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Example 1 with BitmapDescriptor

use of in project android-maps-utils by googlemaps.

the class DefaultClusterRenderer method onBeforeClusterRendered.

     * Called before the marker for a Cluster is added to the map.
     * The default implementation draws a circle with a rough count of the number of items.
protected void onBeforeClusterRendered(Cluster<T> cluster, MarkerOptions markerOptions) {
    int bucket = getBucket(cluster);
    BitmapDescriptor descriptor = mIcons.get(bucket);
    if (descriptor == null) {
        descriptor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(mIconGenerator.makeIcon(getClusterText(bucket)));
        mIcons.put(bucket, descriptor);
    // TODO: consider adding anchor(.5, .5) (Individual markers will overlap more often)
Also used : BitmapDescriptor( Point( SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint)

Example 2 with BitmapDescriptor

use of in project android-maps-utils by googlemaps.

the class KmlRenderer method scaleBitmap.

     * Enlarges or shrinks a bitmap image based on the scale provided
     * @param style     Style to retrieve iconUrl and scale from
     * @param placemarks
     * @param placemark Placemark object to set the image to
private void scaleBitmap(KmlStyle style, HashMap<KmlPlacemark, Object> placemarks, KmlPlacemark placemark) {
    double bitmapScale = style.getIconScale();
    String bitmapUrl = style.getIconUrl();
    Bitmap bitmapImage = getImagesCache().get(bitmapUrl);
    BitmapDescriptor scaledBitmap = scaleIcon(bitmapImage, bitmapScale);
    ((Marker) placemarks.get(placemark)).setIcon(scaledBitmap);
Also used : Bitmap( BitmapDescriptor( Marker(

Example 3 with BitmapDescriptor

use of in project coins-android by bubelov.

the class StaticClusterRenderer method onBeforeClusterRendered.

     * Called before the marker for a Cluster is added to the map.
     * The default implementation draws a circle with a rough count of the number of items.
protected void onBeforeClusterRendered(Cluster<T> cluster, MarkerOptions markerOptions) {
    int bucket = getBucket(cluster);
    BitmapDescriptor descriptor = mIcons.get(bucket);
    if (descriptor == null) {
        descriptor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(mIconGenerator.makeIcon(getClusterText(bucket)));
        mIcons.put(bucket, descriptor);
    // TODO: consider adding anchor(.5, .5) (Individual markers will overlap more often)
Also used : BitmapDescriptor( Point( SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint)

Example 4 with BitmapDescriptor

use of in project wigle-wifi-wardriving by wiglenet.

the class KmlRenderer method scaleBitmap.

 * Enlarges or shrinks a bitmap image based on the scale provided
 * @param style     Style to retrieve iconUrl and scale from
 * @param placemark Placemark object to set the image to
private void scaleBitmap(KmlStyle style, HashMap<KmlPlacemark, Object> placemarks, KmlPlacemark placemark) {
    double bitmapScale = style.getIconScale();
    String bitmapUrl = style.getIconUrl();
    Bitmap bitmapImage = mImagesCache.get(bitmapUrl);
    BitmapDescriptor scaledBitmap = scaleIcon(bitmapImage, bitmapScale);
    ((Marker) placemarks.get(placemark)).setIcon(scaledBitmap);
Also used : Bitmap( BitmapDescriptor( Marker(

Example 5 with BitmapDescriptor

use of in project wigle-wifi-wardriving by wiglenet.

the class KmlRenderer method addGroundOverlayToMap.

 * Adds ground overlays from a given URL onto the map
 * @param groundOverlayUrl url of ground overlay
 * @param groundOverlays   hashmap of ground overlays to add to the map
private void addGroundOverlayToMap(String groundOverlayUrl, HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay, GroundOverlay> groundOverlays, boolean containerVisibility) {
    BitmapDescriptor groundOverlayBitmap = BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(mImagesCache.get(groundOverlayUrl));
    for (KmlGroundOverlay kmlGroundOverlay : groundOverlays.keySet()) {
        if (kmlGroundOverlay.getImageUrl().equals(groundOverlayUrl)) {
            GroundOverlayOptions groundOverlayOptions = kmlGroundOverlay.getGroundOverlayOptions().image(groundOverlayBitmap);
            GroundOverlay mapGroundOverlay = mMap.addGroundOverlay(groundOverlayOptions);
            if (containerVisibility == false) {
            groundOverlays.put(kmlGroundOverlay, mapGroundOverlay);
Also used : GroundOverlayOptions( BitmapDescriptor( GroundOverlay(


BitmapDescriptor ( Bitmap ( LatLng ( MarkerOptions ( Marker ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)4 GroundOverlayOptions ( Point ( RemoteImageLoader (com.omkarmoghe.pokemap.helpers.RemoteImageLoader)4 GeoJsonPointStyle ( FortDataOuterClass (POGOProtos.Map.Fort.FortDataOuterClass)2 GoogleMap ( GroundOverlay ( IALatLng ( GymMarkerExtended ( PokemonMarkerExtended ( PokestopMarkerExtended ( Pokestop ( CatchablePokemon ( PokemonIdOuterClass (POGOProtos.Enums.PokemonIdOuterClass)1