use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class ProductPartitionTreeImpl method createNonEmptyAdGroupTree.
* Returns a new tree based on a non-empty collection of ad group criteria. All parameters
* required.
* @param adGroupId the ID of the ad group
* @param parentIdMap the multimap from parent product partition ID to child criteria
* @return a new ProductPartitionTree
private static ProductPartitionTreeImpl createNonEmptyAdGroupTree(Long adGroupId, ListMultimap<Long, AdGroupCriterion> parentIdMap) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(adGroupId, "Null ad group ID");
Preconditions.checkArgument(!parentIdMap.isEmpty(), "parentIdMap passed for ad group ID %s is empty", adGroupId);
Preconditions.checkArgument(parentIdMap.containsKey(null), "No root criterion found in the list of ad group criteria for ad group ID %s", adGroupId);
AdGroupCriterion rootCriterion = Iterables.getOnlyElement(parentIdMap.get(null));
Preconditions.checkState(rootCriterion instanceof BiddableAdGroupCriterion, "Root criterion for ad group ID %s is not a BiddableAdGroupCriterion", adGroupId);
BiddableAdGroupCriterion biddableRootCriterion = (BiddableAdGroupCriterion) rootCriterion;
BiddingStrategyConfiguration biddingStrategyConfig = biddableRootCriterion.getBiddingStrategyConfiguration();
Preconditions.checkState(biddingStrategyConfig != null, "Null bidding strategy config on the root node of ad group ID %s", adGroupId);
ProductPartitionNode rootNode = new ProductPartitionNode(null, (ProductDimension) null, rootCriterion.getCriterion().getId(), new ProductDimensionComparator());
// Set the root's bid if a bid exists on the BiddableAdGroupCriterion.
Money rootNodeBid = getBid(biddableRootCriterion);
if (rootNodeBid != null) {
rootNode = rootNode.asBiddableUnit().setBid(rootNodeBid.getMicroAmount());
rootNode = rootNode.setTrackingUrlTemplate(biddableRootCriterion.getTrackingUrlTemplate());
rootNode = copyCustomParametersToNode(biddableRootCriterion, rootNode);
addChildNodes(rootNode, parentIdMap);
return new ProductPartitionTreeImpl(adGroupId, biddingStrategyConfig, rootNode);
use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class AddUniversalAppCampaign method setCampaignTargetingCriteria.
* Sets the campaign's targeting criteria.
private static void setCampaignTargetingCriteria(Campaign campaign, AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws ApiException, RemoteException {
// Get the CampaignCriterionService.
CampaignCriterionServiceInterface campaignCriterionService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignCriterionServiceInterface.class);
// Create locations. The IDs can be found in the documentation or
// retrieved with the LocationCriterionService.
Location california = new Location();
Location mexico = new Location();
// Create languages. The IDs can be found in the documentation or
// retrieved with the ConstantDataService.
Language english = new Language();
Language spanish = new Language();
List<Criterion> criteria = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(california, mexico, english, spanish));
// Create operations to add each of the criteria above.
List<CampaignCriterionOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>();
for (Criterion criterion : criteria) {
CampaignCriterionOperation operation = new CampaignCriterionOperation();
CampaignCriterion campaignCriterion = new CampaignCriterion();
// Set the campaign targets.
CampaignCriterionReturnValue returnValue = campaignCriterionService.mutate(operations.toArray(new CampaignCriterionOperation[operations.size()]));
if (returnValue != null && returnValue.getValue() != null) {
// Display added campaign targets.
for (CampaignCriterion campaignCriterion : returnValue.getValue()) {
System.out.printf("Campaign criteria of type '%s' and ID %d was added.%n", campaignCriterion.getCriterion().getCriterionType(), campaignCriterion.getCriterion().getId());
use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class FindAndRemoveCriteriaFromSharedSet method runExample.
* Runs the example.
* @param adWordsServices the services factory.
* @param session the session.
* @param campaignId the ID of the campaign to use to find shared sets.
* @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
* @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Long campaignId) throws RemoteException {
// Get the CampaignSharedSetService.
CampaignSharedSetServiceInterface campaignSharedSetService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignSharedSetServiceInterface.class);
// First, retrieve all shared sets associated with the campaign.
int offset = 0;
SelectorBuilder selectorBuilder = new SelectorBuilder().fields(CampaignSharedSetField.SharedSetId, CampaignSharedSetField.CampaignId, CampaignSharedSetField.SharedSetName, CampaignSharedSetField.SharedSetType).equals(CampaignSharedSetField.CampaignId, campaignId.toString()).in(CampaignSharedSetField.SharedSetType, SharedSetType.NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS.getValue(), SharedSetType.NEGATIVE_PLACEMENTS.getValue()).limit(PAGE_SIZE);
List<Long> sharedSetIds = new ArrayList<>();
CampaignSharedSetPage campaignSharedSetPage;
do {
campaignSharedSetPage = campaignSharedSetService.get(;
for (CampaignSharedSet campaignSharedSet : campaignSharedSetPage.getEntries()) {
System.out.printf("Campaign shared set ID %d and name '%s' found for campaign ID %d.%n", campaignSharedSet.getSharedSetId(), campaignSharedSet.getSharedSetName(), campaignSharedSet.getCampaignId());
offset += PAGE_SIZE;
} while (offset < campaignSharedSetPage.getTotalNumEntries());
if (sharedSetIds.isEmpty()) {
System.out.printf("No shared sets found for campaign ID %d.%n", campaignId);
// Next, retrieve criterion IDs for all found shared sets.
SharedCriterionServiceInterface sharedCriterionService = adWordsServices.get(session, SharedCriterionServiceInterface.class);
// Transform shared set IDs to strings.
String[] sharedSetIdStrings = Collections2.transform(sharedSetIds, Functions.toStringFunction()).toArray(new String[sharedSetIds.size()]);
offset = 0;
selectorBuilder = new SelectorBuilder().fields("SharedSetId", "Id", "KeywordText", "KeywordMatchType", "PlacementUrl").in("SharedSetId", sharedSetIdStrings).limit(PAGE_SIZE);
List<SharedCriterionOperation> removeCriterionOperations = new ArrayList<>();
SharedCriterionPage sharedCriterionPage;
do {
sharedCriterionPage = sharedCriterionService.get(;
for (SharedCriterion sharedCriterion : sharedCriterionPage.getEntries()) {
if (CriterionType.KEYWORD.equals(sharedCriterion.getCriterion().getType())) {
Keyword keyword = (Keyword) sharedCriterion.getCriterion();
System.out.printf("Shared negative keyword with ID %d and text '%s' was found.%n", keyword.getId(), keyword.getText());
} else if (CriterionType.PLACEMENT.equals(sharedCriterion.getCriterion().getType())) {
Placement placement = (Placement) sharedCriterion.getCriterion();
System.out.printf("Shared negative placement with ID %d and URL '%s' was found.%n", placement.getId(), placement.getUrl());
} else {
System.out.printf("Shared criterion with ID %d was found.%n", sharedCriterion.getCriterion().getId());
// Create an operation to remove this criterion.
SharedCriterionOperation removeCriterionOperation = new SharedCriterionOperation();
SharedCriterion sharedCriterionToRemove = new SharedCriterion();
Criterion criterionToRemove = new Criterion();
offset += PAGE_SIZE;
} while (offset < sharedCriterionPage.getTotalNumEntries());
// Finally, remove the criteria.
if (removeCriterionOperations.isEmpty()) {
System.out.printf("No shared criteria to remove.%n");
} else {
SharedCriterionReturnValue sharedCriterionReturnValue = sharedCriterionService.mutate(removeCriterionOperations.toArray(new SharedCriterionOperation[removeCriterionOperations.size()]));
for (SharedCriterion removedCriterion : sharedCriterionReturnValue.getValue()) {
System.out.printf("Shared criterion ID %d was successfully removed from shared set ID %d.%n", removedCriterion.getCriterion().getId(), removedCriterion.getSharedSetId());
use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class EstimateKeywordTraffic method runExample.
* Runs the example.
* @param adWordsServices the services factory.
* @param session the session.
* @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
* @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws RemoteException {
// Get the TrafficEstimatorService.
TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface trafficEstimatorService = adWordsServices.get(session, TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface.class);
// Create keywords. Refer to the TrafficEstimatorService documentation for the maximum
// number of keywords that can be passed in a single request.
List<Keyword> keywords = new ArrayList<Keyword>();
Keyword marsCruiseKeyword = new Keyword();
marsCruiseKeyword.setText("mars cruise");
Keyword cheapCruiseKeyword = new Keyword();
cheapCruiseKeyword.setText("cheap cruise");
Keyword cruiseKeyword = new Keyword();
// Create a keyword estimate request for each keyword.
List<KeywordEstimateRequest> keywordEstimateRequests = -> {
KeywordEstimateRequest keywordEstimateRequest = new KeywordEstimateRequest();
return keywordEstimateRequest;
// Add a negative keyword to the traffic estimate.
KeywordEstimateRequest negativeKeywordEstimateRequest = new KeywordEstimateRequest();
negativeKeywordEstimateRequest.setKeyword(new Keyword(null, null, null, "hiking tour", KeywordMatchType.BROAD));
// Create ad group estimate requests.
List<AdGroupEstimateRequest> adGroupEstimateRequests = new ArrayList<AdGroupEstimateRequest>();
AdGroupEstimateRequest adGroupEstimateRequest = new AdGroupEstimateRequest();
adGroupEstimateRequest.setKeywordEstimateRequests(keywordEstimateRequests.toArray(new KeywordEstimateRequest[] {}));
adGroupEstimateRequest.setMaxCpc(new Money(null, 1000000L));
// Create campaign estimate requests.
List<CampaignEstimateRequest> campaignEstimateRequests = new ArrayList<CampaignEstimateRequest>();
CampaignEstimateRequest campaignEstimateRequest = new CampaignEstimateRequest();
campaignEstimateRequest.setAdGroupEstimateRequests(adGroupEstimateRequests.toArray(new AdGroupEstimateRequest[] {}));
Location unitedStates = new Location();
Language english = new Language();
campaignEstimateRequest.setCriteria(new Criterion[] { unitedStates, english });
// Create selector.
TrafficEstimatorSelector selector = new TrafficEstimatorSelector();
selector.setCampaignEstimateRequests(campaignEstimateRequests.toArray(new CampaignEstimateRequest[] {}));
// Optional: Request a list of campaign level estimates segmented by platform.
// Get traffic estimates.
TrafficEstimatorResult result = trafficEstimatorService.get(selector);
// Display traffic estimates.
if (result != null && result.getCampaignEstimates() != null && result.getCampaignEstimates().length > 0) {
CampaignEstimate campaignEstimate = result.getCampaignEstimates()[0];
// Display the campaign level estimates segmented by platform.
if (campaignEstimate.getPlatformEstimates() != null) {
for (PlatformCampaignEstimate platformEstimate : campaignEstimate.getPlatformEstimates()) {
String platformMessage = String.format("Results for the platform with ID %d and name '%s':%n", platformEstimate.getPlatform().getId(), platformEstimate.getPlatform().getPlatformName());
displayMeanEstimates(platformMessage, platformEstimate.getMinEstimate(), platformEstimate.getMaxEstimate());
// Display the keyword estimates.
KeywordEstimate[] keywordEstimates = campaignEstimate.getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates();
for (int i = 0; i < keywordEstimates.length; i++) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(keywordEstimateRequests.get(i).getIsNegative())) {
Keyword keyword = keywordEstimateRequests.get(i).getKeyword();
KeywordEstimate keywordEstimate = keywordEstimates[i];
String keywordMessage = String.format("Results for the keyword with text '%s' and match type '%s':%n", keyword.getText(), keyword.getMatchType());
displayMeanEstimates(keywordMessage, keywordEstimate.getMin(), keywordEstimate.getMax());
} else {
System.out.println("No traffic estimates were returned.");
use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class RemoveKeyword method runExample.
* Runs the example.
* @param adWordsServices the services factory.
* @param session the session.
* @param adGroupId the ID of the ad group for the keyword criterion.
* @param criterionId the ID of the keyword criterion to remove.
* @throws ApiException if the API request failed with one or more service errors.
* @throws RemoteException if the API request failed due to other errors.
public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, long adGroupId, long criterionId) throws RemoteException {
// Get the AdGroupCriterionService.
AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface adGroupCriterionService = adWordsServices.get(session, AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface.class);
// Create base class criterion to avoid setting keyword specific fields.
Criterion criterion = new Criterion();
// Create ad group criterion.
AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterion = new AdGroupCriterion();
// Create operations.
AdGroupCriterionOperation operation = new AdGroupCriterionOperation();
AdGroupCriterionOperation[] operations = new AdGroupCriterionOperation[] { operation };
// Remove ad group criteria.
AdGroupCriterionReturnValue result = adGroupCriterionService.mutate(operations);
// Display ad group criteria.
for (AdGroupCriterion adGroupCriterionResult : result.getValue()) {
System.out.printf("Ad group criterion with ad group ID %d, criterion ID %d, and type " + "'%s' was removed.%n", adGroupCriterionResult.getAdGroupId(), adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion().getId(), adGroupCriterionResult.getCriterion().getCriterionType());