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Example 1 with ServerObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class Servers method editServerDesc.

public String editServerDesc(long userID, String serverName, String desc, IGuild guild) {
    for (ServerObject s : servers) {
        if (s.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(serverName)) {
            boolean bypass = GuildHandler.testForPerms(Globals.getClient().getUserByID(userID), guild, Permissions.MANAGE_MESSAGES);
            if (s.getCreatorID() == userID || bypass) {
                String check = Utility.checkBlacklist(desc, blackList);
                if (check != null) {
                    return check;
                if (desc.length() > 1000) {
                    return "> Could not edit Description, Reason: Too long.";
                if (StringUtils.countMatches(desc, "\n") > 15) {
                    return "> Could not edit Description, Reason: Too many lines.";
                ArrayList<String> newDesc = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(desc.split("\n")));
                return "> Server Description Edited.";
            } else
                return "> You do not have permission to edit this server's Description.";
    return "> Server with that name not found.";
Also used : ServerObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 2 with ServerObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class PurgeBannedData method purgeData.

public void purgeData(long userID, CommandObject command) {
    ListIterator iterator = command.guild.users.profiles.listIterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        ProfileObject object = (ProfileObject);
        if (userID == object.getUserID()) {
    iterator = command.guild.customCommands.getCommandList().listIterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        CCommandObject ccObject = (CCommandObject);
        if (userID == ccObject.getUserID()) {
    iterator = command.guild.characters.getCharacters(command.guild.get()).listIterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        CharacterObject charObject = (CharacterObject);
        if (charObject.getUserID() == userID) {
    iterator = command.guild.servers.getServers().listIterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        ServerObject serverObject = (ServerObject);
        if (serverObject.getCreatorID() == userID) {
// iterator = Globals.getDailyMessages().getMessages().listIterator();
// while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// DailyMessage dailyObject = (DailyMessage);
// if (dailyObject.getUserID() == userID) {
// iterator.remove();
// purgedDailyMessages++;
// }
// }
Also used : CCommandObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.CCommandObject) CharacterObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.CharacterObject) ServerObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject) ListIterator(java.util.ListIterator) ProfileObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject)

Example 3 with ServerObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class Server method execute.

public String execute(String args, CommandObject command) {
    for (ServerObject s : command.guild.servers.getServers()) {
        if (s.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args)) {
            IUser user = command.guild.getUserByID(s.getCreatorID());
            boolean isGuildUser = true;
            if (user == null) {
                user = command.client.get().fetchUser(s.getCreatorID());
                isGuildUser = false;
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            builder.append("**" + s.getName() + "**\n");
            builder.append("**IP:** " + s.getServerIP() + " **Port:** " + s.getServerPort() + "\n");
            if (isGuildUser) {
                builder.append("**Listing Creator:** " + user.getDisplayName(command.guild.get()) + "\n");
            } else {
                builder.append("**Listing Creator:** " + user.getName() + "#" + user.getDiscriminator() + "\n");
            return "> Server info has been sent to your DMs";
    return "> Server with that name not found.";
Also used : ServerObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject) IUser(sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IUser)

Example 4 with ServerObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class Servers method editIP.

public String editIP(long userID, String serverName, String IP, String port, IGuild guild) {
    for (ServerObject s : servers) {
        if (s.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(serverName)) {
            boolean bypass = GuildHandler.testForPerms(Globals.getClient().getUserByID(userID), guild, Permissions.MANAGE_MESSAGES);
            if (s.getCreatorID() == userID || bypass) {
                String check = Utility.checkBlacklist(IP + port, blackList);
                if (check != null) {
                    return check;
                return "> Server IP edited.";
            } else
                return "> You do not have permission to edit this server's IP.";
    return "> Server with that name not found.";
Also used : ServerObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject)

Example 5 with ServerObject

use of com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.

the class Servers method editServerName.

public String editServerName(long userID, String oldServerName, String newServerName, IGuild guild) {
    for (ServerObject s : servers) {
        if (s.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(oldServerName)) {
            boolean bypass = GuildHandler.testForPerms(Globals.getClient().getUserByID(userID), guild, Permissions.MANAGE_MESSAGES);
            if (s.getCreatorID() == userID || bypass) {
                for (ServerObject so : servers) {
                    if (so.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(newServerName)) {
                        return "> Cannot change Server name. That server name is already in use.";
                String check = Utility.checkBlacklist(newServerName, blackList);
                if (check != null) {
                    return check;
                return "> Server Name Edited.";
            } else
                return "> You do not have permission to edit this server's name.";
    return "> Server with that name not found.";
Also used : ServerObject(com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject)


ServerObject (com.github.vaerys.objects.ServerObject)5 CCommandObject (com.github.vaerys.objects.CCommandObject)1 CharacterObject (com.github.vaerys.objects.CharacterObject)1 ProfileObject (com.github.vaerys.objects.ProfileObject)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 ListIterator (java.util.ListIterator)1 IUser (sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IUser)1