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Example 6 with Criterion

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class ProductPartitionNodeAdapter method createCriterionForRemove.

 * Returns a new AdGroupCriterion configured for a REMOVE operation.
 * @param node the node whose criterion should be removed
 * @param adGroupId the ad group ID of the criterion
static AdGroupCriterion createCriterionForRemove(ProductPartitionNode node, long adGroupId) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Null node");
    AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = new AdGroupCriterion();
    adGroupCriterion.setCriterion(new ProductPartition());
    return adGroupCriterion;
Also used : BiddableAdGroupCriterion( NegativeAdGroupCriterion( AdGroupCriterion( ProductPartition(

Example 7 with Criterion

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class ProductPartitionNodeAdapter method createCriterionForSetBiddableUnit.

 * Returns a new AdGroupCriterion configured for a SET operation that will set the criterion's
 * bid, tracking template, and custom parameters.
 * @param node the node whose criterion should be updated
 * @param adGroupId the ad group ID of the criterion
 * @param biddingConfig the bidding strategy configuration of the criterion
static AdGroupCriterion createCriterionForSetBiddableUnit(ProductPartitionNode node, long adGroupId, BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingConfig) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Null node");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(biddingConfig, "Null bidding configuration");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(node.isBiddableUnit(), "Node is not a biddable unit");
    BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
    ProductPartition partition = new ProductPartition();
    if (node.getParent() != null) {
    // Set the bidding attributes on the new ad group criterion.
    if (node.getBid() != null) {
        Money bidMoney = new Money();
        CpcBid cpcBid = new CpcBid();
        biddingConfig.setBids(new Bids[] { cpcBid });
    } else {
        biddingConfig.setBids(new Bids[0]);
    // Set the upgraded URL attributes on the new ad group criterion.
    if (node.getTrackingUrlTemplate() != null) {
    return biddableCriterion;
Also used : Money( BiddableAdGroupCriterion( CpcBid( ProductPartition(

Example 8 with Criterion

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class ProductPartitionNodeAdapter method createCriterionForAdd.

 * Returns a new AdGroupCriterion configured for an ADD operation.
 * @param node the node whose criterion should be added
 * @param adGroupId the ad group ID of the criterion
 * @param biddingConfig the bidding strategy configuration of the criterion
static AdGroupCriterion createCriterionForAdd(ProductPartitionNode node, long adGroupId, BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingConfig) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Null node");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(biddingConfig, "Null bidding configuration");
    AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion;
    if (node.isExcludedUnit()) {
        adGroupCriterion = new NegativeAdGroupCriterion();
    } else if (node.isBiddableUnit()) {
        BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
        if (node.getBid() != null) {
            Money bidMoney = new Money();
            CpcBid cpcBid = new CpcBid();
            biddingConfig.setBids(new Bids[] { cpcBid });
        if (node.getTrackingUrlTemplate() != null) {
        adGroupCriterion = biddableCriterion;
    } else {
        adGroupCriterion = new BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
    ProductPartition partition = new ProductPartition();
    if (node.getParent() != null) {
    partition.setPartitionType(node.isUnit() ? ProductPartitionType.UNIT : ProductPartitionType.SUBDIVISION);
    return adGroupCriterion;
Also used : Money( BiddableAdGroupCriterion( BiddableAdGroupCriterion( NegativeAdGroupCriterion( AdGroupCriterion( Bids( CpcBid( ProductPartition( NegativeAdGroupCriterion(

Example 9 with Criterion

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class ProductPartitionTreeImpl method createAdGroupTree.

 * Returns a new instance of this class by retrieving the product partitions of the
 * specified ad group. All parameters are required.
static ProductPartitionTreeImpl createAdGroupTree(AdWordsServicesInterface services, AdWordsSession session, Long adGroupId) throws ApiException, RemoteException {
    // Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
    AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface criterionService = services.get(session, AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface.class);
    SelectorBuilder selectorBuilder = new SelectorBuilder().fields(REQUIRED_SELECTOR_FIELD_ENUMS.toArray(new AdGroupCriterionField[REQUIRED_SELECTOR_FIELD_ENUMS.size()])).equals(AdGroupCriterionField.AdGroupId, adGroupId.toString()).equals(AdGroupCriterionField.CriteriaType, "PRODUCT_PARTITION").in(AdGroupCriterionField.Status, UserStatus.ENABLED.getValue(), UserStatus.PAUSED.getValue()).limit(PAGE_SIZE);
    AdGroupCriterionPage adGroupCriterionPage;
    // A multimap from each product partition ID to its direct children.
    ListMultimap<Long, AdGroupCriterion> parentIdMap = LinkedListMultimap.create();
    int offset = 0;
    do {
        // Get the next page of results.
        adGroupCriterionPage = criterionService.get(;
        if (adGroupCriterionPage != null && adGroupCriterionPage.getEntries() != null) {
            for (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion : adGroupCriterionPage.getEntries()) {
                ProductPartition partition = (ProductPartition) adGroupCriterion.getCriterion();
                parentIdMap.put(partition.getParentCriterionId(), adGroupCriterion);
            offset += adGroupCriterionPage.getEntries().length;
    } while (offset < adGroupCriterionPage.getTotalNumEntries());
    // Construct the ProductPartitionTree from the parentIdMap.
    if (!parentIdMap.containsKey(null)) {
        Preconditions.checkState(parentIdMap.isEmpty(), "No root criterion found in the tree but the tree is not empty");
        return createEmptyAdGroupTree(adGroupId, getAdGroupBiddingStrategyConfiguration(services, session, adGroupId));
    return createNonEmptyAdGroupTree(adGroupId, parentIdMap);
Also used : AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface( SelectorBuilder( AdGroupCriterionPage( BiddableAdGroupCriterion( AdGroupCriterion( ProductPartition( AdGroupCriterionField(

Example 10 with Criterion

use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.

the class GetKeywordBidSimulations method runExample.

 * Runs the example.
 * @param adWordsServices the services factory.
 * @param session the session.
 * @param adGroupId the ID of the ad group.
 * @param criterionId the ID of the criterion.
 * @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
 * @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Long adGroupId, Long criterionId) throws RemoteException {
    // Get the DataService.
    DataServiceInterface dataService = adWordsServices.get(session, DataServiceInterface.class);
    // Create a query to select all keyword bid simulations for the ad group.
    ServiceQuery query = new ServiceQuery.Builder().fields(DataField.AdGroupId, DataField.CriterionId, DataField.StartDate, DataField.EndDate, DataField.Bid, DataField.BiddableConversions, DataField.BiddableConversionsValue, DataField.LocalClicks, DataField.LocalCost, DataField.LocalImpressions).where(DataField.AdGroupId).equalTo(adGroupId).where(DataField.CriterionId).equalTo(criterionId).limit(0, PAGE_SIZE).build();
    // Display bid landscapes.
    CriterionBidLandscapePage page = null;
    do {
        // Retrieve keyword bid simulations one page at a time, continuing to request pages until all
        // of them have been retrieved.
        page = dataService.queryCriterionBidLandscape(query.toString());
        if (page.getEntries() != null) {
            for (CriterionBidLandscape criterionBidLandscape : page.getEntries()) {
                System.out.printf("Criterion bid landscape with ad group ID %d, criterion ID %d, " + "start date %s, end date %s, with landscape points:%n", criterionBidLandscape.getAdGroupId(), criterionBidLandscape.getCriterionId(), criterionBidLandscape.getStartDate(), criterionBidLandscape.getEndDate());
                for (BidLandscapeLandscapePoint bidLanscapePoint : criterionBidLandscape.getLandscapePoints()) {
                    System.out.printf("\t{bid: %d clicks: %d cost: %d impressions: %d, biddable conversions: %.2f, " + "biddable conversions value: %.2f}%n", bidLanscapePoint.getBid().getMicroAmount(), bidLanscapePoint.getClicks(), bidLanscapePoint.getCost().getMicroAmount(), bidLanscapePoint.getImpressions(), bidLanscapePoint.getBiddableConversions(), bidLanscapePoint.getBiddableConversionsValue());
                System.out.println(" was found.");
    } while (query.hasNext(page));
Also used : CriterionBidLandscapePage( CriterionBidLandscape( DataServiceInterface( BidLandscapeLandscapePoint( ServiceQuery(


AdGroupCriterion ( BiddableAdGroupCriterion ( AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface ( AdGroupCriterionOperation ( Money ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 BiddingStrategyConfiguration ( CpcBid ( AdGroupCriterionReturnValue ( Criterion ( CampaignCriterion ( Keyword ( SelectorBuilder ( CampaignCriterionOperation ( CampaignCriterionServiceInterface ( NegativeAdGroupCriterion ( ProductPartition ( BidLandscapeLandscapePoint ( Bids ( CampaignCriterionReturnValue (