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Example 1 with PolylineOptions

use of in project Android-GoogleDirectionAndPlaceLibrary by akexorcist.

the class GoogleDirection method getPolyline.

public PolylineOptions getPolyline(Document doc, int width, int color) {
    ArrayList<LatLng> arr_pos = getDirection(doc);
    PolylineOptions rectLine = new PolylineOptions().width(dpToPx(width)).color(color);
    for (int i = 0; i < arr_pos.size(); i++) rectLine.add(arr_pos.get(i));
    return rectLine;
Also used : LatLng( SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) PolylineOptions(

Example 2 with PolylineOptions

use of in project android-maps-utils by googlemaps.

the class PolySimplifyDemoActivity method startDemo.

protected void startDemo() {
    GoogleMap mMap = getMap();
    // Original line
    List<LatLng> line = PolyUtil.decode(LINE);
    mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().addAll(line).color(Color.BLACK));
    getMap().moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(new LatLng(28.05870, -82.4090), 15));
    List<LatLng> simplifiedLine;
         * Simplified lines - increasing the tolerance will result in fewer points in the simplified
         * line
    // meters
    double tolerance = 5;
    simplifiedLine = PolyUtil.simplify(line, tolerance);
    mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().addAll(simplifiedLine).color(Color.RED - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT));
    // meters
    tolerance = 20;
    simplifiedLine = PolyUtil.simplify(line, tolerance);
    mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().addAll(simplifiedLine).color(Color.GREEN - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT));
    // meters
    tolerance = 50;
    simplifiedLine = PolyUtil.simplify(line, tolerance);
    mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().addAll(simplifiedLine).color(Color.MAGENTA - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT));
    // meters
    tolerance = 500;
    simplifiedLine = PolyUtil.simplify(line, tolerance);
    mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().addAll(simplifiedLine).color(Color.YELLOW - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT));
    // meters
    tolerance = 1000;
    simplifiedLine = PolyUtil.simplify(line, tolerance);
    mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().addAll(simplifiedLine).color(Color.BLUE - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT));
    // Triangle polygon - the polygon should be closed
    ArrayList<LatLng> triangle = new ArrayList<>();
    // Should match last point
    triangle.add(new LatLng(28.06025, -82.41030));
    triangle.add(new LatLng(28.06129, -82.40945));
    triangle.add(new LatLng(28.06206, -82.40917));
    triangle.add(new LatLng(28.06125, -82.40850));
    triangle.add(new LatLng(28.06035, -82.40834));
    triangle.add(new LatLng(28.06038, -82.40924));
    // Should match first point
    triangle.add(new LatLng(28.06025, -82.41030));
    mMap.addPolygon(new PolygonOptions().addAll(triangle).fillColor(Color.BLUE - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT).strokeColor(Color.BLUE).strokeWidth(5));
    // Simplified triangle polygon
    // meters
    tolerance = 88;
    List simplifiedTriangle = PolyUtil.simplify(triangle, tolerance);
    mMap.addPolygon(new PolygonOptions().addAll(simplifiedTriangle).fillColor(Color.YELLOW - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT).strokeColor(Color.YELLOW).strokeWidth(5));
    // Oval polygon - the polygon should be closed
    List<LatLng> oval = PolyUtil.decode(OVAL_POLYGON);
    mMap.addPolygon(new PolygonOptions().addAll(oval).fillColor(Color.BLUE - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT).strokeColor(Color.BLUE).strokeWidth(5));
    // Simplified oval polygon
    // meters
    tolerance = 10;
    List simplifiedOval = PolyUtil.simplify(oval, tolerance);
    mMap.addPolygon(new PolygonOptions().addAll(simplifiedOval).fillColor(Color.YELLOW - ALPHA_ADJUSTMENT).strokeColor(Color.YELLOW).strokeWidth(5));
Also used : GoogleMap( PolygonOptions( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LatLng( PolylineOptions(

Example 3 with PolylineOptions

use of in project Space-Station-Tracker by Kiarasht.

the class MapsActivity method updatePolyline.

     * Update polyline sets the future predictions of ISS's position for up to 90 minutes.
private void updatePolyline(Date currentDate) {
    long currentLong = currentDate.getTime() / 1000;
    final long[] futureTen = new long[10];
    for (int i = 0; i < futureTen.length; ++i) {
        futureTen[i] = currentLong + (30 * mPoly++);
    final StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    for (long aFutureTen : futureTen) {
    urlBuilder.setLength(urlBuilder.length() - 1);
    //TODO: As a user, I would like the option of changing the units from metric to imperial
    final String units = "miles";
    final String url = "" + urlBuilder.toString() + "&units=" + units;
    final int finalStart = mPoly;
    JsonArrayRequest jsonArrayRequest = new JsonArrayRequest(url, new Response.Listener<JSONArray>() {

        public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
            try {
                final LatLng[] latLngs = new LatLng[10];
                for (int i = 0; i < response.length(); ++i) {
                    latLngs[i] = new LatLng(response.getJSONObject(i).getDouble("latitude"), response.getJSONObject(i).getDouble("longitude"));
                MapsActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        if (finalStart == 10) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < futureTen.length - 1; ++i) {
                                mPolyLine = mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().add(latLngs[i], latLngs[i + 1]).width(mCurrentWidth).color(mCurrentColor));
                                mPolyArray[mPolyCounter++] = mPolyLine;
                            mLast = latLngs[latLngs.length - 1];
                        } else {
                            mPolyArray[mPolyCounter++] = mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().add(mLast, latLngs[0]).width(mCurrentWidth).color(mCurrentColor));
                            for (int i = 0; i < futureTen.length - 1; ++i) {
                                mPolyArray[mPolyCounter++] = mMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().add(latLngs[i], latLngs[i + 1]).width(mCurrentWidth).color(mCurrentColor));
                            mLast = latLngs[latLngs.length - 1];
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (mLast == null) {
           Exception("mLast was null"));
    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {

        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError e) {
Also used : VolleyError( JsonArrayRequest( JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) PolylineOptions( Response( LatLng(

Example 4 with PolylineOptions

use of in project cw-omnibus by commonsguy.

the class MainActivity method onMapReady.

public void onMapReady(final GoogleMap map) {
    if (needsInit) {
        CameraUpdate center = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(40.76793169992044, -73.98180484771729));
        CameraUpdate zoom = CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(15);
    addMarker(map, 40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104, R.string.un, R.string.united_nations);
    addMarker(map, 40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417, R.string.lincoln_center, R.string.lincoln_center_snippet);
    addMarker(map, 40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868, R.string.carnegie_hall, R.string.practice_x3);
    addMarker(map, 40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765, R.string.downtown_club, R.string.heisman_trophy);
    PolylineOptions line = new PolylineOptions().add(new LatLng(40.70686417491799, -74.01572942733765), new LatLng(40.76866299974387, -73.98268461227417), new LatLng(40.765136435316755, -73.97989511489868), new LatLng(40.748963847316034, -73.96807193756104)).width(5).color(Color.RED);
    PolygonOptions area = new PolygonOptions().add(new LatLng(40.748429, -73.984573), new LatLng(40.753393, -73.996311), new LatLng(40.758393, -73.992705), new LatLng(40.753484, -73.980882)).strokeColor(Color.BLUE);
    map.setInfoWindowAdapter(new PopupAdapter(getLayoutInflater()));
Also used : PolygonOptions( LatLng( CameraUpdate( PolylineOptions(

Example 5 with PolylineOptions

use of in project android-maps-utils by googlemaps.

the class Renderer method addKmlPlacemarkToMap.

     * Adds a single geometry object to the map with its specified style (used for KML)
     * @param geometry defines the type of object to add to the map
     * @param style    defines styling properties to add to the object when added to the map
     * @return the object that was added to the map, this is a Marker, Polyline, Polygon or an array
     * of either objects
protected Object addKmlPlacemarkToMap(KmlPlacemark placemark, Geometry geometry, KmlStyle style, KmlStyle inlineStyle, boolean isVisible) {
    String geometryType = geometry.getGeometryType();
    boolean hasDrawOrder = placemark.hasProperty("drawOrder");
    float drawOrder = 0;
    if (hasDrawOrder) {
        try {
            drawOrder = Float.parseFloat(placemark.getProperty("drawOrder"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            hasDrawOrder = false;
    switch(geometryType) {
        case "Point":
            MarkerOptions markerOptions = style.getMarkerOptions();
            if (inlineStyle != null) {
                setInlinePointStyle(markerOptions, inlineStyle, style.getIconUrl());
            } else if (style.getIconUrl() != null) {
                // Use shared style
                addMarkerIcons(style.getIconUrl(), markerOptions);
            Marker marker = addPointToMap(markerOptions, (KmlPoint) geometry);
            setMarkerInfoWindow(style, marker, placemark);
            if (hasDrawOrder) {
            return marker;
        case "LineString":
            PolylineOptions polylineOptions = style.getPolylineOptions();
            if (inlineStyle != null) {
                setInlineLineStringStyle(polylineOptions, inlineStyle);
            } else if (style.isLineRandomColorMode()) {
            Polyline polyline = addLineStringToMap(polylineOptions, (LineString) geometry);
            if (hasDrawOrder) {
            return polyline;
        case "Polygon":
            PolygonOptions polygonOptions = style.getPolygonOptions();
            if (inlineStyle != null) {
                setInlinePolygonStyle(polygonOptions, inlineStyle);
            } else if (style.isPolyRandomColorMode()) {
            Polygon polygon = addPolygonToMap(polygonOptions, (DataPolygon) geometry);
            if (hasDrawOrder) {
            return polygon;
        case "MultiGeometry":
            return addMultiGeometryToMap(placemark, (KmlMultiGeometry) geometry, style, inlineStyle, isVisible);
    return null;
Also used : MarkerOptions( PolygonOptions( Polyline( GeoJsonLineString( GeoJsonMultiLineString( Marker( Polygon( GeoJsonPolygon( GeoJsonMultiPolygon( PolylineOptions(


PolylineOptions ( LatLng ( MarkerOptions ( PolygonOptions ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)1 Handler (android.os.Handler)1 GoogleDirection (app.akexorcist.gdaplibrary.GoogleDirection)1 OnDirectionResponseListener (app.akexorcist.gdaplibrary.GoogleDirection.OnDirectionResponseListener)1 Response ( VolleyError ( JsonArrayRequest ( CameraUpdate ( GoogleMap ( CameraPosition ( Marker ( Polygon ( Polyline ( GeoJsonLineString ( GeoJsonMultiLineString ( GeoJsonMultiPolygon (