use of com.goide.psi.GoBinaryExpr in project go-lang-idea-plugin by go-lang-plugin-org.
the class GoSimplifyBoolExprQuickFix method invoke.
public void invoke(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull PsiElement startElement, @NotNull PsiElement endElement) {
if (!(startElement instanceof GoBinaryExpr))
GoBinaryExpr o = (GoBinaryExpr) startElement;
boolean and = o instanceof GoAndExpr;
List<GoExpression> elements = GoBoolExpressionsInspection.collect(o, and);
List<GoExpression> toRemove = ContainerUtil.newSmartList();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
GoExpression l = elements.get(i);
if (l instanceof GoReferenceExpression && (l.textMatches("true") || l.textMatches("false")) && GoPsiImplUtil.builtin(((GoReferenceExpression) l).resolve())) {
boolean trueExpr = l.textMatches("true");
if (and ^ !trueExpr) {
} else {
replaceExpressionByBoolConst(o, project, !and);
for (int j = i + 1; j < elements.size(); j++) {
GoExpression r = elements.get(j);
if (GoBoolExpressionsInspection.isEqualsWithNot(l, r) || GoBoolExpressionsInspection.isEqualsWithNot(r, l)) {
replaceExpressionByBoolConst(o, project, !and);
if (GoExpressionUtil.identical(l, r))
// todo expr evaluating! x != c1 || x != c2 (c1, c2 const, c1 != c2)
if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) {
removeRedundantExpressions(o, project, elements, toRemove, and);