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Example 1 with MediaCodecInfo

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class MediaCodecAudioRenderer method supportsFormat.

protected int supportsFormat(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, Format format) throws DecoderQueryException {
    String mimeType = format.sampleMimeType;
    if (!MimeTypes.isAudio(mimeType)) {
    int tunnelingSupport = Util.SDK_INT >= 21 ? TUNNELING_SUPPORTED : TUNNELING_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    if (allowPassthrough(mimeType) && mediaCodecSelector.getPassthroughDecoderInfo() != null) {
        return ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS | tunnelingSupport | FORMAT_HANDLED;
    MediaCodecInfo decoderInfo = mediaCodecSelector.getDecoderInfo(mimeType, false);
    if (decoderInfo == null) {
    // Note: We assume support for unknown sampleRate and channelCount.
    boolean decoderCapable = Util.SDK_INT < 21 || ((format.sampleRate == Format.NO_VALUE || decoderInfo.isAudioSampleRateSupportedV21(format.sampleRate)) && (format.channelCount == Format.NO_VALUE || decoderInfo.isAudioChannelCountSupportedV21(format.channelCount)));
    int formatSupport = decoderCapable ? FORMAT_HANDLED : FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES;
    return ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS | tunnelingSupport | formatSupport;
Also used : MediaCodecInfo(

Example 2 with MediaCodecInfo

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class MediaCodecVideoRenderer method supportsFormat.

protected int supportsFormat(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, Format format) throws DecoderQueryException {
    String mimeType = format.sampleMimeType;
    if (!MimeTypes.isVideo(mimeType)) {
    boolean requiresSecureDecryption = false;
    DrmInitData drmInitData = format.drmInitData;
    if (drmInitData != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < drmInitData.schemeDataCount; i++) {
            requiresSecureDecryption |= drmInitData.get(i).requiresSecureDecryption;
    MediaCodecInfo decoderInfo = mediaCodecSelector.getDecoderInfo(mimeType, requiresSecureDecryption);
    if (decoderInfo == null) {
    boolean decoderCapable = decoderInfo.isCodecSupported(format.codecs);
    if (decoderCapable && format.width > 0 && format.height > 0) {
        if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
            decoderCapable = decoderInfo.isVideoSizeAndRateSupportedV21(format.width, format.height, format.frameRate);
        } else {
            decoderCapable = format.width * format.height <= MediaCodecUtil.maxH264DecodableFrameSize();
            if (!decoderCapable) {
                Log.d(TAG, "FalseCheck [legacyFrameSize, " + format.width + "x" + format.height + "] [" + Util.DEVICE_DEBUG_INFO + "]");
    int adaptiveSupport = decoderInfo.adaptive ? ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS : ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS;
    int tunnelingSupport = decoderInfo.tunneling ? TUNNELING_SUPPORTED : TUNNELING_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    int formatSupport = decoderCapable ? FORMAT_HANDLED : FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES;
    return adaptiveSupport | tunnelingSupport | formatSupport;
Also used : DrmInitData( MediaCodecInfo( SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) Point(

Example 3 with MediaCodecInfo

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class MediaCodecVideoRenderer method getCodecMaxValues.

   * Returns {@link CodecMaxValues} suitable for configuring a codec for {@code format} in a way
   * that will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats in {@code streamFormats}.
   * @param codecInfo Information about the {@link MediaCodec} being configured.
   * @param format The format for which the codec is being configured.
   * @param streamFormats The possible stream formats.
   * @return Suitable {@link CodecMaxValues}.
   * @throws DecoderQueryException If an error occurs querying {@code codecInfo}.
private static CodecMaxValues getCodecMaxValues(MediaCodecInfo codecInfo, Format format, Format[] streamFormats) throws DecoderQueryException {
    int maxWidth = format.width;
    int maxHeight = format.height;
    int maxInputSize = getMaxInputSize(format);
    if (streamFormats.length == 1) {
        // being configured.
        return new CodecMaxValues(maxWidth, maxHeight, maxInputSize);
    boolean haveUnknownDimensions = false;
    for (Format streamFormat : streamFormats) {
        if (areAdaptationCompatible(format, streamFormat)) {
            haveUnknownDimensions |= (streamFormat.width == Format.NO_VALUE || streamFormat.height == Format.NO_VALUE);
            maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, streamFormat.width);
            maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, streamFormat.height);
            maxInputSize = Math.max(maxInputSize, getMaxInputSize(streamFormat));
    if (haveUnknownDimensions) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Resolutions unknown. Codec max resolution: " + maxWidth + "x" + maxHeight);
        Point codecMaxSize = getCodecMaxSize(codecInfo, format);
        if (codecMaxSize != null) {
            maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, codecMaxSize.x);
            maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, codecMaxSize.y);
            maxInputSize = Math.max(maxInputSize, getMaxInputSize(format.sampleMimeType, maxWidth, maxHeight));
            Log.w(TAG, "Codec max resolution adjusted to: " + maxWidth + "x" + maxHeight);
    return new CodecMaxValues(maxWidth, maxHeight, maxInputSize);
Also used : MediaFormat( Format( Point( SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) Point(

Example 4 with MediaCodecInfo

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class MediaCodecRenderer method maybeInitCodec.

protected final void maybeInitCodec() throws ExoPlaybackException {
    if (!shouldInitCodec()) {
    drmSession = pendingDrmSession;
    String mimeType = format.sampleMimeType;
    MediaCrypto mediaCrypto = null;
    boolean drmSessionRequiresSecureDecoder = false;
    if (drmSession != null) {
        @DrmSession.State int drmSessionState = drmSession.getState();
        if (drmSessionState == DrmSession.STATE_ERROR) {
            throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(drmSession.getError(), getIndex());
        } else if (drmSessionState == DrmSession.STATE_OPENED || drmSessionState == DrmSession.STATE_OPENED_WITH_KEYS) {
            mediaCrypto = drmSession.getMediaCrypto().getWrappedMediaCrypto();
            drmSessionRequiresSecureDecoder = drmSession.requiresSecureDecoderComponent(mimeType);
        } else {
            // The drm session isn't open yet.
    MediaCodecInfo decoderInfo = null;
    try {
        decoderInfo = getDecoderInfo(mediaCodecSelector, format, drmSessionRequiresSecureDecoder);
        if (decoderInfo == null && drmSessionRequiresSecureDecoder) {
            // The drm session indicates that a secure decoder is required, but the device does not have
            // one. Assuming that supportsFormat indicated support for the media being played, we know
            // that it does not require a secure output path. Most CDM implementations allow playback to
            // proceed with a non-secure decoder in this case, so we try our luck.
            decoderInfo = getDecoderInfo(mediaCodecSelector, format, false);
            if (decoderInfo != null) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Drm session requires secure decoder for " + mimeType + ", but " + "no secure decoder available. Trying to proceed with " + + ".");
    } catch (DecoderQueryException e) {
        throwDecoderInitError(new DecoderInitializationException(format, e, drmSessionRequiresSecureDecoder, DecoderInitializationException.DECODER_QUERY_ERROR));
    if (decoderInfo == null) {
        throwDecoderInitError(new DecoderInitializationException(format, null, drmSessionRequiresSecureDecoder, DecoderInitializationException.NO_SUITABLE_DECODER_ERROR));
    String codecName =;
    codecIsAdaptive = decoderInfo.adaptive;
    codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround = codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround(codecName, format);
    codecNeedsFlushWorkaround = codecNeedsFlushWorkaround(codecName);
    codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaround = codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaround(codecName);
    codecNeedsEosPropagationWorkaround = codecNeedsEosPropagationWorkaround(codecName);
    codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround = codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround(codecName);
    codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround = codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround(codecName);
    codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround = codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround(codecName, format);
    try {
        long codecInitializingTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        TraceUtil.beginSection("createCodec:" + codecName);
        codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(codecName);
        configureCodec(decoderInfo, codec, format, mediaCrypto);
        long codecInitializedTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        onCodecInitialized(codecName, codecInitializedTimestamp, codecInitializedTimestamp - codecInitializingTimestamp);
        inputBuffers = codec.getInputBuffers();
        outputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throwDecoderInitError(new DecoderInitializationException(format, e, drmSessionRequiresSecureDecoder, codecName));
    codecHotswapDeadlineMs = getState() == STATE_STARTED ? (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + MAX_CODEC_HOTSWAP_TIME_MS) : C.TIME_UNSET;
    inputIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
    outputIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
    waitingForFirstSyncFrame = true;
Also used : DecoderQueryException( ExoPlaybackException( CodecException( CryptoException( DecoderQueryException( FrameworkMediaCrypto( MediaCrypto(

Example 5 with MediaCodecInfo

use of in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class DashTest method shouldSkipAdaptiveTest.

// Internal.
private static boolean shouldSkipAdaptiveTest(String mimeType) throws DecoderQueryException {
    MediaCodecInfo decoderInfo = MediaCodecUtil.getDecoderInfo(mimeType, false);
    if (decoderInfo.adaptive) {
        return false;
    assertTrue(Util.SDK_INT < 21);
    return true;
Also used : MediaCodecInfo(


MediaCodecInfo ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)2 Point ( CodecException ( CryptoException ( MediaCrypto ( MediaFormat ( ExoPlaybackException ( Format ( DrmInitData ( FrameworkMediaCrypto ( DecoderQueryException (