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Example 16 with Format

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class RepresentationTest method testGetCacheKey.

public void testGetCacheKey() {
    String uri = "";
    SegmentBase base = new SingleSegmentBase(new RangedUri(null, 0, 1), 1, 0, 1, 1);
    Format format = Format.createVideoContainerFormat("0", MimeTypes.APPLICATION_MP4, null, MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264, 2500000, 1920, 1080, Format.NO_VALUE, null, 0);
    Representation representation = Representation.newInstance("test_stream_1", 3, format, uri, base);
    assertEquals("test_stream_1.0.3", representation.getCacheKey());
    format = Format.createVideoContainerFormat("150", MimeTypes.APPLICATION_MP4, null, MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264, 2500000, 1920, 1080, Format.NO_VALUE, null, 0);
    representation = Representation.newInstance("test_stream_1", Representation.REVISION_ID_DEFAULT, format, uri, base);
    assertEquals("test_stream_1.150.-1", representation.getCacheKey());
Also used : SingleSegmentBase( SingleSegmentBase( Format(

Example 17 with Format

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsMasterPlaylistParserTest method testPlaylistWithClosedCaption.

public void testPlaylistWithClosedCaption() throws IOException {
    HlsMasterPlaylist playlist = parseMasterPlaylist(PLAYLIST_URI, MASTER_PLAYLIST_WITH_CC);
    assertEquals(1, playlist.muxedCaptionFormats.size());
    Format closedCaptionFormat = playlist.muxedCaptionFormats.get(0);
    assertEquals(MimeTypes.APPLICATION_CEA708, closedCaptionFormat.sampleMimeType);
    assertEquals(4, closedCaptionFormat.accessibilityChannel);
    assertEquals("es", closedCaptionFormat.language);
Also used : Format(

Example 18 with Format

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class ExoPlayerImplInternal method enableRenderers.

private void enableRenderers(boolean[] rendererWasEnabledFlags, int enabledRendererCount) throws ExoPlaybackException {
    enabledRenderers = new Renderer[enabledRendererCount];
    enabledRendererCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
        Renderer renderer = renderers[i];
        TrackSelection newSelection = playingPeriodHolder.trackSelectorResult.selections.get(i);
        if (newSelection != null) {
            enabledRenderers[enabledRendererCount++] = renderer;
            if (renderer.getState() == Renderer.STATE_DISABLED) {
                RendererConfiguration rendererConfiguration = playingPeriodHolder.trackSelectorResult.rendererConfigurations[i];
                // The renderer needs enabling with its new track selection.
                boolean playing = playWhenReady && state == ExoPlayer.STATE_READY;
                // Consider as joining only if the renderer was previously disabled.
                boolean joining = !rendererWasEnabledFlags[i] && playing;
                // Build an array of formats contained by the selection.
                Format[] formats = new Format[newSelection.length()];
                for (int j = 0; j < formats.length; j++) {
                    formats[j] = newSelection.getFormat(j);
                // Enable the renderer.
                renderer.enable(rendererConfiguration, formats, playingPeriodHolder.sampleStreams[i], rendererPositionUs, joining, playingPeriodHolder.getRendererOffset());
                MediaClock mediaClock = renderer.getMediaClock();
                if (mediaClock != null) {
                    if (rendererMediaClock != null) {
                        throw ExoPlaybackException.createForUnexpected(new IllegalStateException("Multiple renderer media clocks enabled."));
                    rendererMediaClock = mediaClock;
                    rendererMediaClockSource = renderer;
                // Start the renderer if playing.
                if (playing) {
Also used : StandaloneMediaClock( MediaClock( TrackSelection(

Example 19 with Format

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class ExoPlayerImplInternal method updatePeriods.

private void updatePeriods() throws ExoPlaybackException, IOException {
    if (timeline == null) {
        // We're waiting to get information about periods.
    // Update the loading period if required.
    if (loadingPeriodHolder == null || loadingPeriodHolder.isFullyBuffered()) {
    } else if (loadingPeriodHolder != null && loadingPeriodHolder.needsContinueLoading) {
    if (playingPeriodHolder == null) {
        // We're waiting for the first period to be prepared.
    // Update the playing and reading periods.
    while (playingPeriodHolder != readingPeriodHolder && rendererPositionUs >= {
        // All enabled renderers' streams have been read to the end, and the playback position reached
        // the end of the playing period, so advance playback to the next period.
        playbackInfo = new PlaybackInfo(playingPeriodHolder.index, playingPeriodHolder.startPositionUs);
        eventHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_POSITION_DISCONTINUITY, playbackInfo).sendToTarget();
    if (readingPeriodHolder.isLast) {
        for (int i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
            Renderer renderer = renderers[i];
            SampleStream sampleStream = readingPeriodHolder.sampleStreams[i];
            // stream in case of playlist changes that cause the stream to be no longer final.
            if (sampleStream != null && renderer.getStream() == sampleStream && renderer.hasReadStreamToEnd()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
        Renderer renderer = renderers[i];
        SampleStream sampleStream = readingPeriodHolder.sampleStreams[i];
        if (renderer.getStream() != sampleStream || (sampleStream != null && !renderer.hasReadStreamToEnd())) {
    if ( != null && {
        TrackSelectorResult oldTrackSelectorResult = readingPeriodHolder.trackSelectorResult;
        readingPeriodHolder =;
        TrackSelectorResult newTrackSelectorResult = readingPeriodHolder.trackSelectorResult;
        boolean initialDiscontinuity = readingPeriodHolder.mediaPeriod.readDiscontinuity() != C.TIME_UNSET;
        for (int i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
            Renderer renderer = renderers[i];
            TrackSelection oldSelection = oldTrackSelectorResult.selections.get(i);
            if (oldSelection == null) {
            // The renderer has no current stream and will be enabled when we play the next period.
            } else if (initialDiscontinuity) {
                // The new period starts with a discontinuity, so the renderer will play out all data then
                // be disabled and re-enabled when it starts playing the next period.
            } else if (!renderer.isCurrentStreamFinal()) {
                TrackSelection newSelection = newTrackSelectorResult.selections.get(i);
                RendererConfiguration oldConfig = oldTrackSelectorResult.rendererConfigurations[i];
                RendererConfiguration newConfig = newTrackSelectorResult.rendererConfigurations[i];
                if (newSelection != null && newConfig.equals(oldConfig)) {
                    // Replace the renderer's SampleStream so the transition to playing the next period can
                    // be seamless.
                    Format[] formats = new Format[newSelection.length()];
                    for (int j = 0; j < formats.length; j++) {
                        formats[j] = newSelection.getFormat(j);
                    renderer.replaceStream(formats, readingPeriodHolder.sampleStreams[i], readingPeriodHolder.getRendererOffset());
                } else {
                    // The renderer will be disabled when transitioning to playing the next period, either
                    // because there's no new selection or because a configuration change is required. Mark
                    // the SampleStream as final to play out any remaining data.
Also used : TrackSelectorResult( TrackSelection( SampleStream(

Example 20 with Format

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class MediaCodecVideoRenderer method supportsFormat.

protected int supportsFormat(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, Format format) throws DecoderQueryException {
    String mimeType = format.sampleMimeType;
    if (!MimeTypes.isVideo(mimeType)) {
    boolean requiresSecureDecryption = false;
    DrmInitData drmInitData = format.drmInitData;
    if (drmInitData != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < drmInitData.schemeDataCount; i++) {
            requiresSecureDecryption |= drmInitData.get(i).requiresSecureDecryption;
    MediaCodecInfo decoderInfo = mediaCodecSelector.getDecoderInfo(mimeType, requiresSecureDecryption);
    if (decoderInfo == null) {
    boolean decoderCapable = decoderInfo.isCodecSupported(format.codecs);
    if (decoderCapable && format.width > 0 && format.height > 0) {
        if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
            decoderCapable = decoderInfo.isVideoSizeAndRateSupportedV21(format.width, format.height, format.frameRate);
        } else {
            decoderCapable = format.width * format.height <= MediaCodecUtil.maxH264DecodableFrameSize();
            if (!decoderCapable) {
                Log.d(TAG, "FalseCheck [legacyFrameSize, " + format.width + "x" + format.height + "] [" + Util.DEVICE_DEBUG_INFO + "]");
    int adaptiveSupport = decoderInfo.adaptive ? ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS : ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS;
    int tunnelingSupport = decoderInfo.tunneling ? TUNNELING_SUPPORTED : TUNNELING_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    int formatSupport = decoderCapable ? FORMAT_HANDLED : FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES;
    return adaptiveSupport | tunnelingSupport | formatSupport;
Also used : DrmInitData( MediaCodecInfo( SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) Point(


Format ( Point ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 TrackGroup ( DataSpec ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)4 MediaFormat ( ParserException ( DrmInitData ( ParsableByteArray ( TrackOutput ( TrackGroupArray ( Representation ( SchemeData ( MediaCodecInfo ( Metadata ( ContainerMediaChunk ( AdaptationSet ( RangedUri ( SingleSegmentBase (