use of com.glitchcog.fontificator.config.FontificatorProperties in project ChatGameFontificator by GlitchCog.
the class FontificatorMain method main.
* The main method for the program
* @param args
* unused
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Configure the logger
BasicConfigurator.configure(new ConsoleAppender(LOG_PATTERN_LAYOUT));
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(e.toString(), e);
LogBox logBox = new LogBox();
// These properties contain all the configuration for the program
FontificatorProperties fProps = new FontificatorProperties();
// The ChatWindow is the main window and shows the visualization of the chat
ChatWindow chatWindow = new ChatWindow();
// The ControlWindow is the dependent window that has all the options for modifying the properties of the chat
final ControlWindow controlWindow = new ControlWindow(chatWindow, fProps, logBox);
// Attempt to load the last opened data, or fall back to defaults if nothing has been loaded or if there are any
// errors loading
try {
// Feed the properties into the chat to give it hooks into the properties' configuration models; Feed the
// ControlWindow into the ChatWindow to give the chat hooks back into the controls; Sets the loaded member
// Boolean in the chat to indicate it has everything it needs to begin rendering the visualization
chatWindow.initChat(fProps, controlWindow);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(e.toString(), e);
ChatWindow.popup.handleProblem(e.toString(), e);
// Build the GUI of the control window;
// Load after init takes care of the (mostly chat window based) configurations that require the window be already set up
// Give the chat panel the message dialog so it can read censorship rules and call for the manual censorship
// list to be redrawn when a message is posted
// Give the debug tab to the chat panel, since it doesn't have a shared reference to a config object for the settings
// Finally, display the chat and control windows now that everything has been constructed and connected
try {
// Do it ugly but thread safe
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to display control window on initialization", e);