use of in project ExoPlayer by google.
the class CacheDataSourceTest2 method buildCacheDataSource.
private static CacheDataSource buildCacheDataSource(Context context, DataSource upstreamSource, boolean useAesEncryption) throws CacheException {
File cacheDir = context.getExternalCacheDir();
Cache cache = new SimpleCache(new File(cacheDir, EXO_CACHE_DIR), new NoOpCacheEvictor());
// Source and cipher
final String secretKey = "testKey:12345678";
DataSource file = new FileDataSource();
DataSource cacheReadDataSource = useAesEncryption ? new AesCipherDataSource(Util.getUtf8Bytes(secretKey), file) : file;
// Sink and cipher
CacheDataSink cacheSink = new CacheDataSink(cache, EXO_CACHE_MAX_FILESIZE);
byte[] scratch = new byte[3897];
DataSink cacheWriteDataSink = useAesEncryption ? new AesCipherDataSink(Util.getUtf8Bytes(secretKey), cacheSink, scratch) : cacheSink;
return new CacheDataSource(cache, upstreamSource, cacheReadDataSource, cacheWriteDataSink, CacheDataSource.FLAG_BLOCK_ON_CACHE, // eventListener