use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class Util method inferContentType.
* Makes a best guess to infer the {@link ContentType} from a file name.
* @param fileName Name of the file. It can include the path of the file.
* @return The content type.
public static int inferContentType(String fileName) {
fileName = Ascii.toLowerCase(fileName);
if (fileName.endsWith(".mpd")) {
return C.TYPE_DASH;
} else if (fileName.endsWith(".m3u8")) {
return C.TYPE_HLS;
Matcher ismMatcher = ISM_URL_PATTERN.matcher(fileName);
if (ismMatcher.matches()) {
@Nullable String extensions =;
if (extensions != null) {
if (extensions.contains(ISM_DASH_FORMAT_EXTENSION)) {
return C.TYPE_DASH;
} else if (extensions.contains(ISM_HLS_FORMAT_EXTENSION)) {
return C.TYPE_HLS;
return C.TYPE_SS;
return C.TYPE_OTHER;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class OkHttpDataSource method open.
public long open(DataSpec dataSpec) throws HttpDataSourceException {
this.dataSpec = dataSpec;
bytesRead = 0;
bytesToRead = 0;
Request request = makeRequest(dataSpec);
Response response;
ResponseBody responseBody;
try {
this.response = callFactory.newCall(request).execute();
response = this.response;
responseBody = Assertions.checkNotNull(response.body());
responseByteStream = responseBody.byteStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw HttpDataSourceException.createForIOException(e, dataSpec, HttpDataSourceException.TYPE_OPEN);
int responseCode = response.code();
// Check for a valid response code.
if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
if (responseCode == 416) {
long documentSize = HttpUtil.getDocumentSize(response.headers().get(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_RANGE));
if (dataSpec.position == documentSize) {
opened = true;
return dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNSET ? dataSpec.length : 0;
byte[] errorResponseBody;
try {
errorResponseBody = Util.toByteArray(Assertions.checkNotNull(responseByteStream));
} catch (IOException e) {
errorResponseBody = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
Map<String, List<String>> headers = response.headers().toMultimap();
@Nullable IOException cause = responseCode == 416 ? new DataSourceException(PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_IO_READ_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE) : null;
throw new InvalidResponseCodeException(responseCode, response.message(), cause, headers, dataSpec, errorResponseBody);
// Check for a valid content type.
@Nullable MediaType mediaType = responseBody.contentType();
String contentType = mediaType != null ? mediaType.toString() : "";
if (contentTypePredicate != null && !contentTypePredicate.apply(contentType)) {
throw new InvalidContentTypeException(contentType, dataSpec);
// If we requested a range starting from a non-zero position and received a 200 rather than a
// 206, then the server does not support partial requests. We'll need to manually skip to the
// requested position.
long bytesToSkip = responseCode == 200 && dataSpec.position != 0 ? dataSpec.position : 0;
// Determine the length of the data to be read, after skipping.
if (dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
bytesToRead = dataSpec.length;
} else {
long contentLength = responseBody.contentLength();
bytesToRead = contentLength != -1 ? (contentLength - bytesToSkip) : C.LENGTH_UNSET;
opened = true;
try {
skipFully(bytesToSkip, dataSpec);
} catch (HttpDataSourceException e) {
throw e;
return bytesToRead;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class CronetDataSource method open.
public long open(DataSpec dataSpec) throws HttpDataSourceException {
currentDataSpec = dataSpec;
UrlRequest urlRequest;
try {
urlRequest = buildRequestBuilder(dataSpec).build();
currentUrlRequest = urlRequest;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e instanceof HttpDataSourceException) {
throw (HttpDataSourceException) e;
} else {
throw new OpenException(e, dataSpec, PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_IO_UNSPECIFIED, Status.IDLE);
try {
boolean connectionOpened = blockUntilConnectTimeout();
@Nullable IOException connectionOpenException = exception;
if (connectionOpenException != null) {
@Nullable String message = connectionOpenException.getMessage();
if (message != null && Ascii.toLowerCase(message).contains("err_cleartext_not_permitted")) {
throw new CleartextNotPermittedException(connectionOpenException, dataSpec);
throw new OpenException(connectionOpenException, dataSpec, PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_IO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_FAILED, getStatus(urlRequest));
} else if (!connectionOpened) {
// The timeout was reached before the connection was opened.
throw new OpenException(new SocketTimeoutException(), dataSpec, PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_IO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, getStatus(urlRequest));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// is failing to swallow the interruption, which makes us enter an invalid state.
throw new OpenException(new InterruptedIOException(), dataSpec, PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_FAILED_RUNTIME_CHECK, Status.INVALID);
// Check for a valid response code.
UrlResponseInfo responseInfo = Assertions.checkNotNull(this.responseInfo);
int responseCode = responseInfo.getHttpStatusCode();
Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders = responseInfo.getAllHeaders();
if (responseCode < 200 || responseCode > 299) {
if (responseCode == 416) {
long documentSize = HttpUtil.getDocumentSize(getFirstHeader(responseHeaders, HttpHeaders.CONTENT_RANGE));
if (dataSpec.position == documentSize) {
opened = true;
return dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNSET ? dataSpec.length : 0;
byte[] responseBody;
try {
responseBody = readResponseBody();
} catch (IOException e) {
responseBody = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
@Nullable IOException cause = responseCode == 416 ? new DataSourceException(PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_IO_READ_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE) : null;
throw new InvalidResponseCodeException(responseCode, responseInfo.getHttpStatusText(), cause, responseHeaders, dataSpec, responseBody);
// Check for a valid content type.
Predicate<String> contentTypePredicate = this.contentTypePredicate;
if (contentTypePredicate != null) {
@Nullable String contentType = getFirstHeader(responseHeaders, HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE);
if (contentType != null && !contentTypePredicate.apply(contentType)) {
throw new InvalidContentTypeException(contentType, dataSpec);
// If we requested a range starting from a non-zero position and received a 200 rather than a
// 206, then the server does not support partial requests. We'll need to manually skip to the
// requested position.
long bytesToSkip = responseCode == 200 && dataSpec.position != 0 ? dataSpec.position : 0;
// Calculate the content length.
if (!isCompressed(responseInfo)) {
if (dataSpec.length != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
bytesRemaining = dataSpec.length;
} else {
long contentLength = HttpUtil.getContentLength(getFirstHeader(responseHeaders, HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH), getFirstHeader(responseHeaders, HttpHeaders.CONTENT_RANGE));
bytesRemaining = contentLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET ? (contentLength - bytesToSkip) : C.LENGTH_UNSET;
} else {
// If the response is compressed then the content length will be that of the compressed data
// which isn't what we want. Always use the dataSpec length in this case.
bytesRemaining = dataSpec.length;
opened = true;
skipFully(bytesToSkip, dataSpec);
return bytesRemaining;
use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class DefaultDownloaderFactory method createDownloader.
private Downloader createDownloader(DownloadRequest request, @C.ContentType int contentType) {
@Nullable Constructor<? extends Downloader> constructor = CONSTRUCTORS.get(contentType);
if (constructor == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Module missing for content type " + contentType);
MediaItem mediaItem = new MediaItem.Builder().setUri(request.uri).setStreamKeys(request.streamKeys).setCustomCacheKey(request.customCacheKey).build();
try {
return constructor.newInstance(mediaItem, cacheDataSourceFactory, executor);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to instantiate downloader for content type " + contentType);