use of in project googleads-java-lib by googleads.
the class MigrateToExtensionSettings method getFeedMapping.
* Gets the feed mapping for a feed.
* @return a multimap from feed attribute ID to the set of field IDs mapped to the attribute
private static Multimap<Long, Integer> getFeedMapping(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Feed feed, long placeholderType) throws RemoteException {
// Get the FeedMappingService.
FeedMappingServiceInterface feedMappingService = adWordsServices.get(session, FeedMappingServiceInterface.class);
String query = String.format("SELECT FeedMappingId, AttributeFieldMappings WHERE FeedId = %d and PlaceholderType = %d " + "AND Status = 'ENABLED'", feed.getId(), placeholderType);
Multimap<Long, Integer> attributeMappings = HashMultimap.create();
int offset = 0;
FeedMappingPage feedMappingPage;
do {
String pageQuery = String.format(query + " LIMIT %d, %d", offset, PAGE_SIZE);
feedMappingPage = feedMappingService.query(pageQuery);
if (feedMappingPage.getEntries() != null) {
// than one field if needed.
for (FeedMapping feedMapping : feedMappingPage.getEntries()) {
for (AttributeFieldMapping attributeMapping : feedMapping.getAttributeFieldMappings()) {
attributeMappings.put(attributeMapping.getFeedAttributeId(), attributeMapping.getFieldId());
offset += PAGE_SIZE;
} while (offset < feedMappingPage.getTotalNumEntries());
return attributeMappings;