<ControlApi> ca = mockApi(control);
final PaginatedApi<RawLoan, LoanApi> la = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<BlockedAmount, WalletApi> wa = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<RawInvestment, PortfolioApi> pa = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<Participation, ParticipationApi> sa = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<RawDevelopment, CollectionsApi> caa = mockApi();
final Zonky z = new Zonky(ca, la, sa, pa, wa, caa);
final Investment p = Investment.custom().setRemainingPrincipal(BigDecimal.TEN).setSmpFee(BigDecimal.ONE).setId(1).build();
use of com.github.robozonky.api.remote.entities.RawInvestment in project robozonky by RoboZonky.
the class ZonkyTest method investAndlogout.
void investAndlogout() {
final ControlApi control = mock(ControlApi.class);
final Api<ControlApi> ca = mockApi(control);
final PaginatedApi<RawLoan, LoanApi> la = mockApi();
final int loanId = 1;
final RawLoan loan = mock(RawLoan.class);
when(la.execute((Function<LoanApi, RawLoan>) any())).thenReturn(loan);
final PaginatedApi<BlockedAmount, WalletApi> wa = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<RawInvestment, PortfolioApi> pa = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<Participation, ParticipationApi> sa = mockApi();
final PaginatedApi<RawDevelopment, CollectionsApi> caa = mockApi();
final Zonky z = new Zonky(ca, la, sa, pa, wa, caa);
final Loan l = z.getLoan(loanId);
final Investment i = Investment.fresh((MarketplaceLoan) l, 200);
verify(control, times(1)).invest(any());
verify(control, times(1)).logout();
use of com.github.robozonky.api.remote.entities.RawInvestment in project robozonky by RoboZonky.
the class Zonky method invest.
public void invest(final Investment investment) {"Investing into loan #{}.", investment.getLoanId());
controlApi.execute(api -> {
api.invest(new RawInvestment(investment));
use of com.github.robozonky.api.remote.entities.RawInvestment in project robozonky by RoboZonky.
the class AuthenticatedTest method tokenProper.
void tokenProper() {
// prepare SUT
final SecretProvider sp = SecretProvider.fallback(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), new char[0]);
final String username = sp.getUsername();
final char[] password = sp.getPassword();
final ZonkyApiToken token = new ZonkyApiToken(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), 299);
final OAuth oauth = mock(OAuth.class);
when(oauth.login(eq(username), eq(password))).thenReturn(token);
final Zonky z = mock(Zonky.class);
final ApiProvider api = mockApiProvider(oauth, z);
final TokenBasedAccess a = (TokenBasedAccess) Authenticated.tokenBased(api, sp, Duration.ofSeconds(60));
// call SUT
final Function<Zonky, Collection<RawInvestment>> f = mock(Function.class);
final Collection<RawInvestment> expectedResult = Collections.emptyList();
final Collection<RawInvestment> result =;
assertSoftly(softly -> {
verify(oauth).login(eq(username), eq(password));
verify(oauth, never()).refresh(any());
verify(z, never()).logout();